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The Forum > General Discussion > Activists More Interested Own Feelings Than In Preventing Child Abuse

Activists More Interested Own Feelings Than In Preventing Child Abuse

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ttbn Please translate the following quote into English please?

"You are as will as the madwoman" Plain English will be okay.

individual, I knew it would not be long before you stick your nose in to help your BFF.

But like usual your comments do little to further the discussion.
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 29 September 2018 7:45:14 PM
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individual, I knew it would not be long before you stick your nose in to help your BFF.
Philip S,
Resorting to meaningless dribble does not help anyone. I'm not here to help others in debate, I'm only interested in making statements that could in my opinion help all to become more considerate.
Why do you only criticise ? Why not propose/suggest solutions ? Aren't you interested in the childres' welfare, only in proving that you have such a magnificent grasp of the english language ?
I propose for people to stand back & consider supporting Govt to curb the misuse of authority by it's bureaucrats which results in many young peoples' future being jeopardised. One of these steps would be to support a motion that activist not get paid by taxpayers. Another step would be to ensure that training of teachers is stepped up several notches.
My perception is that most academic background people are merely interfering & not helping at all. These so-called progressives are nothing more than major hurdles for others who want to genuinely help, not just trumpeting about how smart they are. If they were indeed so clever than why haven't they solved these problems by now ? They've had 50 years & still haven't achieved anything. Isn't it time you stopped supporting them ?
I have witnessed so many bureaucrats in remote communities totally disinterested in helping to better conditions. Most of them only sprout about how much more funding they secured. There was not actual improvement on the ground. Travel & associated benefit rorts are simply wiped because every single bureaucrat is constantly on alert to prevent a Domino effect in case one of them were to fall.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 30 September 2018 7:51:37 AM
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individual Quote
"Philip S,
Resorting to meaningless dribble does not help anyone. I'm not here to help others in debate, I'm only interested in making statements that could in my opinion help all to become more considerate."

Can you please explain how the following comments from you could help all to become more considerate.

Individual comments. Just going back around 7 weeks, if you like I can go right back where you have some very considerate ones.

it looks more like you're living up a tree in some Uni complex & surround yourself with those feel-good lefty types.
I can't help thinking you're just an 18 year old student trying to obtain a BA.

Sometimes, in order to apease morons it is necessary to behave like one.

Hmmh !

PhilipS, have you ever been outside your suburb ?

Being called fat-arsed by an elephant scrotum lookalike must be rather infuriating for Julia.

But like all the other haters
Aren't you one of the worst haters out there ?

Blessed are the ignorant !

Some people don't appear to realise that sharks don't think like academics.

Is Foxy Serena williams ? ;-)

Yeah, in the standard evading jargon kind of way. You're the perfect bureaucrat.
Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 30 September 2018 11:03:42 AM
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Hi Individual,

Thanks for trying to stay on-topic. Contributions to this thread amply demonstrate that hurt feelings - of snowflakes on both left and right - can occasionally steer us away from the far more important issues, the ghastly issues, afflicting Indigenous 'communities', which clearly the Indigenous Industry either have no solutions to, or - worse - have no intention of ever remediating.

Best wishes,

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 30 September 2018 11:22:43 AM
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Philip S,
We're still holding our breath waiting for you to put forward suggestions how to stamp out the abuse.
No need to bail us up on meaningles dribble, we know you're good at that. What we want is solutions.
Posted by individual, Monday, 1 October 2018 7:11:05 AM
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Here's an active activist, perhaps she is working on the problems faced by Indigenous victims.

"GLAMOROUS young Aboriginal woman Leilani Clarke has been convicted of her third police assault after she kneed an officer in the testicles after stealing a chicken curry from a 7-Eleven.

As she did during her last assault, 20-year-old Clarke called police officers “white dogs”.

The latest assault occurred on June 26, just weeks after she was convicted of spitting on a policeman and shoving a paramedic while screaming “---- you white dogs”.*

In a different incident earlier this year Clarke, a land rights activist who has “So proud to be Aboriginal” on her Instagram page, kicked a Queensland police officer she called a “slut”..."

* the system required me to remove the profanity, pick a common 4 letter word that fits.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 1 October 2018 7:15:42 PM
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