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Activists More Interested Own Feelings Than In Preventing Child Abuse

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Is Foxy Serena williams ? ;-)
Posted by individual, Friday, 28 September 2018 3:57:33 PM
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There you go Foxy, proving what I said. You just cannot help yourself. You must ‘ reign supreme’ as you probably do in your limited social circle. You are pathologically unable to accept that everyone is not going to agree with you.

I'm a bully? Well, as they say, it takes one to know one. You are a perfect example of a bully, and I seem to be the only one who stands up to you honestly. If that makes me a bully I'll wear the tag, and you are not in any position not to tolerate me. Do you really think that your arrogant 'not tolerating a bully' will have any effect on me - someone you regard as being 'toxic’; someone you wrongly accused of 'attacking’ your mother. You're just another poster with no special influence. I'm certainly not going to make any deals with you.

Out of respect for the editor and other posters, I will drop it for the time being. But, I regard you as a very unpleasant woman who gives woman in general an undeserved bad name. I have been married to the same woman for 50 years. I have daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters. They certainly put you in perspective.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 28 September 2018 3:59:33 PM
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No, Foxy does not identify with Serena Williams.

She identifies more with Carlos Ramos - who
did his job well.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 September 2018 4:08:27 PM
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"As rural areas become more self sufficient it makes them more attractive to interlopers."

I would suggest - Big Nana would know far more than me on this - that, if anything, somehow, remote Indigenous communities are becoming LESS self-sufficient. The two communities that I am most familiar with, both in the south, totalling twenty thousand acres of good land and plenty of water, are currently, between them, running a couple of hundred head of beef cattle. That's it. A kid could look after that. Perhaps a bloke in a wheel-chair could do it.

I can't help the impression that people in 'communities' have, consciously, run down their own economic base; they have deliberately closed down economic activities. They have willingly scrapped all alternatives to welfare. They intend to stay on welfare, and raise their kids to do the same, even as the skills needed in our rapidly-changing economy become more and more sophisticated and take more time to learn. They are destroying their kids' future, and doing it with eyes open, betting on being able to stay on welfare forever.

And the Black-and-white bureaucracies which bot on them, maintain them, and shield them from account, are intent on keeping them in the condition to which they have become accustomed, in order to keep their own jobs. And to do this, they need the Indigenous Narrative, in order to beat white Australia continually over the head with the dreadful misdeeds of their ancestors.

Yeah, maybe migration might do it. But I was born here, I'm Australian, I'm not from anywhere else. So maybe I'm condemned to whinge forever about the incompetence and corruption in Indigenous affairs. You never know, I might get lucky.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 28 September 2018 4:11:15 PM
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mhaze Quote "You do realise that Philip S was comparing you to someone he obviously despises, right? And you're thanking him!"

The above quote was in reply to my comment quote "I see someone who makes unsupported assertions which she simply refuses to support with evidence when challenged.

With that statement you have described ttbn."

Notice the words "YOU have described" please show me where the word or synonym of the word compare appears?
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 28 September 2018 4:36:08 PM
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Foxy,"You did not indicate that it was a "quote"."

These things ("") are called quotation marks. The stuff between them are quotes. Sheesh.


"please show me where the word or synonym of the word compare appears?"

No you didn't use the word 'compare' just said that the description of Foxy also applied to ttbn, which is completely different to comparing </sarc>.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 28 September 2018 9:04:16 PM
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