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The Forum > General Discussion > Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

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For General Consumption
(but to some akin to castor oil [not the automotive type]).

The 1996-97 National Firearms Agreement (NFA) in Australia introduced strict gun
laws, primarily as a reaction to the mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996,
where 35 people were killed. Despite the fact that several researchers using the same
data have examined the impact of the NFA on firearm deaths, a consensus does not
appear to have been reached. In this paper, we re-analyze the same data on firearm
deaths used in previous research, using tests for unknown structural breaks as a means
to identifying impacts of the NFA. The results of these tests suggest that the NFA did
not have any large effects on reducing firearm homicide or suicide rates."
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 7:33:55 PM
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Issy, and when have the demented gunnies ever been concerned about the law, they believe the wild wild west was a lawless frontier, and in the name of authenticity their re-enactment must include the wasting of varmints. Hasn't Witchita Willy told you about the stack of life size dummies they keep in the barn for target practice?

Before you demand proof, I will provide it, hot off the press from the central west.

You never got back to me about your Supreme Leader in NSW, your number one ticket holder, Tony (Wombat) Azzi. Please fill me in, is Tone still active in wombat territory.

"There are printable targets of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and others like them on the net;" How much for a Charlton Heston poster?

I see you understand the finer points of pulling wings off flies. Is that something you do down at your local 'Burgers and Bullet' hangout, as part of the wholesome family entertainment. making flies an easier target? No flies on you!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 1 March 2018 4:18:17 AM
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I answered your question on that character long back but you haven't told me yet what you think is the immediate solution to an armed killer in a school.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 1 March 2018 9:09:35 AM
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Dear Is Mise,

Name a single wild suppositions I have made.

Are you saying if we had a school shooting in this country after implementing your insane policy of permitting 95% of Australian households to be weaponised 'for their own protection' that it would be a supposition to blame you for the resultant deaths? What if the re were 2 or 3 or 4? What if there were 10? at what point should you be required to accept responsibility and take your own life?

Why do you value your guns over the lives of Australian children? Why do you want to create a society that ends up feeling the need to arm its teachers for gods sake?

You sir are a very selfish and uncaring person.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 1 March 2018 9:22:42 AM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

Absolutely a murderer can often kill one person
of several with a knife or a car before being
stopped but to really rack up those mind
blowing death counts - to make sure that many,
many lives are destroyed and families are ruined
in the space of five or 10 minutes - you need a gun.

If all some people care about is apportioning blame
then they will continue to claim that a knife or a
car are equivalent weapons. However for those of us
who however are more worried about preventing
unnecessary deaths the sheer amount of damage a gun
can do is reason to limit who can get their hands on one.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 1 March 2018 9:38:21 AM
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How much damage could one do with a Zimmerstutzen?

Yet they are lethal weapons in Australia.

Bombs are very effective at killing large numbers of people,

"Timothy James McVeigh (April 23, 1968 – June 11, 2001) was an American domestic terrorist who perpetrated the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168 people and injured over 680 others.[3][4] The bombing was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11 attacks, and remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in United States history."

I'm sure that you don't need a reference for him.

You still haven't told us how you would stop a crazy murderer who was in a school.

Why are you so reticent?


"Dear Is Mise,

You are really coming across as one hell of a deluded nutcase my friend.

Why are you talking about a spate of stabbings in China to justify arming 95% of the Australian populace?

You are living some kind of weird sick fantasy inventing threats to get your way. You are acting like a selfish child."

There's a few assumptions on your part.

How are you going with an answer to the problem of immediately stopping a killer in a school?

Can't answer or too embarrassed to give the obvious answer?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 1 March 2018 10:08:38 AM
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