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The Forum > General Discussion > Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

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Nothing to say about the preventable deaths in hospitals?

Still waiting for you, and others, to give us the benefit of your/their wide experience re. how to stop a murderer who is in a school and is armed and is already or is about to kill children.

Who knows your wisdom may save many lives.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 12:20:04 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

You are really coming across as one hell of a deluded nutcase my friend.

Why are you talking about a spate of stabbings in China to justify arming 95% of the Australian populace?

You are living some kind of weird sick fantasy inventing threats to get your way. You are acting like a selfish child.

Okay let's play a fantasy scenario, you seem prepared to put other's lives in danger how about your own? Would you commit to taking your own life if after you got your way and there was a school shooting in this country?

Dear foxy,

Thank's for the links. This really isn't a logic thing anymore it is a mental health issue.

This was more on the money for me;

“What, then, is the best way to respond to someone suffering from a clinical delusion?"

"First, don’t ignore the delusion or write it off as just a fleeting belief. This can potentially be disastrous, especially if bodily injury or death could result should the individual take action on their delusion. For example, if your loved one professes to believe the FBI bugged their house and is tracking them, they might one day reach a point wherein they take up arms and murder law enforcement officials to gain vengeance. Indeed, if someone you know is experiencing a clinical delusion, it’s imperative you recognize it for what it is."

"Next, calmly ask the individual pertinent questions in a nonjudgmental manner so as to better understand why they believe what they do. How did they arrive at their belief? How long have they held their belief? What do they plan to do in response to it?"

My problem is I just don't have the patience or care enough for an anonymous entity like Is Mise to engage in such a manner. Perhaps I just need to be a better person.

News just in in Victoria that the government has again slacked our gun laws by allowing gun owners to advertise their second hand weapons on the internet, something that had been banned before.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 4:01:13 PM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

I firmly believe that by reducing the number
of firearms and preventing more people from obtaining
them through stricter gun lives would save lives.
Where there are more guns there are more gun deaths.
If murderers didn't have access to firearms-
"a good guy with a gun" wouldn't be needed in the first
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 5:31:39 PM
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cont'd - the sentence should read - "
through stricter gun laws ," my apologies
for the typo.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 5:33:32 PM
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Issy, no one is making jokes about dead children. In fact is is you who favours a "few" dead kids being the price to pay, so a old selfish deluded gunnie can pursue his favoured pasttime.
Look at those 'Wild West' fools you see as the ideal, what are they doing? Glorifying a place and time when innocent men, women and children were gun downed indiscriminately in cold blood, Native Americans were massacred at will!
What your video did not show, was the life size dummies, these Wild West dummies wheel out and shoot "dead" as part of their family fun day, that is also a way they get their jollies.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 6:03:08 PM
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If you knew anything you'd know that it is against the law in Australia to shoot at recognisable representations of human beings, that's why you didn't see any such targets.

There are printable targets of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and others like them on the net; but shooting Hitler et al, is a no-no.

If left-over election posters are used for target backing the face must face away from the shooter, this applies even to the Greens candidates.


More wild suppositions; I'll have one, I'll bet that you pulled the wings off flies, or did you only pull one off so that they buzzed around in a circle?


That is a very profound finding about guns, did you know that where there are few cars there are few car deaths and that where there are few knives there are few knife deaths.
However, to prove that the presence of a particular weapon causes no deaths, since their invention, over three hundred years ago, no one has been killed with a Zimmerstutzen.
Zimmerstutzen are firearms and lethal weapons in Australia.

Have you decided on what a developed nation is yet, and have you thought of a solution, for immediate use against a murderer in a school room?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 28 February 2018 7:20:11 PM
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