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The Forum > General Discussion > Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

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You are sprouting pure politically correct foolishness, you seem to have gone, with others, into tunnel vision hyperdrive.

Whenever there is a school shooting the last thing that some want is for the potential victims to be able to protect themselves and others, every under-informed pundit, every over-opinionated academic and the verbally diarrhoeic public say that arming teachers is not the answer, but it is the answer for a teacher confronted by a killer; there is no other answer for a person faced by an armed killer.

Do you expect that the policeman a few days ago in Brisbane should not have had a pistol with which to defend himself from an attacker?

If you can't honestly say that the policeman should not have been able to shoot his attacker, then you can't honestly say that a schoolteacher in the same position should not have the same chance of defence.

Despite what you say, no one has answered the question that I put.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 2 March 2018 1:31:04 PM
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Is Mise,

What a lot of nonsense.

The incident in Brisbane of which you speak could have been
handled differently had the police officers called for
back-up and used such devices as nets, stun guns, or simply
shooting the knife wielding assailant in the legs. But
obviously the "shoot to kill" mentality is the training they
receive - which is unfortunate.

This is not the first or the last incident where supposedly
trained law enforcement officers in this country are not
trained to handle difficult situations and can't cope well
under pressure.

Therefore arming teachers - who are neither soldiers, law
enforement officers or military and are not professionally
trained to handle guns - or are used to being in highly stressful
situations as people in law enforcement or the military
should be - giving them guns could realistically only
make things worse - being shot themselves with their own
guns, or being too scared to use them properly.

Even trained security officers in the recent shootings in
the US - froze - and did not get involved - being too afraid
to risk their lives in being shot by an assault weapon.

I have lost interest in continuing to argue with you.
I cannot understand the peculiar primary afforded the US
firearm industry over public safety. And it horrifies me
that you want to see this brought into our country.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 2 March 2018 2:58:35 PM
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"Even trained security officers in the recent shootings in
the US - froze - and did not get involved - being too afraid
to risk their lives in being shot by an assault weapon."

Whether they were afraid or not [and they are not required by law to risk their lives] is immaterial, what is material is what chance did unarmed teachers have?
The shooter did not have an assault weapon, assault rifles have never been used in a school shooting in the US. Don't just parrot what the media tell you to think.

"I have lost interest in continuing to argue with you.
I cannot understand the peculiar primary afforded the US
firearm industry over public safety. And it horrifies me
that you want to see this brought into our country"

Just leave the word "interest" out of the sentence above and you'll be right.

"And it horrifies me that you want to see this brought into our country" is pure unfounded speculation on your part, as I've said before I respect and comply with the Firearms Laws in Australia even though some of them are undoubtedly stupid.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 2 March 2018 3:30:20 PM
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I missed mentioning these gems of pure wisdom:

"giving them guns could realistically only
make things worse - being shot themselves with their own
guns, or being too scared to use them properly."

"Make things worse" hardly, the teacher is about to be shot!

"...being shot themselves with their own gun" hardly a worry, the murderer is already armed!

"or being too scared to use them properly" no comment!!

Please don't leave, you are only now starting to be really comedic.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 2 March 2018 3:50:13 PM
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Is Mise,

The tired old rationalisation that guns protect people
is frankly contradicted by the evidence. The inescapable
conclusion is that gun ownership makes everyone feel
less safe. The logic the Riflemen's Associations espouse
is perverse and transparently self-serving. The solution to
gun crimes is not more guns and no amount of rhetorical
dexterity can surmount this fact.

If the US is to have a truly honest discussion about its
gun culture it needs to be rooted in fact rather than fantasy
and the sound and fury from the NRA should be dismissed with
the contempt it deserves.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 2 March 2018 4:14:50 PM
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If every thing that you have just said were true, how does that help teachers who may be confronted by a murderer in their classroom tomorrow?

Not next year or ten years down the track, but tomorrow.

It's inexperienced do gooders who, if they stop the arming of teachers and other school staff, will be partly responsible for school children being murdered.

Nothing to say about assault rifles having never been used in a school shooting in the US?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 2 March 2018 5:06:25 PM
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