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The Forum > General Discussion > Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

Ban Political Donations From The Gun Lobby 

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Talking about lack of comprehension?

Dear of dear.

The United States according to statistics given earlier -
makes up less than 5% of the world's population but holds
31% of global mass shooters - it has by far the highest
number of privately owned guns in the world. Roughly 42%.
The two facts - gun deaths and firearm ownership are related.

The Harvard School of Public Health's Injury Control Research
Center is pretty clear.

After controlling for variables such as socio-economic factors
and other crimes -has found that places with more guns have
more gun deaths.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 2:02:22 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

You sir are certifiable.

You want weapons in 90% of our households plus you want to allow all of them the right to conceal carry?

Really mate just piss off to the States. I don't want your kind here. You really are a menace to what we have built for ourselves here, a nation that has tried to put the safety of its citizens above 'Freedom Flogs' like yourself.

You are a very selfish person and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 2:06:44 PM
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You're great at making assumptions. what is your idea on how a murderer may be stopped when he bursts into a school?

Now don't be shy, let us have the benefit of your deep knowledge.


What is a developed nation?

Have you made your choice of the various definitions which are in the links that you so kindly provided?


To answer your question on training of teachers, well for starters I'd expect them to be able to fire and get 6 upper body hits with a pistol at 25 metres in 20 second and fire and get 6 chest hits at 7 and 1/2 metres in 5 seconds; once they attain that level of proficiency serious training could start.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 4:53:06 PM
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//To answer your question on training of teachers, well for starters I'd expect them to be able to fire and get 6 upper body hits with a pistol at 25 metres in 20 second and fire and get 6 chest hits at 7 and 1/2 metres in 5 seconds; once they attain that level of proficiency serious training could start.//


Now, which is the more sane policy? Marksman training for teachers, or just tightening up the gun laws? Take as much time as you need.

Always about the cure, and never the prevention... it's people like you that spread superbugs.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 5:41:47 PM
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How would you stop a murderer in a school?

Maybe he has a gun, or as happened in China, a knife or as in other places a machete; what's your solution to ending the immediate problem?

Pass a law banning knives?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 6:08:00 PM
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That's an interesting medical opinion, have you looked up the deaths due to medical people in the US?

"Hospital medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. That’s 700 people per day, notes Steve Swensen. “And most of those have a second victim: the nurses, doctors, social workers, managers, pharmacists involved in their care.”

How big of a factor is this victimization? And what can we do to prevent this tragedy, apart from addressing the cause of the preventable death?

In a Mayo Clinic study with the American College of Surgeons, 8.9% of participating U.S. surgeons reported the belief that they’ve made a major medical error within the last 3 months — and 1.5% believe their error resulted in a patient’s death, according to Tait Shanafelt. “When you think about that for a minute, it’s a staggering number,” Shanafelt says. Suicide ideation doubles in that 3-month window as well, he notes, independent of depression — the risk of which triples. “So when we make mistakes — and all physicians will make mistakes during the course of their career — it has a substantial toll on us. And there’s a strong link there with burnout.”

700 a day
255500 in a year and 156200 in a Leap Year.

Seems that the Medical profession ought to get its own house in order, there's scope for a lot of studies there.

Note that this report is on Preventable deaths, PREVENTABLE!!
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 8:02:17 PM
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