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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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The 'gun control' meme is useful to some.

Obama was the hope of black America. But during his term he did squat for the thousands of kids being raised in poor districts, to join gangs and carry out the same drug taking and violence, because that was the being set example before them and so often the family tradition. Cycles.

Then at the end, the smooth, fast-talking, globe-travelling (Air Force One!) international celebrity and master of the international stage, Barak Obama used the meme of 'gun control' to excuse and cover for his own inaction in improving the conditions of 'Negro-Americans'(sic, they are ALL Americans and that is where equality lies!).

I wonder, did Barack or his always-in-your-face and always-in-the-fashionista-mags missus ever sit down for a chat and mean it, with those many thousands of young kids who are now thugs, but might not have been?

But hey, Mr Soros' 'gun control' meme has an easy out: just propose 'gun control' and the commentariat obligingly chase that and the awkward questions just melt away.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 8 July 2017 1:26:30 PM
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For anyone who's interested here is a small
list of the achievements of former American
President Barack Obama:

Above all else the former President was and remains
what he has always been - an honourable man.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 8 July 2017 8:14:08 PM
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cont'd ...

Again excuse my typo.

Here is the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 8 July 2017 8:17:26 PM
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With the fly on wall leoj claiming gun laws are nothing but a left wing conspiracy designed to disarm the good folk, and place them at the mercy of the sinister lefty forces.

The question for Australia should be, are Leo's good folk, the licenced gunnies, that good to start with? The first cab off the rank is NSW's number one gunnie, and used car salesman, Tony Azzi, who in 2015 was photographed kneeling over a dead (shot) wombat, smiling with a gun over his shoulder, Azzi was investigated for this crime. rather minor one might say.

Azzi's actions pales into insignificance, when you look at the case of licenced gun freak and farmer, Ian Turnbull, should be Leo's ideal person to hold a gun licence. Unfortunately that was not to be the case, Turnbull cold bloodily shot and killed NSW Environmental Officer and family man Ian Turner at Moree in July 2014, Turbull received a sentence of 35 years for his wicked crime.

These are not the only cases where gun freaks have either disregarded the law, or taken the law into their own hands in recent time, with diabolical consequences.

Don't worry about America, its happening right here in Australia!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 July 2017 5:44:00 AM
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Gee Foxy, the Grumpy Old Man, has once more got you in his sights, to give you a blast.

Post whatever you like girl, don't be put off by a bullying attempt, for the purpose of suppression of free speech, by a member of the rabid right, the forums number one Hansonite himself.

He knows you are a sensitive person, who is vulnerable to his caustic insults, as I have said to you many times in the past, apply the 'armadillo principle' and carry on.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 July 2017 6:00:27 AM
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"These are not the only cases where gun freaks have either disregarded the law, or taken the law into their own hands in recent time, with diabolical consequences."

Tell us about them, not everyone has your wide knowledge.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 9 July 2017 9:02:33 AM
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