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Failure of the Gun Laws

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Posted by Foxy, Friday, 7 July 2017 7:51:02 PM
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"Perhaps the following link may be more "accurate" for you:"

a good link, seems that you also realize that the Howard Gun Laws aren't working.
Welcome aboard.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 7 July 2017 9:23:22 PM
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The following remarks are addressed to the few remaining posters who wish for freedom from the gun anarchy which has America in its grip and bother to stay with this unproductive platform for a couple of gun freaks. The enemy can listen in but I am unlikely to try to engage them.

There are well known mathematical tests that can show whether the rate of more than 30 thousand gunshot deaths per year in America compared with the near-zero rate of gun deaths in Japan, allowing for population size and the presence in America of people some followers of the Yank NRA regard as racially inferior, demonstrate that gun anarchy costs many people their lives.

The steady stream of gun deaths Australia, crowed about by the gun freaks, shows that gun laxity in Australia compared with rigorous control in Japan is a threat to the lives of Australians.

The tests for mathematical validity of the statement that comparison of gun death rates in Japan and in America supports this can be found by Googling "statistically significant difference between two means".

However one can conceive one statistician who could be relied on for showing the difference between Japan and America, and by extension Australia as demonstrating that gun anarchy costs lives and those seeking any version of it are deadly enemies of 24 million Australians along especially with those with hideaway gun stashes.

That statistician is named Blind Freddy.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 8 July 2017 12:19:35 AM
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Hear, hear EJ spot on again. It has also been proven through years of painstaking research on volunteers that if you hold a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger the most likely outcome is death. For example, in 1923 Dr. Larz Bunble, a rather big man, of Kirkinhimer Finland attempted to conduct experiments to prove that very point. Firstly Dr. Bunble experimented on a herd of reindeer, he had hoped to conduct his experiments on a herd of South American llamas, a more cooperative beast, but unfortunately the Finnish herd had already migrated south to Monaco, where they spend the winter, they can be seen happily grazing at the local casino. Unfortunately the uncooperative reindeer refused point blank to hold the guns to their heads, and ran away. Not perturbed by this setback Dr. Bundle then turned to human volunteers, one hundred members of the local 'Om Par Par' musical quartet volunteered, you may be familiars with the group, they play traditional North Finnish folk music, No! I have all their CD's. One group of 50 were given loaded 45 Magnums to hold to their heads, the control group of 50 were given 'Slumpenbugers', a traditional North Finnish pastry, best eaten with congealed reindeer's milk, an acquired taste I must say. On the count of three, the test group pulled their triggers, while the control group ate their 'Slumpenburgers'. The result was, carnage, guns going off, 'Slumpenburgers' being devoured, supporters playing traditional North Finnish folk music in the background, chaos! It resulted in the complete annihilation of the test group, but only one death was recorded among the control group, seems he had a violent reaction to his 'Slumpenbyrger'. Dr. Larz Bundle was awarded the 1919 (in advance) Noble Prize for his ground breaking research. Research, the gun freaks continually deny!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 8 July 2017 7:32:10 AM
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Have you looked up the number of Sarin deaths and injuries lately?

Japan's incident ".... killing 12 people, severely injuring 50 and causing temporary vision problems for nearly 5,000 others."
It could have been much worse, and not a gun in sight.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 8 July 2017 8:48:09 AM
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I have no intention of being forum baited by you and your verballing, putting words into my mouth. Then there is your disrespect for other posters where you inject yourself into the discussion late and revisit old ground, because you do not consider the dozens of earlier pages of discussion worthy of your attention.

You were asked a very simple, direct question about Rebecca Peters. But true to form you didn't answer, Googling a link instead. Peters claimed to be the 'Chair' of that highly secretive 'gun control' in Australia. It is alleged that 'gun control' that consistently refuses to give even the merest details of its structure, membership or sponsorship (but it gathers and obviously uses details of any foolish enough to give their details to it!) was/is one or a few activists, obviously including Peters it seems. You might like to flesh that out. However you went all around the woods, even verballing me, without volunteering the simple reply, a sentence in that wordy link and here, I have found it for you,

"[Rebecca] Peters worked for the Open Society Institute, a private foundation funded by George Soros"

Now, you might like to also reveal what other political links and links to 'gun control' activists that international currency trading (convicted of insider trading in France) billionaire Soros has in Australia. And you should be reading earlier posts to inform yourself.

Because 'gun control' is not about illegal guns or criminals, it directs itself exclusively at the compulsory confiscation and bans, at the point of a police gun if necessary, of the lawfully acquired and lawfully used property of the respectable, lawfully acting Australian citizens who can be relied upon to do the right thing and apply for a licence.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 8 July 2017 10:50:26 AM
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