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Failure of the Gun Laws
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Posted by benk, Sunday, 9 July 2017 1:29:42 PM
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Hi benk, Foxy always makes the most sense. The only acceptable murder rate is 0.00 per 100,000, anything else is unacceptable. There is nothing to be gained by comparing Australia's homicide rate to that of anyone else, particularly some lawless state like El Salvador. Nor is there anything to be gained by pointing to some unrelated statistic like deaths from cancer.
What comfort would there be for the family of Ian Turner, to tell them; "Well how lucky it was for Ian that we are not living in El Salvador, or you know, Ian could have contracted cancer and died." You say <<Changes in health insurance can save more American people than better gun laws.>> I say; Changes in health insurance and gun laws can save even more Americans than changes in health insurance alone. i don't think America should have a problem with multi-tasking, do you. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 July 2017 5:55:22 PM
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Dear Benk and Paul,
Here are two links that are worth reading, in case you haven't read them earlier. The first is the stand that the Australian Medical Association has taken on the National Firearms Agreement 2017. And the second link is the agreement itself: And - Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 9 July 2017 6:15:14 PM
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I have no problem with current gun laws or multi-tasking, but I think that the interest that some Australians take in American gun laws is mis-placed. If we wanted to make the world safer place, there are worse places than America to worry about. If we are worried about Americans, fixing their health insurance system will save more lives. If we are worried about the American murder rate, anything that brings hope and jobs to poor suburbs will save more lives.
We need to use the data to understand where the problem lies. Posted by benk, Sunday, 9 July 2017 6:39:40 PM
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Hi Foxy,
I have little dis-argument with the AMA position on firearms, I can live with that. Maybe those here who are antagonistic towards gun control laws, Issy and leoj could have a look at the AMA's stated position, and see if they agree or disagree, offer improvements, if seen as necessary in their view. As can anyone else. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 July 2017 7:57:32 PM
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" There is nothing to be gained by comparing Australia's homicide rate to that of anyone else, ...." Well said! Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 9 July 2017 8:23:22 PM
Secondly, cancer and heart problems each kill 160 out of 100 000 Americans per year. Changes in health insurance can save more American people than better gun laws.