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Failure of the Gun Laws

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The debate is about evidence-based laws versus billionaire Soros' invention of 'gun control'.

This is the umpteenth time you have tried to disrupt to derail and censor the discussion.

That is because NSW Greens 'Watermelon' 'Boy' Sh**bridge is beavering away trying to give legs to Soros' 'gun control' meme in NSW.

'Boy' recently visited the US for that purpose. Pity the NSW taxpayer. The ambulance-chasing Greens need new subjects for stirring and headlines now riding on the backs of gays is not having the impact it used to have.

What about you direct your attention at those 'Struggle Towns' and the violence of the drug-manufacturing and trafficking criminal gangs, including those Middle Eastern bikie gangs that the Greens protect, as demonstrated by the Greens and Labor inexplicably trashing the successful aniti-gang VLAD laws in Queensland?

But no, the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens, the 'Watermelons' are about cheap stirring and have no interest at all in cooperating to improve anything. The NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens 'Trots' just want to ride on the back of misfortune, stirring the can, while polishing leather seats in Parliament and doing OK for themselves. Nice work if you can get it. But how do they sleep at night?
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 9 July 2017 9:33:16 AM
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Howard's 'gun control' is the antithesis of evidence based regulation, resulting in police resources being wasted looking over the shoulders of ordinary, licensed public and conducting compulsory uniformed inspections in the homes of these citizens,

while NOT laying a glove on these,

It is all politics. That 'gun control' meme is useful to politicians. But what is needed is evidence-based regulations aimed at those who offend and a stop to cynical politicians like QLD's Labor and Greens who buried, REPEALED!, the successful, High Court approved anti-bikie law (VLAD).

Then the bikies objected to the softer law of Labor Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk,

"Bikies consider High Court challenge to new laws

United Motorcycle Council (UMC) spokesman Mick Kosenko said the [Qld Labor] Government should have scrapped the laws altogether.

Mick Kosenko from the United Motorcycle Council
Mr Kosenko said bikies helped get Labor elected and the laws should be scrapped altogether
"I feel we helped Labor get across the line in the election — they know we helped them?" he said.

... It got [former LNP premier] Campbell Newman booted out and Labor's just done a big turnaround."

UMC lawyer Zeke Bentley said the group could challenge the laws in the High Court." [ABC Apr 5, 2016]

The Bikies are laughing, 'More of that 'gun control' meme thanks and none of that evidence-based law that might get in the way of our business'.
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 9 July 2017 10:40:03 AM
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Dear Paul,

Thank You for your advice.

It does get annoying - especially when the arguments
are illogical and abusive and difficult to comprehend.
For example, -
I don't understand all the attacks on one-time
international speculator, and now philanthropist,
George Soros.

I know that George Soros calls an "open society" the
ideal form of social and political organisation in his
1998 book, "The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Open
Society Endangered."

He defines -

An open society as a democratic one, the opposite to a
one-party state ruled by an unbending ideology, such as
was the Soviet Union under Stalin. Soros foresees the
possibility that the excesses of modern financial
capitalism will lead to a similar breakdown of democracy.

This is what Soros has to say:

"The Enlightenment constituted a giant step forward...
Allowing reason to decide what is true and false,
what is right and wrong, was a tremendous innovation. It
marked the beginning of modernity ... The philosophers
of the Enlightenment are no longer read- indeed, we may
find them unreadable - but their ideas have become ingrained
in our way of thinking. The rule of reason, the supremacy
of science, the universal brotherhood of man... The political,
social and moral values of the Enlightenment were admirably
stated in the US Declaration of Independence, and that
document continues to be an inspiration for people
throughout the world...Instead of accepting tradition as the
ultimate authority, the Enlightenment subjected tradition to
critical examination. The results were exhilarating. The
creative energies of human intellect were unleashed."

Reason, the supremacy of science, and the universal
brotherhood of humans are the pillars on which we can build a
better future. That George Soros should laud the Enlightenment
for its achievements, and for foundations it has given us in
our quest for sustainability, proves that a business-person
as much as an ecological scientist or a moral philosopher
can willingly embrace sustainability. And isn't that our
goal - when the world's population is in the billions and
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 9 July 2017 11:23:42 AM
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Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 9 July 2017 11:36:50 AM
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Foxy's whitewash of Soros, from his own book no less, sent the B.S. meter waaay into the red zone.

"Dumped files show influence of George Soros on Western politics
The Australian, August 22, 2016

In perhaps the biggest political scandal since WikiLeaks, a group of hackers has dumped hundreds of files exposing the influence of socialist billionaire George Soros on Western politics.

The files show Soros has established a transnational network that pressures governments to adopt high immigration targets and porous border policies that could pose a challenge to legitimate state sovereignty. His Open Society Foundations target individuals who criticise ­Islamism and seek to influence the outcome of national elections by undermining Right-leaning politicians. The Australian arm of the Soros network is GetUp!.

GetUp! was established by ­activists Jeremy Heimans and David Madden with funding from Soros. The Labor-affiliated Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union donated $1.1 million to the group. Bill Shorten and John Hewson are former board members. A major funder listed on its 2014-15 Australian Electoral Commission expenditure return is Avaaz, the US GetUp! ­affiliate that has received copious amounts of funding from Soros networks.
Soros-affiliated organisations follow a well-worn political and rhetorical strategy updated for the digital age. Like the socialists and communists of old, they attack liberal democracy by delegitimising the classically liberal values of ­individualism, free speech, logical argument and public reason. They attack democratic states by advocating a porous border policy, ­reframing illegal immigrants as refugees and degrading critics of totalitarian tendencies such as ­Islamism in orchestrated campaigns of PC censorship.

Documents uncovered by Soros leaks reveal a pattern of funding for programs that prosecute porous borders, mass immigration into the Wes­t nations from Islamist regions, and overt campaigns against dissenters. OSF has provided several million to the Centre for American Progress, whose programs ­include the explicit targeting of free­thinkers critical of Islamism. A recent program grant described a strategy to target six critics of ­Islamism and the “right-wing media” in an “audit of Islamophobic activities”...

Soros keeps making money hand over fist out of currency fluctuations.
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 9 July 2017 12:17:59 PM
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"That George Soros should laud the Enlightenment
for its achievements, and for foundations it has given us in
our quest for sustainability, proves that a business-person
as much as an ecological scientist or a moral philosopher
can willingly embrace sustainability."

Ha! Ha! Ha!
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 9 July 2017 12:21:10 PM
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