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Failure of the Gun Laws
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Posted by leoj, Sunday, 9 July 2017 10:23:56 PM
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First, to finish my last sentence from the previous post, there is very little gun crime in Australia and what there is almost invariably associated with criminal gangs and drugs. Most usually where shootings are concerned, it is the Middle Eastern criminal drug gangs (thanks Malcolm Fraser!) who have penetrated the outlaw motorcycle hangs. Many cannot ride a motorbike. They are in it for the drug distribution, strictly business. Qld's VLAD law had their measure, but Labor and Greens scuttled it.
At this juncture it is worth reminding all that illicit drugs turns over hundreds of millions of dollars annually and MUST be regarded as a very real threat of corruption at all levels of society. Worse, Australia is regarded by international criminal gangs, and the South American are the most dangerous, as an undeveloped market, ripe for the picking. The illegal guns are linked with the drugs criminals. But 'gun control' is aimed exclusively at bothering and bans affecting lawful compliant citizens. Gun control has nothing to say about criminals and it does NOT lay a glove on them. Instead, 'gun control' is a jolly good political diversion for the serial protesting collective that is the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens. Posted by leoj, Sunday, 9 July 2017 10:39:58 PM
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Leoj, you continue to post that fallacious diatribe, ad infinitum, that in someway George Soros is behind gun control Australia. However no comment from you when the reprehensible foreign outfit, the hard rights National Rifle Association sees fit to wade into Australian domestic politics and criticize our vigorous gun laws.
You said; "Obviously too because they (licenced gun owners) are law-abiding citizens of good character, they would be strongly for law and order." "The licence is a strong, robust control and all of the certified law-abiding citizens of good character who have met the standards for a licence all agree." I have one name for you which makes the lie of that statement. IAN TURNBULL. It is not surprising that the Australian Medical Association's statement on gun control contains all the major elements of the Greens Firearms policy. Leoj are you of the belief that the AMA is also some left wing subversive organization, being controled by George Soros? Why don't you read the AMA statement and then comment, rather that continue to post that nauseating nonsense about Soros, Eastern Bloc' Greens, Trots, gays, watermelons, VLAD, Labor Party, Bikies, drugs, South American and Middle Eastern crime gangs, Struggle Town kids. The list grows ever larger. Now who is muddying the waters there. The opening line of One Nations gun policy; "Recognise that as a matter of principle, licensed firearm ownership by law-abiding citizens is a right" The policy, like that of the Shooters Party, then goes on to remove or water-down all restrictions on gun ownership presently in place. The objective being to create a virtually unrestricted gun environment within Australian society. I repeat, if you are so concerned about firearm regulation then comment on the Australian Medical Association's statement. rather than all that other mumbo jumbo. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 July 2017 5:27:57 AM
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Another fallacious 'appeal to authority' where the authority is anything but an appropriate, informed expert witness. If they were in court, representing themselves as having any expertise would be laughed out of court. Senator David Leyonhjelm questioned the AMA's role in gun control in Australia. "It falls into the category of what the difference is between God and a doctor," Senator Leyonhjelm said. "God doesn't think he's a doctor." Not only that but it would be very quickly brought to the court's attention that doctors themselves have a shocking record for misadventure involving patients, "Estimates tell us that between 18,000 and 54,000 Australians are killed by their medical treatment each year" That excludes the serious effects of pharmaceuticals. Add to that the estimated 4000 rural Australians who die a year due to lack of access to medical services, largely because doctors won't go to the bush to work. Too good for the bush. Despite large incentives and recruitment of doctors from overseas, Asia, to do it for them. In 2001, in NSW, there were 94 suicides by firearm, in 2014, there were 50. In the same year in NSW, there were 24 murders by firearm, in 2014, there were 16. How many of those suicides were due to lack of public health, such as available diagnosis and counselling? How many murders were attributable to criminals and illegal firearms. This has nothing to do with the lawful licensed citizens that imported Soros' 'gun control' is aimed exclusively at through confiscation of legally held assets and bans.. As for the US, a recent article in The Age Jan18,2017, 'Stay calm in hospital for best treatment' stated, "A study by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has estimated that medical errors cause more than 250,000 deaths every year in the US" tbc.. Posted by leoj, Monday, 10 July 2017 8:42:45 AM
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However, like the Greens, the AMA's laughably naive, copied and pasted 'gun control' 'policy' contains many errors of fact. As examples, - Create a national firearms registry, but it already exists and overseas registries have been closed because they were expensive 'White Elephants' that did little or nothing to deter and detect crime. -Notify the registry of a change of address. Been legislated for donkey's years. (already legislated) -Ban production of 3D printed firearms. Already illegal. There is no surprise is that the AMA 's 'policy' contains similar errors to the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens, trying to legislate for things that are already in place, or are ineffective window dressing. Another area for those entrepreneurs who are making wads out of medical clinics to extend their role and make even more money? Like the interfering, bothering Greens who never go near the 'Struggle Streets', doctors themselves already have looming large public health issues that they should be attending to. Although they find time to criticise cooks on TV too. It bears repeating that Australia is regarded by international criminal gangs, and the South American are the most dangerous (and are looking to get a foothold here through immigration and probably will succeed), as an undeveloped market, ripe for the picking. The illegal guns are linked with the drugs criminals. But 'gun control' is aimed exclusively at bothering and bans affecting lawful compliant citizens. Gun control has nothing to say about criminals and it does NOT lay a glove on them. Instead, 'gun control' is a jolly good political diversion for the serial protesting collective that is the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens. Why did the Greens and Labor trash Qld's successful anti-gang law VLAD and without an effective replacement? How come the bikies are now claiming that it was they and their contacts who helped Greens and Labor win the Qld election to tip out ex-Duntroon graduate and LNP Premier Campbell Newman, who courageously brought in the anti-criminal gang and anti-bikie VLAD law? A previous post you are ignoring refers. Posted by leoj, Monday, 10 July 2017 8:51:49 AM
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If you don't like the message then shoot the messenger. Leoj, you would rather listen to the not so liberal, not so democratic, mis-representative gun freak Senator David Leyonhjelm, nothing but a deceitful gunnie sitting in the Senate under false pretenses, how appropriate. Leyonhjelm has a new bedfellow to back him up, the failure Mark Latham.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 July 2017 9:50:28 AM
Seemingly you must tell porkies, misrepresent and stir. Next, the amateur funnyman as another way to disrupt.
To my knowledge there is no-one here who does not believe in the regulation of persons with a firearms licence. The licensed citizens have a particular interest in that. Obviously too because they are law-abiding citizens of good character, they would be strongly for law and order.
The licence is a strong, robust control and all of the certified law-abiding citizens of good character who have met the standards for a licence all agree.
For your part and I will mention first that unlike those many thousands of respectable licensed citizens that you slander and conflate with criminals, you have never bothered to spend a few minutes for even a cursory familiarisation with the available regulations and nor have you ever shown any knowledge or interest in the controls on importation.
But you sure do spend a lot of your time disrupting the discussion and muddying the waters.
Soros' 'Gun control' has nothing in common with the regulation of firearms ownership and use'.
Soros' 'gun control' is directed solely at the bans and the compulsory confiscation of lawfully bought and lawfully used assets. That ONLY affects the already licensed, compliant citizen. To claim otherwise is a lie. The difference has been canvassed at length in this and previous threads on the subject. Bluntly, you know better than that. And so do the NSW' Eastern Bloc' Greens who are trying to climb onto Soros' 'Gun control' bandwagon, now that their headlines from gays and so on are threatened.
benk's post above is a good one, going right to the heart of the matter and succinct. Those NSW Greens faction need to heed their national Greens' pleas to get real and stop acting as a collective of serial protesters.
It would be good if they could put some effort instead into cooperation to achieve better things for those kids in Struggle Towns and others.
There is very little gun crime in Australia and what tghere is