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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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The NSW 'Eastern Bloc' cancer will continue to drain any vitality and hope from the Greens nationally right up to the next election according to the SMH. The SMH can usually be counted upon to spin flattering reports for the Greens and leftists, so the situation is dire,

"[Rhiannon's] nine party room colleagues wrote a letter of complaint about her behaviour. Years of simmering tensions – about the party's structures, its policy direction, its very reason for being – had suddenly come to the boil.
Unlike in other branches, there is no NSW Greens leader. And while the Tasmanian Greens party has its roots in environmental activism, several senior NSW Greens such as Senator Rhiannon entered the party via socialism.
Senator Rhiannon's rivals disparagingly refer to her grouping as the Eastern Bloc or the "watermelons" – green on the outside and red (communist) within."

The 'way out past Mars' far leftist rogue elephants who find refuge in the NSW branch and do their own thing and could never be elected off their own 'brand'. They are parasitic on the Greens and uninterested in the environment and sustainability. Greens offer camouflage, a faux legitimacy, an organisational structure of sorts and a convenience for them.

There is a risk that the contagion may spread, to Victoria (Adam Bandt) first.
Richard Di Natale may not want to continue to push the proverbial uphill and wasting his energy and life in the process. His fellow Greens need to put principle first and excise the NSW cancer before it becomes terminal.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 1 July 2017 11:09:43 AM
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"His fellow Greens need to put principle first"

What principle?
Anti-democracy? (Greens are good on that).

It is intellectually dishonest to deploy the buzzword "principle" to deflect from what is actually meant.

A more honest statement from leoj would be:

"His fellow Greens need to put anti-democracy and anti-socialism first"
Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 1 July 2017 12:30:53 PM
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Maybe you are right and there is a more apt word. I am a glass half-full type though.

I favour internal democracy ('intra-party democracy') for political parties and have posted on that before. Labor is the worst in that regard I imagine. Its falling membership shows that the members have reacted to that failing. Some here might remember Rudd's fight with factions (union heavies) and the sorry aftermath for the leader and for ordinary members. It suits Shorten and others though. LNP cannot be boasting.

But it was Rhiannon's 'loose cannon' behaviour, her arrogant and deceitful undermining, that was the problem. That is what her colleagues objected to and she does appear to have form for that.

What do you reckon?
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 1 July 2017 1:52:44 PM
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Leoj, glass half full seems the right evaluation of Rhiannon. Yes she was right as a NSW senator in placing her NSW branch ahead of the views of the party room but no it is not at all clear that she was really reflecting the views of the branch rather than merely her own.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 1 July 2017 3:38:36 PM
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She is well off with her two parliamentary pensions to collect whenever she wants them and for life. Other assets including a million dollar plus house apparently.

You've got to be wondering why she would want to be hanging around the Senate. She could be travelling and doing some voluntary work in between. Although they do get travel.

Would you be hanging on? Must be the power.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 1 July 2017 4:52:11 PM
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"Open Season: Ordinary Czechs Get Right to Shoot Terrorists on Sight"

"Deputies in the Czech Republic voted overwhelmingly in favor of a constitutional amendment allowing ordinary citizens to carry arms and use them in case of a public emergency such as terrorism."

The times they are a changin'.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 1 July 2017 5:34:23 PM
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