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Obama's passing act of treachery

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I get it, you don't like Trump or Israel, but try and keep on topic.

Peace is only going to come about with compromise on both sides. The base demand that Israel relinquish all land captured in 1967 is never going to happen, and the latest UN resolution is only hindering any chance of a resolution.

Trump who opposed this stupid resolution, is limited in how he can respond, however, he could rectify most of the damage by recognising the legitimacy of Israel's ownership of Jerusalem, the Golen Heights and most of the west bank.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 7:08:44 AM
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Sorry Shadow Minister; there is never going to be an agreement for a
two state solution. It requires a compromise and Arabs are genetically
unable to make compromises.

The whole argument seems upside down. It is not the Jews that are
occupiers, it is the Arabs that are occupiers.
It really is as simple as that.
The Arabs invaded the area from Arabia. They are now doing to Europe
what they did to Assyria, Judea and Mesopotamia all that time ago.
The "West" or "Rome" tried to fix the problem at various times after 1000 AD.
That was known as the crusades and the "West" has tried again more recently.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 8:11:26 AM
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If there is an exchange of territories to make two states some Israelis will find their homes outside of Israel. That will be ethnic cleansing as it will probably be Israeli Arabs whose homes will be pushed out of Israel and the settlements will be incorporated into Israel. That stinks. Obama is spot on. The settlements should not have built in the first place. I support my president and think he is right in this instance. I know that the territory was conquered from Jordan, and that the Palestinians could have had a state between 1948 and 1967 if Jordan had been willing. Nevertheless the territory was conquered and permanent settlements in conquered territory regardless of the status of that territory are forbidden under Geneva 4. The settlements are illegal and should be evacuated. The US has vetoed such resolutions before and did not this time. I think the US was wrong before and right this time. Whether the Palestinians would have Jews in their territory or were willing to negotiate or whether unfair resolutions against Israel have been made in the past or whether Israel is united in opposing the resolution is irrelevant. There should be no settlements. Doing what is right and just is not and should not be called treachery.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 8:14:28 AM
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I posted this elsewhere so my apologies for those being inflicted
with my thoughts again.

I have become more affirmed in my belief that we should abandon the
Middle East to its own devices.
We, the western non moslem countries, have intervened numerous time to
try to bring some order to the area. It was done to suit our interests
as well for humanitarian reasons.
The Yazadis and the victims of ISIS in recent times brought us in.
All those lives and resources were spent for no result.

People often charge that it is all about oil. Well no matter what we
do the Middle East will always beg to sell us oil.
They cannot survive without the sales of oil.

They will never stop the war between themselves as they both wish to
conquer Rome and do not want to share the spoils. Currently the Sunnis
appear to be the keenest to invade Europe.
We really have nothing to gain by getting involved in further conflict
in the area. Just let them get on with it as there is simply nothing
we can do about it.

Currently the war between Shia (Iran, Syria, Iraq, Hezbollah) and
Sunni (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Eremites) is well under way and the war
in Yemen and Syria is just in the warm up phase. There are signs
that an invasion of Bahrain and the eastern provinces of Saudi Arabia
by Iran is on the cards and a wrong word somewhere could start it.

While they fight among themselves they will use up the manpower and
wealth they might otherwise apply against the west.
The only time we might have to act is if Pakistan
deploys a nuclear weapon into the Middle East.

All in all our best course is to let them get on with it.
It is inevitable.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 8:20:21 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

You don't get it.

I do not dislike either Trump or Israel.
Do not put words into my mouth.

The current Israeli thinking is inevitably
leading to disaster. Now is the time for
the US to take a stand and Obama has done the
right thing. Israel does not have the right
to keep on stealing the homes and land of the
Palestinians. It does not have the right to
act unilaterally, it does not have the right
to wreck havoc and destroy the prospects for a
peaceful solution. Israel has been calling the
shots since 1967, always without Palestinian
consultation, and clearly believes that the USA will
support it no matter what it continues to do.
Israel thinks that the international community will
once again place a higher value on Israel's vision of
its historic destiny than on the humanity of the

They just may get a surprise.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 9:12:49 AM
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Obama did the right thing - albeit for the wrong reasons.

If words could be effective in bringing Israel back within its own borders then I would jump for joy, but it is naive to the extreme to believe so: when even North Korea doesn't give a damn and does absolutely whatever it wants, how more so Israel which is so much stronger!

What Obama actually did through his personal rebuke of Netanyahu, is to trigger the beginning of the end for the UN.

Israel is about to leave the UN, which would make it a golden opportunity for Trump to do the same, followed by Putin (who doesn't like criticism either), then others. Trump will stop funding the UN and will order it out of the USA (by giving no American visas to statesmen and UN staff to visit New-York). The UN is likely to remain with about half its members and probably head-quartered in Brazil. This will also isolate the "global warming" cult and I must thank Obama for that.

Sadly, I really don't know what, other than divine intervention, can now cause Israel to come back to its senses and leave the cursed territories that it took in 1967. At the moment, Israel is so controlled by Jewish extremists that it even creates a rift with moderate Jews outside Israel and legislates against their religious rights.

While Jews should be able to live anywhere within their historical homeland, it must be clearly understood that the state of Israel is a secular body which is not identical with "the Jewish people" and has no such mystical attributes, that on the one hand, many Jews are not represented by Israel and on the other, the civil entity of Israel includes many non-Jewish citizens as well. Those Jews who wish to live outside Israel's legitimate borders, should well be able to do so and even create their own Jewish state(s) if so inclined, but they should not burden Israel with their national ambitions.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 28 December 2016 10:28:33 AM
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