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Obama's passing act of treachery
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 9 January 2017 5:29:44 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,
I remarked that you are the mirror image of Emperor Julian. He seems to think all Zionists are bad, and you commented “No wonder the Arabs were so chummy with the Nazis.” Some Arabs were chummy with the Nazis. Some saved Jewish lives during the Holocaust. The following tells about one of the latter. One Arab is different from another Arab, and one Zionist is different from another Zionist. Posted by david f, Monday, 9 January 2017 5:52:10 PM
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Dear Julian,
«A dear old grandmother not born in Palestine is probably a rarity» Why a rarity? The age of mass-migration, which lasted till 1951, is long over, so now the vast majority of Israelis who were NOT born in Israel (about 30% of Jews and a negligible number of Arab Israelis) are older migrants who meanwhile had their families in Israel. If you exclude Jews that were brought to Israel as children, then the percentage is way smaller than 30% and those would mostly now be quite elderly (83+). One notable exception is the wave of immigration from the U.S.S.R in 1990-1991, once the iron-curtain lifted, but practically all of those who immigrated as adults then, came as families and now have Israeli-born children, grandchildren and/or grand-grandchildren. You keep ignoring the plight of Arab-Israeli citizens who lived there for 1000's of years and refuse to become "Palestinians": they want to remain in Israel rather than become part of a barbarian failed-state. Surely you don't consider them as "colonisers", so what have you against them? «A Jewish minority left behind by Palestinian independence would have the same problem» Those who identify as "Palestinians" do not want independence - it's mere propaganda. I wish they wanted and I would support that, but they were offered independence several times and always refused: all they want is to kill all the Jews, then rejoin the big Arab nation. Regardless of any wrongs one's grand-grandparents might have done, nobody in their right mind would invite into their country such people who wish to kill, subjugate or expel its citizens. «Imposition of Sharia "law" on a minority remains part of a global problem» Radical Muslims do not wait for elections: Sharia law is being imposed on minorities and majorities alike, including in Indonesia. I very much agree with David that most Arabs are good people - but as a group they are useless and unsuccessful in stopping radical Islam. Israel should be preserved - not because it is [sadly] racist, but because it's the only place in the region where sane people can live. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 9 January 2017 6:45:06 PM
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Not all Nazis were the same but all promoted and lived by the lie that the right to invade and subjugate the people of territory outside their own belonged to the “Aryans” who were linked by blood. Not all Zionists are the same but all promote an identical lie about the prerogatives of a chosen race of born overlords linked by blood. Google “Israel Law of Return” to see it spelled out by the Zionists themselves. That is the only similarity between Nazis and Zionists. All Nazis were free of all moral restraint according to universal norms of behaviour. Some Zionists also are, but most Zionists are not.
Overlords in Rhodesia and other European colonies suffered the same dislocation of colonialist individuals and families when their foreign enclave was dismantled, as overlords in Palestine will encounter when their foreign enclave is dismantled (which inevitably it will be). The choice to remain (as equals not overlords) or return to their own homelands or seek settlement (as equals not overlords) via e.g. UNHCR somewhere else can be negotiated in the dismantlement process as it probably was in the African colonies. It is no surprise that Donald Trump, a racist bigot to the bootstraps, has declared a special protective relationship with Israel. Birds of a feather! Some (now regrettably deceased) friends of my family were among the Russians who took advantage of the offer to let Jews go to Israel. Like many of the others the moment they were free they bypassed Israel and chose a decent country worth living in. Dreams of racial supremacy didn't drive them, just dreams of freedom. They sorely missed dear friends who had to remain in the USSR because they were not Jews. Whatever takes place in dismantlement negotiations there is no good reason why (mainly American) taxpayers' money, blood and diplomatic resources should be wasted to fight Israel's many enemies and keep Israel afloat and gunned up. Western blood and treasure will be increasingly in demand to stem the march of Islam. Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 9 January 2017 10:04:49 PM
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Dear Julian,
Every enclave, every state, every country, every continent, every race, every species, every planet, every sun, every galaxy and every universe will eventually be dismantled. It is the irrevocable law of nature, please have patience. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 9 January 2017 10:16:57 PM
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Apropos of Yuyutsu, Monday, 9 January 2017 10:16:57 PM ""This too shall pass" (Persian, Arabic & Hebrew) is an adage indicating that all material conditions, positive or negative, are temporary. [go to the source for the expressions in the original languages.] The phrase seems to have originated in the writings of the medieval Persian Sufi poets, and is often attached to a fable of a great king who is humbled by the simple words. Some versions of the fable, beginning with that of Attar of Nishapur, add the detail that the phrase is inscribed on a ring, which has the ability to make the happy man sad and the sad man happy. The adage and associated fable were popular in the first half of the 19th century, appearing in a collection of tales by the English poet Edward Fitzgerald and being employed in a speech by Abraham Lincoln before he became the sixteenth President of the United States." Posted by david f, Monday, 9 January 2017 10:44:20 PM
Arabs are not excluded from living in Israel, though notably Jews are excluded from living in every Arab country. No wonder the Arabs were so chummy with the Nazis.