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Muslim deradicalisation
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Perhaps one ought to change that to "boring".
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 July 2016 6:02:33 PM
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Muslim radicalisation has everything to do with: suicide; bad bullying school, depressing education that goes on for too may years; few good employment opportunities for low graded students; being trapped in cities; poor media entertainments; angry mental depression.
My following argument is about why true democracies don't work, that most everything believed is about controlling populations' most everything: March 9, 2016. “The Weekly With Charlie Pickering”, short criticism on preselecting party candidates: faction leaders controlling party candidate selection process. The quality of candidates intelligence depends on whether chosen candidates have no incentives to challenge faction leaders, establishment leadership policies. On the extreme other side of histories leaders, SBS1 television documentary on July 30, 2016. “Meet Caligula” describes Julius Caesar's family blood line. Caligula was assassinated on January 24, AD 41, having been a Roman emperor for less than four years. Mary Beard tells the story of a Roman nobility family where emperors murder family members in fear of themselves being murdered, in some plot. Plotters to take over he empire so plotters themselves as potential assassins, won't be murdered by an existing emperor. All plotters need the backing of a Roman military general or generals, general(s) need to believe lower ranking officers down to foot soldiers will follow general(s). Once an emperor dies family members commence plots and conspiracies to murder competing family members that may conspire to become Rome's emperor. The Mary Beard ancient Roman emperor story may indicate the lack of religious influence over competing political influences. Rome having a number of religious leaders crowning a “chosen one” by birth, a powerful single god religious leaders crowning ceremonies. In other words unless a royal family relative quickly steps up to perform traditional crowning king or emperor ceremonies, the leadership post is open for the taking, by any means. By having multiple gods, religious ceremonial crowning by religious leaders could be disputed on the grounds of, crowning on behalf of which god. In past centuries, leaders could be very wary of people wanting to overthrow the ruling class system. England's war of the Roses, Black Adder series. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 1:46:45 PM
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Within all this wanting to be leaders easy money rewarding life, religious persuasions over the working class, religion supporting a chosen leader, that leader being the defender of the religion. Both washing each others hands.
Islamic religion's clergy has a high degree, up to the full attention of many Muslims. Persuading whole populations to believe in a prophet's beliefs, the self-qualified praising a single god clergy interpreters of the Koran, hold a high degree of influence over Islamic religion believers. By making many human behaviours subject to a religious teaching, everything in religious believers lives becomes the concern of clerics. Clerics get god given rights to delve into people's lives. Today's aboriginal leaders whom may have been appointed by state and or federal governments; may have been elected by an aboriginal committee or by some community annual elections. My assumed arguments being theoretical: Established aboriginal leaders don't want to have rival intelligent thinking aboriginal groups within the aboriginal community, complaining about how government grant money is spent. Established aboriginal leaders don't want intelligent aboriginal people organising rival committees to investigate better options for the community. Succeeding in campaigning for aboriginal leadership. As soon as that intelligent aboriginal group takes over the leadership, the group then turns their attention towards not allowing other groups a chance to think up new reasons to challenge the new existing committee group. The problem being the aboriginal people don't have a strong religious leadership and ceremonial crowning blood line royalty chosen leaders as king. The leadership role is not limited to an established blood line royalty class. If or When Australian government suggests to aboriginal leaders that the education system is going change in order to reduce the mental stress on children and teenagers and run programs to increase aboriginal communities ability to think. Aboriginal leaders are going to object on argumentative reasons. Aboriginal leaders see local crime reduced, having fewer criminal concerning distractions consuming aboriginal communities thoughts, allows aboriginal people more time to think of many other ideas, creating opportunities of intelligent thought. Intelligent thought eventually leading to intelligent groups expelling old leaders. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 1:48:16 PM
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Many people may believe watching: QandA; The Drum; The Project; Lateline; Sunday morning Insiders... All programs to be informative. The depth of information and usable ideas coming out of these programs I say are very inconclusive. There may be about 20 people who regularly appear on the listed programs. These people are clever in that they never have good ideas on important subjects brought up for discussion. Yet on the unimportant topics, conversations maybe relevant.
Politicians appearing on QandA: talking in broad terms; talk about the process of government; often talk about themselves; often talk about the leaders, what leaders can't do. QandA audience guests asking by reading known questions by QandA panellists, questions may sound worthy to be asked. After listening to panellist's answers, I don't believe intelligent thinkers could be bothered to think by discussions. Answers seem to be avoiding real solutions, answers being little more than justifying doing nothing and or “lets have a royal commission”, which will take two years to complete. Any recommendations, if any, will be ignored do to budget restraints. I conclude that media introduced panellists and guest speakers are intentionally wearing down listeners attention spans. Journalists asking questions on Lateline/7.30 type programs, a third person or organisation becomes the focus of what that third party entity: could or should be doing and or why that third party entity can't do anything. That entity never to be heard of again. Aboriginal youth crime statistics I could assume will increase if there were such a published statistic. NSW Health Care Complaints Commission statistics increasing over the past four years, to my knowledge, was only broadcast by TEN eyewitness news First at Five, once, the next day referring to the same story, the commission was barely mentioned, blaming hospital administration budget restraints. The story to rarely ever to be heard again. The media focus attention on discussions that go nowhere, that can't easily be solved. Media are ignoring discussions that could actually force government to change, to fix stuff. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 1:50:09 PM
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Health Care insurance costs are going up, faster than inflation statistics. The relationship between hospitals complaints; patients being incorrectly diagnosed; increasing bacterial infections within hospitals; same mistakes done in operating surgery theatres... media audiences hear once if they're lucky. Busy yet interested listeners being too busy to complain, hear so many other important media news, distracting busy people from rethinking important local issues: hospitals; mental illnesses; suicides; schooling... should be fixed. Busy people turning media on to listen to the latest news are bombarded with terrorism and what politicians are saying about themselves and the process. Exampling: announcing building $50b submarines which steel won't made for another ten years; Rudd wanting to be nominated for U.N. Secretary General.
The distraction is the constantly repeated as important information, exampling terrorism, daily updates on the Lindt Cafe siege inquest, which I say is blocking out many media news topics which are also important, which can be fixed. Like the “War On Drugs” all that establishment media really want to talk about is people related to crime and elections. Like aboriginal leaders concerned about aboriginal people becoming intelligent enough to challenge aboriginal leaders... Busy, work exhausted media listening viewers are witnessing media rolling over crime, terrorism and political babble, preventing Australians from realising government's bad priorities. Media are distracting probable intelligent people from challenging government to fix important: Health Care inside hospitals; aboriginal youth detention centres; schools putting out traumatised teenagers, too traumatised to think how to adapt to perform skilled work, immigrant labour needing to be brought into Australia to build houses; crime industry, hiring and training increasing numbers of police, who could have been trained to build houses instead; health care industry, hiring and training increasing numbers of medical professionals to fix other medical professionals mistakes. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 1:51:49 PM
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After a long period of said to be unaffordable high priced house buying. Regular recessions following boom periods, increasing public debt during periods of low motor vehicle fuel prices. Many citizens employment opportunities in one large city CBD high rise sector, in each Australian state. Low wage inflation CPI: increasing travel expenses, road toll fees; public transport; health care insurance increasing costs above inflation rates... takes the spare earnings left over after loan servicing, away from wage earners. It is like the government system wants health care inflation excuses to consume wage earners spare savings spending power, placing Australia into a private business sector recession.
Returning back to the top of the reading. Pickering's comments of the quality of the few people in control of selecting party candidates who stand for elections in the name of the two main parties monopoly, good chance of being elected, maybe influenced by a limited number of people who want to stay in control of the many misdirections, only inviting party candidates that have no innovative incentive to challenge poorly run systems. Like War On Drugs analogy, using crime and inefficiencies to increase employment... Malcolm Turnbull countering my same arguments by promoting anecdotal misdirections' innovation Jobs and Growth policy campaigning. Faction leaders hearing that one elected politician has an independent idea from established party policies, can be threatened not follow their ideas, otherwise, rebellious politician will not be allowed to stand for the party in the next election, ending their political career. No other politician will support independent ideas for the same ending career reasons. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 1:53:43 PM