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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

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the sisterhood supporting the sisterhood leftist activist but pooping on Credlin. How predictable.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:44:57 PM
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Dear runner,

Wrong again - nobody is "poopin" on anybody.
Except perhaps - yourself - on the "sisterhood" you
consistently keep bringing up in sheer desperation.

The current mess the PM, his government,
and his Attorney-General are in - is all
of their own making. They have nobody to blame
but themselves for that. And the newspapers and polls
are having a field day as a result.

The murmurs within his own backbench - is getting
louder and louder!
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 4:02:58 PM
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Oh Foxy you and your luvvies. If the Human Rights Commission had an ounce of decency they would put an end or at least protest the slaugher of tens of thousands of unborn children. No like, Trigg they are blinded by their own bias and make up lies like Trigg did in seeing guns at detention centres. As someone who supported the Rudd/Gillard farce you obviously have no shame and your tribalism triumps over any principle.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 4:29:24 PM
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I have this sense FOXY you have this perverse delight in seeing anything bad happening to the LNP ? You're never one to see any good in anyone involved in conservative politics. You project this image of the learned 'disciple of authenticity' senior Librarian only interested in disseminating the facts, or is it a case that you tweak the facts to set your own brand of 'leftist' agenda ? I've been awfully slow at recognising the myth you seek to perpetuate - all the while thinking, '...why do some contributors keep attacking poor FOXY...', where all along you manipulate your own brand of dogma and belief systems. That aside, I'll always respect you enormously, but for my own intellectual survival herein, I must be more cautious whenever we seek to engag
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 5:25:52 PM
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If nothing else this (non) debate highlights a conflict between the ideals of civil rights and religious doctrine of human rights and more broadly the conflict between the current status quo and explicit secularism, we have freedom of religion in spades, we don't yet have freedom from religion as evidenced by the HREOC report.
This level of redaction and reliance on unsubstantiated, anonymous testimony is typical of political propaganda:
Look at the list of submissions, they're in a narrow range from stakeholders in the refugee industry such as the churches and refugee advocates, providers of health services to the disadvantaged to your usual open borders nuts. It is a biased report full of falsehoods, rumour and innuendo (particularly the risible "expert" testimony)but as usual the less than intelligent attorney general and his similarly intellectually challenged boss are approaching this in the only way they know how, the wrong way.
The coalition have to choose between civil rights and human rights, the two ideals are in direct opposition to one another, you can't assert inalienable human rights of one group without trampling the civil rights of another.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 5:31:39 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,

This is a public forum. You are at liberty to
draw whatever conclusions you choose to make
about me or anyone else.
I stand by my posting record.
People can judge me on that.

If you do not want to inter-act with me - that
is your choice entirely.
Difficult as it may
be, it is something I dare say I will have to
learn to live with.

Dear runner,

You really need to do a bit more research into
laws regarding abortion before you make
sweeping statements. A woman's ability to access
safe and legal abortions is restricted in law or
in practice in most countries of the world.

Prof. Triggs does not care to correct the lies
about guns and other things that have been falsely
written about her.

As for your accusations about my political inclinations?
You are in no credible position to make any statements
on that subject.

Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 6:23:34 PM
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