The Forum > General Discussion > Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?
Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?
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FOXY, thank you for the link, again there is absolutely no mention of the carriage of firearms ? The night's late, and am I'm tired !
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 9:59:12 PM
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You say Foxy "As you pointed out- "It's no big deal whether
or not security staff at detention centres are armed..." It actually is a big deal - and adds to the horror that children would witness and experience." Does this mean that children who see a policeman in this country with a side arm in its holster are also terrified? If you think that then you are in la la land. Children see a policeman, policeman carry guns, the end. Children easily adapt to the situation they are in especially if they are with their parents, well fed and in no immediate threat of harm which they are not in these detention centres; the children will not be questioning whether or not the guards are armed unless their mother is neurotically pointing it out as a concern. All this is a beat up and deflection from the fact Gillian Triggs, you, the Poirots et al, the Labor Party, the Greens, and the ABC cannot support anything this government tries to do. Gillian Triggs timing was politically motivated, full stop. Her position is untenable and its only fair she resign. Untenable does not mean incompetent. The government was generous to offer her an alternative position. Posted by ConservativeHippie, Thursday, 26 February 2015 7:04:10 AM
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Foxy, do you think Gillian Triggs would still have a job if she released her report prior to the election, against the request of the Labor Government, when 2000 children were in detention?
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Thursday, 26 February 2015 7:10:28 AM
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We are being told a very different story to the one-sided view of 'poor victimised Triggsie' that you and the leftists would have us accept. Here, from the 'MSM' that you and other leftist 'Progressives' have quoted from as reliable before, "Gillian Triggs: Set on a course of self-martyrdom February 26, 2015 Dr Gillian Triggs has damaged the Australian Human Rights Commission's reputation for impartiality. Late in the afternoon of February 11, a woman walked into one of the two Fairfax newsrooms in Parliament House Canberra, placed a document on the desk of a reporter, and proceeded to tell the reporter the highlights of a story she should write. I noticed the visitor because she had such a proprietary attitude. She turned out to be Senator Sarah Hanson-Young of the Greens. The document she had delivered was a report by the Australian Human Rights Commission, 'The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014'. Indeed, let us not forget the children. Under the previous Labor governments there were 2000 children in detention. It was a policy debacle and a national disgrace. The president of the commission, Dr Gillian Triggs, is to be commended for her concern for these blighted children. However, she has undermined her own concerns that the commission be perceived as rigorously impartial. Her responses under questioning by Senators have been confusing. Her judgement has been sometimes poor. Her relationship with the government has become a combat zone. In response to numerous missteps Dr Triggs has set on a course of self-martyrdom. This itself is incendiary to the impartiality of the Human Rights Commission. When thousands of children were in detention, there was no national inquiry by the commission. Yet after the Coalition government quickly and effectively shut down the people smuggling trade, closed a dozen detention centres, and the number of children in detention plunged by 80 per cent in its first year, Dr Triggs moved with haste to attach blame to the government. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 26 February 2015 7:10:30 AM
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"She signed off on a report whose very title is incendiary, inaccurate, and seeks to blame the very government which staunched the wound. Far from being forgotten, not a single child was placed in detention by the Coalition government. Most were removed from custody. When asked about the belated timing of the inquiry, she has given five different reasons at various times. Dr Triggs told this week's Senate inquiry that about 700 children had been removed from detention under the Coalition and about 330 remained in detention. This wildly understated the government's progress. More than twice as many children as claimed, 1482, have been removed from detention, and 242 are awaiting placement in community care. She expressed hope her inquiry may have sped up the process, implying that it did. The government's election promise was always to have zero boats and zero children in detention as soon as possible.Dr Triggs claims to have been pressured to resign by the government and was "shocked" and "appalled" by this. Again, her claim is both incendiary and does not withstand scrutiny. It was Dr Triggs who contacted the Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department, Chris Moraitis, to set up a meeting to discuss where she stood with the government in the wake of sustained public criticism of her performance. She was told the truth. The government had lost confidence in her. She saw this response as pressure to resign, which she said was "shocking". The same could be said of Dr Triggs' conduct on this matter. She was never asked to resign. Both the Attorney-General, Senator George Brandis, and the head of his department, flatly denied ever asking for her resignation. In her testimony to the Senate inquiry on Tuesday, it emerged she had inferred this meaning out of comments made in a meeting that she herself had requested." tbc Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 26 February 2015 7:12:09 AM
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"The government's confidence in her judgement started eroding a long time ago. Late last year, she claimed the detention centre on Christmas Island was patrolled by armed guards. This was not true and was one of several inflammatory observations that did not withstand scrutiny. Last year, Dr Triggs recommended that John Basikbasik, who entered the country illegally in 1985, later murdered his pregnant partner, and was involved in a revolving door of violent incidents, be removed from detention and paid $350,000 in compensation for his long-term incarceration. The government rejected her recommendation. She also recommended that a serial criminal be paid $300,000 in compensation for being detained while engaging in legal action to prevent deportation, even though a Federal Court had found these actions to be "frivolous, vexatious and embarrassing". The government rejected her recommendation. Now, under Dr Triggs, the commission has moved to attach blame for the mental cruelties imposed on children in detention to the government which did not create the problem and has largely solved it. This is not a first for the commission. It is a divisive bureaucracy which spends $25 million a year on its permanent quest for relevance in a country with an abundance of human rights protections." 'Poor victim Triggsie' as you and the leftists would have her seems to have form for some lack-lustre decisions. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 26 February 2015 7:20:24 AM