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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

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More like Xerox with those looooong cut'n'pastes. LOL

The Human Rights Commission, formerly the highly political Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, a Labor creation, has swung from the taxpayers' teat for longer than many taxpaying workers have been alive.

If it hasn't achieved its purposes or at least any purposes that were realistic to achieve, why the hell does it still exist?

The AHR is one of those quasi judicial entities that are the bane of modern politics. Its President is unelected and is not directly responsible to the Parliament as are the Ministers and mainstream departments.

Some here laud the HRC for its independence, as if that is an end goal in itself, but the opposite is true and the public have a right to demand full accountability and savings too.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 1:52:21 PM
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And Liberal MPs Craig Laundy and Andrew Laming raised concerns about the attack on the Human Rights Commission President Gillian Triggs and the issue of children in detention.

What an outright liar, this PM has no regard for anyone or anything. Saying that no offer was made and no resignation was inquired about.
Just yesterday it was evidence and today it does not exist.
Our esteemed PM is a disgrace, and can not stay PM. The man is a bare faced liar
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:32:17 PM
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Never mind otb...he apparently doesn't give a hoot regarding the independence of statutory bodies - when they get in the way of his partisanship.

It's all very simple really...this govt attempted some dodgy shenanigans - and it's blown up in their face.

Matches perfectly with their near perfect record of ineptitude.

When was "good government" supposed to begin?...we're still waiting.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:39:54 PM
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Question? Why do we have a whole department presiding over the welfare report of 200 children in detention with parents; when we already have a department concerned with the welfare of children?
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:42:51 PM
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I would say our own dept; does not have authority to investigate things that are kept secret.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 2:55:59 PM
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Dear Poirot,

Articles in our major newspapers, and opinion polls - all
agree that the "overblown attack on Prof. Gillian
Triggs leaves a messy egg on Attorney General
George Brandis' face."

The problem for the PM and his government,
including for the Attorney-General, is that Prof.
Triggs is innocent of all the charges and has refused
to buckle under hours of interrogation in the Senate
committee room on Tuesday.

It's odd. The charge these poor pathetic creatures have
come up with is not that Prof. Triggs engaged in any
misconduct but rather they accuse her of
leading the Commission in a "partisan" manner - by
embarking on an inquiry into children in immigration
detention, when this problem peaked under the Labor

Prof. Triggs has made it quite clear that the inquiry was
not partisan. That it was an inquiry about the impact of
immigration detention on children as a whole -
both under the Labor Government and under this one.
It was not partisan.

The consistencies in Prof. Triggs previous terimony had
been clarified in correspondence to the Committee.

Also, to the suggestion that Prof. Triggs confided in either
Brandis' Deptartment Head or in her Human Rights Commissioners
that she was resigning - was an emphatic - It wasn't true!

All of this, combined with her determination to continue to
perform her role to the best of her ability has left our
"it's all right to be a bigot" Attorney-General Brandis with
but one conclusion -

"I don't know where we go from here," he said.

I would be happy to suggest a few places for both him and
the PM.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:39:33 PM
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