The Forum > General Discussion > Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?
Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?
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Again FOXY you cleverly distort material to avoid confronting the truth ? Prof TRIGG 'did' claim refugees were being guarded by security staff bearing Firearms ? I heard her statement myself. Therefore it is definitely not a lie as you claim. Though in my opinion it's no big deal whether or not security staff at detention centres are armed. However they are not for the purposes of this argument. By the way, I was one who didn't believe Prof TRIGG should be dismissed nor resign.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 6:50:34 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,
Here is another link that may be of interest: Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 7:22:49 PM
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Hi (again) FOXY...
Thank you for the link you kindly furnished, and I did read it and read it carefully. What is the point of you sending it to me, it's hardly germane to the point we discussing herein ? I would probably agree with 98% of everything in the article, notwithstanding it was from a very biased ABC ? Is it your intent to obfuscate my assertion by attempting to cloud the discussion with yet another vague link ? My point was, and still is FOXY, Prof TRIGG erroneously stated staff at Detention Centres carry guns. You stated that was another lie alleged for the purpose of discrediting her ? Your words '...Prof TRIGG does not choose to correct lies about guns and other things that have been falsely written about her...' ? As I stated in my previous thread, I heard the interview myself where Prof TRIGG claimed security staff carried guns at Detention Centres ? Come on FOXY, you claim I don't possess facts, why are you so strongly defending the indefensible ? Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 7:58:51 PM
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A lot of the testimony of the experts is bollocks and relates basic whinging about minor inconveniences experienced by refugees. "My son is covered in bruises from banging his shins on the furniture in our room" "My son can't draw a picture of himself because our mirror is mounted too high on the wall" "We're scared of the crabs and centipedes" "We only get one piece of fresh fruit a day each and it's always apples...err, except sometimes we get watermelon and peaches". "We can only get 4-5 days supply of nappies and baby products at a time". "The phosphorous in the air is giving us all asthma".(to their credit the "experts" discount this as a rumour) It's understandable that rumours about maltreatment of others are taken as fact by the refugees, even though they themselves haven't experienced any physical coercion or brutality from staff they've heard about it on the grapevine and it's manna for the left wing gutter press, as the saying goes "When legend becomes fact, print the legend". I realise it's illegal to identify an illegal migrant in detention but given that HREOC is not a trustworthy organisation, that it's tainted by misinformation and associations to "Anti Racists" and that the stakeholders such as the churches and service providers have an obvious conflict of interest these anonymous witness testimonies have to be taken with a grain of salt. I've delved into the report in the last few hours and as with all religious Human Rights propaganda it require suspension of disbelief to fully buy into what they're selling, to a rational mind it doesn't fit the world as we know it. The detention centres are like medium security prisons, prison isn't nice, prison guards are often not nice, prison food is horrible and you don't get a say in what you do and when you do it. There's a simple solution if illegal migrants aren't happy, go back to where you came from. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 8:49:29 PM
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o sung wu,
I have a friend who subs to the feds (ex copper too). He runs a (security) team on hire to the Govt and he is in and out of all thesen centers. All his men and women are trained in self defense to the highest order and yes they are armed with the standard Glock 22 40cal. As far a Triggs is concerned she should go and they should close down the HR commission. They are nothing more than a hindrance in the governance of this country. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 9:16:14 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,
Since I began writing for this forum I have tried to present facts and information to the best of my ability. I don't always get it right. Who does. However there have been so many lies abot Prof. Gillian Triggs I certainly don't want to add to them. As you pointed out- "It's no big deal whether or not security staff at detention centres are armed..." It actually is a big deal - and adds to the horror that children would winess and experience. The following proves this point: Dear Jay, You need to broaden your information about what children really experience in our detention centres: Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 25 February 2015 9:36:27 PM