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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

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G'day there ONTHEBEACH...

I dunno mate, in my living memory I've never known a single individual in Aussie politics who's copped so much, from so many, in such a short space of time ? Moreover, the intensity of which these barrages against ABBOTT would probably topple lesser men ?

I don't believe I've heard anyone in the Canberra Press Gallery say a kind word about him, ever ! Nor has any of them praised anything, he or his Party's done. These obese, physically decrepit, flabby big mouth journalist's (we'll not mention names) who sit back in their five star, Manuka 'watering holes' guzzling their way through martini after martini, and other potent alcoholic shots they enjoy so much, trying to think of more hurtful remarks, more damaging allegations with which to further assassinate and denigrate Abbott's character ?

Gezz if it was me they were vilifying, I'd dearly love to render a couple of these fat slugs to an orientation where they're capable of 'sucking concrete' ? It's funny really how something, some situation, can give rise to an unseen primeval instinct to emerge ?

Regardless of what Party ABBOTT belongs, to cop these relentless personal attacks he's had to endure, is positively disgusting, and I believe it illustrates the depth in which Australian politics has sunk ?

Of course, none of these highly principled, incorruptible journalists, have ever done the wrong thing, made a Captains Call, acted in a way others might find very shameful ? Perfection is a wonderful thing, and something that must remain exclusively within the purview of journalists ? It's no wonder members of the police loath them with the intensity they do ? They can say anything about cops or coppers, in turn the cop or coppers are not permitted a right of reply...amazing ?
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 28 February 2015 4:52:29 PM
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Why is Tony Abbott and his government wrong?

Firstly the Commission did not politically target
the Abbott government. The Commission calls out
both Coalition and Labor governments and acknowledges
improvements under the Coalition.

The Commission has fully explained the timing of its inquiry.
It was driven by the longer periods of detention under the
Coalition, the need for a break anter finishing another
inquiry, and the ten year anniversary of its 2004 report.

The Commission handed the government its damning report into
the harm being inflicted on children in immigration detention
on November 11 2014. The government waited until the last
possible day, February 11, 2015 before publicly releasing it.
In the meantime it launched an unprecedented dirty political

In December it announced a 30 per cent funding cut to the

In early February the government sought Prof. Triggs

When the report was finally made public instead of addressing
the overwhelming evidence of severe damage to children,
the PM and his Attorney-General rejected the findings and
attacked the report as blatantly partisan saying the
"Commission ought to be ashamed of itself."

The pattern is clear - the government is punishing the
Commission. It is the PM and his Attorney-General who
should be ashamed of themselves. It is they who have
lost credibility. It is they who should resign.
Both are unfit for their jobs.

As Malcolm Turnbull stated - it should be about the children!

Hear, Hear!
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 February 2015 5:04:10 PM
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o sung wu,

"I dunno mate, in my living memory I've never known a single individual in Aussie politics who's copped so much, from so many, in such a short space of time ? Moreover, the intensity of which these barrages against ABBOTT would probably topple lesser men ?"

I suppose you were out there defending Gillard when the press pack rounded on her unrelentingly?


Erm...we'd be battling to find a PM who has goofed and gaffed, lied and dog-whistled - almost on a daily basis - to the extent of Abbott.

A "lesser man" implies that you consider him a man of integrity.

You'd be battling to convince around 80% of Australians that he embodies that virtue....even the ones who overlook his crass ineptitude
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 28 February 2015 5:28:00 PM
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yep Poirot we are yet to have a contributor to OLO so obsessed with abottphobia over the last five years. You really should apply for a job at the abc. Still see you have no idea of what the word shame means by defending Gillard. The sisterhood links are very deep and blinding.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 28 February 2015 6:41:45 PM
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Jeepers...we're all treated to another cyclonic runner run-by post!

runner, who, by the way, constantly relives the glory of having invented the term "abottphobia"....which he tweaked from his all time fave "Christophobia"

Which is about as substantial as his rhetoric gets.

Go on runner, give it a go...really sock it to me!

It'll do me good to be taken down a peg or two.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 28 February 2015 6:56:13 PM
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Dear runner,

The Macquarie Dictionary chooses the "Word Of
The Year," annually. This has apparently been a tradition
since 2006.

I wonder what word they will choose this year?

Words that possibly might qualify are:

Team Australia

To name just a few.

Words are like mirrors. The mirror of language held
up close is very revealing.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 February 2015 7:27:51 PM
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