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The Forum > General Discussion > Impending Execution of Messre CHAN & SUKUMARAN: Morally right, or Wrong ?

Impending Execution of Messre CHAN & SUKUMARAN: Morally right, or Wrong ?

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By whose moral standard?

They made choices. they reap the rewards either way. Its the same as a choice on where to travel. Pick a lawless violent holiday spot and your chances of dying go up. Choose to join a war somewhere else and wear the outcome.
Posted by Williejay, Thursday, 5 February 2015 3:23:34 PM
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The right to life is the same as any other right. It is a gift by virtue of your society and the moral precepts underlying it. Abuse it and you risk the erosion of that right. Abuse the right and the society and it's precepts will evolve to preserve the social fabric.

All we are doing is attempting some form of personal relevance and perhaps derive a spinal rill of excitement in the presence of death. Someone elses. At least Defarge had her knitting as a diversion.
Posted by Williejay, Thursday, 5 February 2015 3:34:15 PM
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You amaze me with your infinite knowledge of firing squads ? Perhaps you might like to share it with us all ?


Mate I don't know ? Capital punishment is an anathema to me. I've no doubt that these two deserve everything they get. Show them any form of leniency, and they'll likely take an unfair advantage of it ? But to line them both up and put a bullet through them well, I'm not so sure ?

SUKUMARAN is a real 'piece of work', standover, intimidation, terrorising those who are much less physically capable then he, well that's his bag as they say. Probably there would be many of his victims (victims of his beatings) who would probably take great delight in witnessing his execution. See the fear in his eyes for a change, watch as he empties his bowel's upon his death ? There again, I'm really not sure, so I should shut my mouth on that subject, after all he may meet his end quite bravely, only he'll know at the time ?


I agree with you, they both rolled the dice and seemingly have now lost, and they need to pay the banker ! Personally I can't accept capital punishment as a fitting punishment, but the Indonesians claim they have a burgeoning drug problem, and this is their way of dealing with it ? I'd say, these two at least, will not get away with it ? A lesson that other potential drug traffickers should learn ? Somehow, they won't, most would prefer to run the gauntlet in the hope of getting that huge 'score'?
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 5 February 2015 3:54:45 PM
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Back to the question: "Impending Execution of Messre CHAN & SUKUMARAN: Morally right, or Wrong ?"

I think we can only give our opinions as to whether it is morally right, or wrong. There is no universal standard of morality.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 5 February 2015 4:41:54 PM
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'There is no universal standard of morality.'
which means the morality of ISIS is equivelant to yours David f
Posted by runner, Thursday, 5 February 2015 5:07:29 PM
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Dear runner,

You have your own superstition and would like everybody else to follow it. That's one problem. Islam has the same attitude. I see no reason to think your superstition is any better than that of Islam. Your superstition has a tradition of burning people at the stake who thought differently. In my opinion you are more akin to Isis than I am in your sense of rightness and in your apparent opinion that you have a moral truth. I have the same view as Thomas Jefferson who said, "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

Another problem is how to live in peace with people who believe different things are right and wrong than we do. We can't always live in peace, but we can try.

One thing that will help is to recognise that those have other opinions than ours are just as convinced there are right as we are.

I would like to live in peace with you, but you don't seem to want that.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 5 February 2015 5:34:03 PM
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