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Sustainable Welfare
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Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 23 January 2014 8:19:58 AM
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The link is only to show that the matter is under review. I just have to comment on some contributions. I saw this morning views from the far sides of this issue, even predicted it. But like every single issue in politics while not satisfying all, a middle path exists. And in the case of our welfare system failures and too waste exists too. I would never propose an uncaring system. But firmly think we can do much better. No one cap fits all here, we must understand that. We as a country should consider why we pay welfare to the well off. And why we at the other end fail to stop those who chose not to work being leaches on us all. Not every poor person is a saint, I know of a youth receiving carers pension for his grand mother, he sees her rarely. His family every one, extended too, are third generation welfare receivers, by choice. A job, once settled in to getting out of bed would even if they disagree be a blessing for them, and a saving for us. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 January 2014 8:23:30 AM
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.....I think your unemployment figures will come in much earlier than that Bazz. The start is already in place
You're kidding! Is this the same 579 that told me repeatedly to not worry, I was over reacting. It's about time you removed your head from the sand and saw the real picture, you know, the one I repeatedly warned you about, albeit all too often to no avail. We are in trouble and the warning signs have been there for quite some time. As for welfare, my answer always has and always will be, quarantining, because it's stands to reason that if every dollar can be channeled towards its intended usage, then the dollars simply go further. Y.......On the contrary: those who are not formally employed receive only a fraction of the income of those who are employed Sorry, but that's simply not true. The dole pays around $240 per week, FOR NOTHING. A basic min wage pays around $600 per week, of which they pay tax, whereby the worker has to not only have the means to get to and from work, BUT THEY ALSO HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. Then there are the growing number who are under employed. Then there are those NOT ALL who have two kids, paid for by others, who then proceed to piss away the gift they receive from the tax payer simply because they are cunning enough to work the system. The answer for welfare reform is to stop the waste, because if you stop the waste the tax payer, the ome who provided the gift, get more bang for their bucks. I also think that welfare should be earned, not gifted. As for super, it should never have been left for profiterers to manage, it should heve been reserved to provide infrastructure for all to benefit from. In fact, had this been done we would still own Testra, Qantas, the railways and the banks etc etc. Another il implemented government policy supported from both sides. Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 23 January 2014 10:40:30 AM
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Dear Rechtub,
<<The dole pays around $240 per week, FOR NOTHING.>> You and I get more than our fair share from that, by not having those dole-recipients break into our homes. In countries where there is no dole, robbery is the daily standard and those who have anything to lose are afraid to go out and must live behind high fenced walls with armed guards. Or would you jail them instead and pay to feed them and their guards? Consider the cost of fortifying and guarding your home, your car, your children's schools, etc. and you will find that this is much cheaper! Do you seriously believe that those people will quietly starve or have their children starve before they exhaust every possible avenue to grab what is yours? <<A basic min wage pays around $600 per week>> Those who receive the minimum wage are usually those that actually produce - it's those who receive the high salaries, in both government and corporations, that produce nothing of real value, it's those paper-shufflers that we should first aim to reduce, not the poor people's sustenance. Just consider for example the percentage of people whose employment is, directly or indirectly, just about dealing with money - that's perhaps around 50% of workers who do not produce anything real. Can we afford them? The aim of economy is to produce those actual goods and services that we really need, such that we can eat, wear and shelter under, rather than useless numbers flying up in the air. Let EVERYONE receive those $240/week (but nothing more), including those who currently receive more than 10 times as much along with other perks, but should instead be sacked because they create nothing good while sitting in their air-conditioned offices. Let this payment be unconditional, so no cheating is possible. I already explained this at length in Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 23 January 2014 12:48:35 PM
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If it goes the way I think it will, the Transition Town way, life will not be too bad at all. There could be work for all, even if it is just working in your vegi garden. There would be no $200k bonus men about, they might be working with their father-in-law electrician repairing and installing solar cell electricity systems. Perhaps he might be working at the town printers, producing the local currency. Now Rehctub will be most useful, he could be at work in his shop and spend part of his time preparing meat to be distributed to other towns or assisting at the local cattle market setting prices. Now Hasbeen, having such seafaring experience, could be doing boat repairs. Belly could be set to work & run a team of young fit blokes keeping the roads repaired so our bullock teams would not be getting bogged. The road needs to be kept in good condition so the weekly bus and the weekly truck delivery can get through. Hmmm Greeny Philip, well he could always tell us what we are doing wrong, but I think he might have to experience some starvation before he enters the real world. Now what will we give Foxy to do, well the Library is quite small but she could work with the school teachers bringing the children to an understanding of what books are available for the new world in which we live. Me ? Well someone has to be boss, so I will nominate for that. NO, I will make a crust repairing all those toasters, radios and if it is still on air the TV sets. I could rewind burnt out electric motors also if I could get the wire. So you see it is not all that bleak. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 23 January 2014 1:39:07 PM
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I know this is a conservative site.
And I except that. Recently I put myself in the sin bin. I am aware my comments, hopefully in retaliation have been over the top. Yesterday my spare wheel, bolted to the back of my small 4x4 was slashed and exploded. It had a *Labor Values sticker on the back and side windows*. About 4 times from Abbott,s installation they have been ripped of, always in a coastal town know for its well off ex big city folk. I never went looking, why would I. See I am not aware we are involved i8n a hate war. RAW MUSTARD. DID WE ALL READ THAT GR4UBBY MANS COMMENT TO ME? Is it OK if I stoop that low? Are we intent on dividing this country that much. Do I test the waters to see if I can go that far? Surely retaliation could put a fire under our culture? OLO at some point must confront both me and hopefully raw mustard. I wish to continue this theme, welfare it isurgent and this country must confront it continued Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 January 2014 2:26:27 PM
Don't be so dismissive of the idea of a bipartisan arrangement between the major parties, stranger things have happened in politics.
Now I am not saying it will happen, but it could if the parties agree that their policies are close, as they are with immigration.
It would all depend on whether or not one side thought they could gain votes by opposing the other. Politicians think in terms of votes and themselves, not on whether something is beneficial to Aus.
there is little difference now in social welfare policies.