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One Hundred Days all down hill

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Three posts from folk who apparently do not understand the subject.
The words are mine the link is not.
NEITHER are the thoughts expressed from two headed folk.
The very same polls that bought such joy to the anti Labor crowd now speak with the same unbiased truth as its voice that is the Australian people.
No Government in my life time, none I know of, has hit the ground face first like this, not running.
We can have our individual thoughts and biases but be warned! this is the Australian Peoples voice.
I see, *AND FEAR* a return to Liberalism.
And that says watch Tony Abbott,s back in his 30th month in office.
If his party has not dumped him and near half of his from bench.
Why fear?
A Liberal party lead by a true Liberal is a much harder thing to remove.
Turnbull, as I said I fear, could become a long term winner Abbott can not.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 2:31:06 PM
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Belly we all know you lefties all want Malcolm Turnbull, Or Clive Palmer to lead Labor, although Palmer might be looking a bit doubtful. He expected the same level of corruption favoring him with the libs in government, as he saw your lot handing out under Beattie & Bligh, Rudd & Gillard. I guess he got a bit miffed to find that wasn't the case, so nicked off with his own party.

Bit slow there weren't your lot. With your experience with handing out mining leases, I would have thought a match made in heaven.

As for Turnbull, I'm sure the libs will happily give him to you, he would be more use to them on your side than he is on theirs.

Foxy my sweet, I don't know how many times I've warned you not to read those propaganda rags, they will rot tour mind, even if they don't send you blind, [Oh sorry, that's another vice isn't it}.

And don't believe everything Belly tells you sweetie. This must be the hundred & first time he has reported Abbotts death, & this is no more correct than will be his three hundredth, some time early in 2020.

Listening to Belly's predictions may not send you blind, but it is still very bad for you. Too much wishful thinking will ultimately rot your soul.

Much better would be to spend a day out in the garden with him. That would be fun.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 3:37:13 PM
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Neverwas. beting your gums incessantly about your boy abbott and his first 100 days.. Actually no you aren't you are still living in the past. Sport the second world war is over.

You boy abbot and his tem of wreckers have had 100 days + 1 or 2 and all they have done is moan complain. Nothing positive. I have a copy of team tony and his "our plan Real solutions' Surprisingly, it is very positive. Somewhere in the morass of stupidty and recklessness you and your cubby chum joe hockey have tossed this 16 page epithet away and its all gloom and doom.

Keep this up neverwas they will taking you away in the rubber truck. Sadly the liberal Govt has decided to again to be negative, but what the heck, why break the habit of the last few years.

First 100 days Grade E- Fail
Posted by very curious, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 4:58:08 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Have you been watching the news reports on the
budget this evening?

I have and I've been listening to both Joe Hockey and
Chris Bowen. And here are the facts:

1) A deficit of $30.1 billion is now $47 billion -
60 per cent of this blow out is due to the Abbott
government spending decisions.

2) Peak debt of $370 billion in 2016-17 now peaks at
$460 billion.

3) Unemployment was peaking at 6.25 per cent - it's now
projected to peak at 6.25 percent and stay there for
3 years.

And what is a concern is that Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott
have taken a $13.7 billion hit to the Budget bottom line
over the next 4 years to give tax breaks to large
multinational corporations, people with super salaries
over $2 million and for those who borrow to invest

At the same time the Abbott government has hurt up to 2.7
million small businesses missing out on the instant
asset write-off, up to 100,000 small businesses missing out
on a lower threshold for the loss carry back provisions
and up to 3.6 million low and middle-income earners now having
to pay super tax on their contributions.

Joe Hockey has also cut health and medical research by more
$500 million - including cutting funding to Westmead Hospital
by $100million despite promising before the election that
he wouldn't take the axe to health services.

None of these decisions are in the interests of everyday
Australians. And, turning around and saying the budget
blowout isn't their fault is a bit rich.
To say the least.

Labor had a Budget that was set to return to surplus in
2016-17. Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey don't have a plan
beyond blaming Labor. We were promised the Coalition would
pay back the debt and create 1 million jobs.

Instead the peak debt is rising to $667 billion.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 5:37:15 PM
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Foxy, "Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey don't have a plan beyond blaming Labor"

Gotta love the political slogans. Mental bumper stickers for the foot soldiers. Something to be outraged about at Bingo at the workers club.

Anyhow the really good news for the socialist foot soldiers is that their pin-up Grrl and ferocious feminist general in the class struggles, ex-PM Julia Whatshername (you know, the one on that fat guvvy fully indexed parliamentary pension who demanded that the taxpayer pay for two metro offices for her for life, on top of her other PM golden handshake) has accepted $921,000 - more than $250,000 above the asking price- for a house she bought in 1998 for $140,000.

Now if it was any ordinary mortal from the 'other side' as socialists see it, it would be 'unfair', even immoral to exploit a buyer for a quarter of a million above what the property could be valued at even by the most optimistic REA, or even take a profit from residential property (where will GenY live?),


where it concerns the darling of the Fabian Socialists (hey, it is now 'Progressives', that sounds better), there is nary a murmur from the usual suspects. Definitely no Annabel Crabb tut-tutting. Shucks, Annabel would defend it somehow, 'You go, Grrl!'.

Constantly amazed at how avowedly lower income Labor politicians can depart politics as multi-millionaires. Even more amazed at the deafening silence of the socialist foot soldiers who turn a blind eye to the considerable wads and luxurious lifestyles of the rich and famous Labor pollies and union officials. A short spin at the top and as the Lotto slogan goes, they are 'Set for Life'. Julia Whatshername is 52 and will be carried in her comfy armchair knitting by our children, grandchildren and possibly even our great-grandchildren when they work at Makkas to support their studies.

But there is nothing hypocritical in that for a head honcho Fabian Socialist (er sorry, 'Progressive' is the spin and no-one reads history), nothing hypocritical at all, apparently. What was that about 'wolves in sheep's clothing'?
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 1:58:43 AM
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Hasbeen quite a lot of silly dribble is being aimed at me and Labor here.
I will respond to your post, NEVER EVER TO ANOTHER,S.
Remember this thread is started with a truth, polling is consistently telling us this government is disliked.
My thoughts on Turnbull, are from an understanding some Liberals want him.
And another truth, some do not want Abbott, not lefty Labor but your party.
Hasbeen you, not I, must confront your position in politics.
I am no Socialist but mate you present time and again.
As extremist far right.
You do not fit the Liberal mold.
Research the speeches and policy,s of Menzies.
As a survival method here in OLO I will continue to ignore fools and to see this naked truth.
A handful of truly extremist right posters continue to make unfounded claims about lefty,s that do not even touch truth.
As Abbott,s polling falls, and it will, month after month more Liberals than you wish will look toward Turnbull.
My words above should show to understanding readers I *do not want him to unseat Abbott* he maybe a hill too high for Labor.
Read your thoughts in to my words but you deceive only yourself in doing so.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 6:11:01 AM
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