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The Forum > General Discussion > One Hundred Days all down hill

One Hundred Days all down hill

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That's an impressive list for his first 100 days.
I imagine he and his cohort are quite proud of themselves.
How can so few do so much and achieve so little.
Posted by Shaggy Dog, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 9:18:33 AM
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Dear Belly,

Yeah, it's all the fault of those awful "Fabian
Socialists," those "Progressives," that Joe
Hockey and Tony Abbott have taken a $13.7 billion
hit to the Budget bottom line over the next 4 years
to give tax breaks to large multinational corporations,
and people with super balances over $2 miilion,
and for those who borrow to invest overseas
while at the same time cutting health and medical
research by more than 500 million, including
cutting funding to Westmead Hospital by $100 million,
despite promising before the election that they
wouldn't take the axe to health services.

Instead of having a plan it's so much easier to blame
Labor. Anybody buying this?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 9:38:34 AM
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It IS a welcome change from those Labor Fabian Socialists aka 'Progressives' (what a misnomer!), isn't it?

The Fabian Socialists measure themselves by the number of laws they come up with to increase State control over citizens. They are just falling over their own feet passing laws to 're-engineer' society and interfere in citizens' private lives to accord with what they believe is right (and is usually wrong and ABSOLUTELY not needed).

At last a return to government to fulfil the people's wish that 'If it is not broke don't fix it'. Above all, first do no harm. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Which the Labor Fabian Socialists were prone to do. In fact they did little else. Mainly because Fabian Socialists always know what is best for everyone and made all of their important deals (ahem) decisions, behind closed doors, with people the same as them, ie people they can trust to keep a secret (well, sort of).

With the Labor Fabian Socialists at the helm it was constant interference that could result unexpected negative consequences such as new business opportunities for criminal gangs to get into people smugglers, or fires in homes (insulation) :(

Hopefully government becomes boring again. Who needs hundreds of new laws to control our personal behaviour and life? How did we ever manage to live before, pray tell? Government should get the fundamentals right first and provide the services it was set up to provide. Australia does not need Ruddy messes from another Kevin jet-setting overseas and nor do we want a poseur like Julia Whatshername doing her world tours, disbursing free advice and millions of taxpayers money to all she meets.

The Fabian Socialist Labor government has gone? Good!
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 9:59:17 AM
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Are the boats stopping, why expand Naru and Manus when the boats have stopped. maybe it's just the flow of information that has stopped. The NBN won't be worth having, overseas are far in advance on the projected speeds they are forecasting.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:02:07 AM
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I should have added, that the downsides of the new government are that:

- some who have been gorging themselves off the government's teat - in actual the taxpayer's teat, because government has none of its own money - might have to get some real work to do; and,

- ABC journalists might have to find some real news, rather than lining up on the hour to be spoon-fed Press Releases (and matey tips) by government spin-masters, for a talk-fest among themselves on air later.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:10:17 AM
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Very interesting. The change in the polls in such a short time even
before much has got through parliament is very odd indeed.
Is it because the public became used to daily announcements of this that and the other ?

They feel that nothing has happened or is being done.
Is it just a contrast in style ?

Robert's list is very impressive, I would like to know what resources
he has to be able to compile such a list. I know it would take me ages.
Some of the things on the list are very good moves, some are not but
many I thought would require a new budget to be adopted so they cannot
be said to have happened but are intentions.

Anyway as things get the chop just remember this;

Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:12:37 AM
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