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One Hundred Days all down hill

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The link is not mine.
It is not ABC bias.
It is Australia giving its judgment on the new government.
Before branding me a lefty nut ask this of your self, why has Abbott not had his honey moon?
GY once told us he thinks we under estimated Tony.
My true thought is his party over estimated him.
That only Malchom Fraser left his own members thinking he let his party down more than Tony.
Is Australia ready to consider a lurch to the right?
For sure the Abbott led Liberals, assisted by such as Cory Barnard are far right of any past Liberal Government
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 6:29:29 AM
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Dear Belly,

The first hundred days certainly don't look good
for the government. They're learning that slogans
that worked in opposition don't translate well
when in government. Here's an interesting link
that sums things up rather well:

Interesting times ahead.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 1:18:11 PM
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Belly mate, how many boats are arriving?

Even with the ABC committing a treasonous act, the boats are still stopping.

Indonesia knew Labor did not want to stop the boats. They value the Western Sydney Muslim vote too highly, & were telling us one thing, & doing the other to keep the Muslims on side.

Abbott has got rid of at least some of the climate mob, & would be rid of the carbon tax, if your mob weren't so damn stupid as to play into the greens hands. They won't buy a single vote off the greens, but will loose "normal peoples" vote with their silly pro carbon tax policy.

They have also pulled a few wheels of the NBN gravy train, with some sense to follow.

I think you may be counting your chickens just before a really cold change, that will loose you heaps.

On the cold, the arctic ice sheet is growing at record levels, new cold records are being set daily all over the northern hemispheres, Egyptians are getting chilblains, & their camels frost bite.

By the next election, anyone who mentions global warming will be laughed out of the room, along with fools who still want a carbon tax. Do enjoy the next 5 minutes, that is about all you have, with the bunch of fools leading you.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 1:20:40 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

I'm going to give you a few thoughts
taken from a recent
article I read, which just may get the point
across to you (or not). I found it rather
entertaining - I hope you shall as well.
Anyway here goes:

There are many people who redefine "failure"
as "success." For example, people who
believe that Mr Pyne succeeded in his reforms
to the Gonski-reforms.
That Mr Abbott
succeeded in Indonesia.
That Scott Morrison
succeeded in giving the boat people nowhere to
go but Christmas Island.
That Julie Bishop although riling East Timor, China,
Niugini, the US, the UK, the EU, Russia, and all of
the 69 participants in the Global Warming Conference,
is everywhere admired for this. That Joe Hockey told
GMH where they could go, and they did. And the list
goes on.

The article explains that psychosis of this order has been
around in politics from year one:

"Henry VIII invented Protestanism in order to achieve
the loins of a proud young woman and gave her syphilis
because his first marriage, he swore was "incestuous"
and rife with dead bastards. George III in rare moments
of lucidity believed he was a peacock. Hitler, his veins
agog with bull's sperm, moved imaginary armies around a
map of the world. Reagan thought rockets in outer space
would bring down enemy rockets in outer space that never
went there. George Bush thought that God, his "true father,"
wanted him to level Babylon and thus fulfill Isaiah's

Well, you get the idea.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 1:57:33 PM
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10 minutes into the job and we're going backwards? It's all Abbott's fault?

I dunno? Boats have stopped. The carbon tax is being hung off your necks like the lead ball that it is. Climate commission no more. Bludgers at Holden finished. Pretty good moves forward I reckon!

With people like you and that wretched hive of scum and villainy you support, this country will just continue down its path to the zombie apocalypse. And that's the only thing I can fault him on so far. He hasn't cleaned more of your lot out yet.

Come on, Tony.. send them to the gallows where they belong. You know it's the rooit thing to do for all Australians. At least buy them them all a one way ticket to North Korea. Everyone knows That's where they really want to live.

Oh and did you catch that he's paying for his holidays out of his own pocket. Pay attention you slimy crooks!
Posted by RawMustard, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 2:11:48 PM
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i think the economic vandal supporters need to change their medication. They need to face reality instead of living in la la land. Obviously the ABC don't have compulsory drug testing.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 2:16:54 PM
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Three posts from folk who apparently do not understand the subject.
The words are mine the link is not.
NEITHER are the thoughts expressed from two headed folk.
The very same polls that bought such joy to the anti Labor crowd now speak with the same unbiased truth as its voice that is the Australian people.
No Government in my life time, none I know of, has hit the ground face first like this, not running.
We can have our individual thoughts and biases but be warned! this is the Australian Peoples voice.
I see, *AND FEAR* a return to Liberalism.
And that says watch Tony Abbott,s back in his 30th month in office.
If his party has not dumped him and near half of his from bench.
Why fear?
A Liberal party lead by a true Liberal is a much harder thing to remove.
Turnbull, as I said I fear, could become a long term winner Abbott can not.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 2:31:06 PM
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Belly we all know you lefties all want Malcolm Turnbull, Or Clive Palmer to lead Labor, although Palmer might be looking a bit doubtful. He expected the same level of corruption favoring him with the libs in government, as he saw your lot handing out under Beattie & Bligh, Rudd & Gillard. I guess he got a bit miffed to find that wasn't the case, so nicked off with his own party.

Bit slow there weren't your lot. With your experience with handing out mining leases, I would have thought a match made in heaven.

As for Turnbull, I'm sure the libs will happily give him to you, he would be more use to them on your side than he is on theirs.

Foxy my sweet, I don't know how many times I've warned you not to read those propaganda rags, they will rot tour mind, even if they don't send you blind, [Oh sorry, that's another vice isn't it}.

And don't believe everything Belly tells you sweetie. This must be the hundred & first time he has reported Abbotts death, & this is no more correct than will be his three hundredth, some time early in 2020.

Listening to Belly's predictions may not send you blind, but it is still very bad for you. Too much wishful thinking will ultimately rot your soul.

Much better would be to spend a day out in the garden with him. That would be fun.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 3:37:13 PM
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Neverwas. beting your gums incessantly about your boy abbott and his first 100 days.. Actually no you aren't you are still living in the past. Sport the second world war is over.

You boy abbot and his tem of wreckers have had 100 days + 1 or 2 and all they have done is moan complain. Nothing positive. I have a copy of team tony and his "our plan Real solutions' Surprisingly, it is very positive. Somewhere in the morass of stupidty and recklessness you and your cubby chum joe hockey have tossed this 16 page epithet away and its all gloom and doom.

Keep this up neverwas they will taking you away in the rubber truck. Sadly the liberal Govt has decided to again to be negative, but what the heck, why break the habit of the last few years.

First 100 days Grade E- Fail
Posted by very curious, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 4:58:08 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Have you been watching the news reports on the
budget this evening?

I have and I've been listening to both Joe Hockey and
Chris Bowen. And here are the facts:

1) A deficit of $30.1 billion is now $47 billion -
60 per cent of this blow out is due to the Abbott
government spending decisions.

2) Peak debt of $370 billion in 2016-17 now peaks at
$460 billion.

3) Unemployment was peaking at 6.25 per cent - it's now
projected to peak at 6.25 percent and stay there for
3 years.

And what is a concern is that Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott
have taken a $13.7 billion hit to the Budget bottom line
over the next 4 years to give tax breaks to large
multinational corporations, people with super salaries
over $2 million and for those who borrow to invest

At the same time the Abbott government has hurt up to 2.7
million small businesses missing out on the instant
asset write-off, up to 100,000 small businesses missing out
on a lower threshold for the loss carry back provisions
and up to 3.6 million low and middle-income earners now having
to pay super tax on their contributions.

Joe Hockey has also cut health and medical research by more
$500 million - including cutting funding to Westmead Hospital
by $100million despite promising before the election that
he wouldn't take the axe to health services.

None of these decisions are in the interests of everyday
Australians. And, turning around and saying the budget
blowout isn't their fault is a bit rich.
To say the least.

Labor had a Budget that was set to return to surplus in
2016-17. Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey don't have a plan
beyond blaming Labor. We were promised the Coalition would
pay back the debt and create 1 million jobs.

Instead the peak debt is rising to $667 billion.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 5:37:15 PM
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Foxy, "Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey don't have a plan beyond blaming Labor"

Gotta love the political slogans. Mental bumper stickers for the foot soldiers. Something to be outraged about at Bingo at the workers club.

Anyhow the really good news for the socialist foot soldiers is that their pin-up Grrl and ferocious feminist general in the class struggles, ex-PM Julia Whatshername (you know, the one on that fat guvvy fully indexed parliamentary pension who demanded that the taxpayer pay for two metro offices for her for life, on top of her other PM golden handshake) has accepted $921,000 - more than $250,000 above the asking price- for a house she bought in 1998 for $140,000.

Now if it was any ordinary mortal from the 'other side' as socialists see it, it would be 'unfair', even immoral to exploit a buyer for a quarter of a million above what the property could be valued at even by the most optimistic REA, or even take a profit from residential property (where will GenY live?),


where it concerns the darling of the Fabian Socialists (hey, it is now 'Progressives', that sounds better), there is nary a murmur from the usual suspects. Definitely no Annabel Crabb tut-tutting. Shucks, Annabel would defend it somehow, 'You go, Grrl!'.

Constantly amazed at how avowedly lower income Labor politicians can depart politics as multi-millionaires. Even more amazed at the deafening silence of the socialist foot soldiers who turn a blind eye to the considerable wads and luxurious lifestyles of the rich and famous Labor pollies and union officials. A short spin at the top and as the Lotto slogan goes, they are 'Set for Life'. Julia Whatshername is 52 and will be carried in her comfy armchair knitting by our children, grandchildren and possibly even our great-grandchildren when they work at Makkas to support their studies.

But there is nothing hypocritical in that for a head honcho Fabian Socialist (er sorry, 'Progressive' is the spin and no-one reads history), nothing hypocritical at all, apparently. What was that about 'wolves in sheep's clothing'?
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 1:58:43 AM
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Hasbeen quite a lot of silly dribble is being aimed at me and Labor here.
I will respond to your post, NEVER EVER TO ANOTHER,S.
Remember this thread is started with a truth, polling is consistently telling us this government is disliked.
My thoughts on Turnbull, are from an understanding some Liberals want him.
And another truth, some do not want Abbott, not lefty Labor but your party.
Hasbeen you, not I, must confront your position in politics.
I am no Socialist but mate you present time and again.
As extremist far right.
You do not fit the Liberal mold.
Research the speeches and policy,s of Menzies.
As a survival method here in OLO I will continue to ignore fools and to see this naked truth.
A handful of truly extremist right posters continue to make unfounded claims about lefty,s that do not even touch truth.
As Abbott,s polling falls, and it will, month after month more Liberals than you wish will look toward Turnbull.
My words above should show to understanding readers I *do not want him to unseat Abbott* he maybe a hill too high for Labor.
Read your thoughts in to my words but you deceive only yourself in doing so.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 6:11:01 AM
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The Fabian Socialists in your midst were sly in misleading you on the history and aims of the 'Progressive' movement and Fabianism.

Now for example you would very much prefer to blame the UN for decisions taken by the very people you support in the unions and in Labor.

You should remember the old Navajo saying.
'Upon discovering his horse is dead, a rider should dismount'.

I am as sad as any that the traditional values of Labor have been lost and the same can be said about the Left. However you and others like you are not going to get change by sticking your head in the sand and blaming Abbott or the UN, when almost your whole front bench to a wo/man represent the very political correctness and cultural war that have eaten away Labor's heart.

You should sit down with a beer and pencil stub and list what you had say 30 years ago and what you have now. Better still, just do it first for the union you were a member of. Honestly now, who was it who really shafted all of those hopes and dreams? The unions were destroyed from within and so was Labor. Too many cuckoos in the nest and they networked to 'do' you and other 'traditional' Labor supporters over. Bugger all to do with the 'conservatives' you blame, instead of being forthright with yourself.

Save your subs and effort, buy beer and take up fishing. You will never manage to 'turn' the Julia Whatshernames, Shortens, Pliberseks et al, because they are doing very well out of using and abusing Labor, thank you. The same can be said about the types who abuse union members subs, converting the unions subs and assets to their own use.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 7:24:14 AM
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One hundred days and nothing but stack money on our deficit. Everybody knew Abbott and co were a bunch of political no hope. Where are we going to be in another 100 days. Yet they blame labor. They don,t yet know they are the govt; Unemployment is going to go through the roof as planned. The boats are stopping but not stopped. So what has changed. besides Hockey and pyne,s bumblings,nothing.
Take tax off company and put it on the individual, that sounds like a good plan. No clean up policy. Abbott needs an army of unemployed to plant trees, another good plan. What happened to the DD election, more crap from this political illiterate.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 7:32:49 AM
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Foxy: Right on.
By the way, how do we know that the boats are stopping, when it is all kept secret?
By the way: Arctic Waters Kept Warming In 2013
Posted by Robert LePage, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 8:32:10 AM
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In PM Tony Abort’s first 100 days he has:
•Continued his campaign to roll back action on global warming
•Begun a harsh campaign of cuts to health, education and community services
•Increased secrecy and cruelty towards vulnerable people seeking asylum
•Undermined attempts to address discrimination in society regarding sexuality and race
•Demonstrated that big business and mining interests will be put ahead of communities and the environment under the Coalition government
100 days, 40 failures: a preview of secretive, cruel and chaotic government
Caring for the Environment
1. Approved the largest coal port in the world in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and approved a mega coal mine in the Galilee Basin, turning the Great Barrier Reef into a dumping ground for dredge spoil and a shipping super highway.
2. Done deals with every state and territory government to gut and downgrade national environment laws by giving approval powers to state premiers.
3.Removed the community’s right to challenge decisions where the government has ignored expert advice on threatened species impacts.
4.Done nothing to protect farmers from unwanted coal seam gas operations, despite Tony Abbott saying landholders should have the right to say no to CSG companies coming on to their land.
5.Scrapped the COAG Standing Council on Environment and Water.
6. Started dismantling Australia’s world leading marine protection system.
7. Failed to provide the promised customs vessel to monitor whaling operations in the Southern Ocean.
8.Removed protection of iconic Murray River ecological communities.
9.Failed to permanently shut down Ranger Uranium Mine after a massive spill of 1.4 million litres of radioactive acid at the Kakadu National Park.
10.Started to unwind the World Heritage protections for Tasmanian forests.
11.Abolished positions of climate change and science ministers.
Posted by Robert LePage, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 8:41:34 AM
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Foreign Affairs
12. Severely compromised and endangered diplomatic relations with key neighbours Indonesia and East Timor.
13. Failed to protect Australians from spying and surveillance overreach.
Caring for Asylum Seekers
14. Hidden information from the Parliament and the people about the government’s treatment of asylum seekers.
15. Separated a refugee mother from her newborn baby.
16. Completely frozen the issuing of protection visas, leaving thousands languishing in detention.
17. Disbanded the Immigration Health Advisory Group for asylum seekers.
18.Back-flipped twice on Gonski, reversing a commitment to a ‘unity ticket’ and failing to deliver equitable education funding.
19.Converted crucial Start-Up Scholarships into loans, increasing the debt of 80,000 higher education students by $1.2 billion.
20.Failed to act on mental health, despite Minister Dutton saying that mental health would be his biggest priority for the first 100 days.
21.Axed funding to the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia.
Global warming
22.Abolished the Climate Commission in an attempt to silence our climate scientists.
23.Attempted to abolish our clean energy laws including our price on pollution, in a vendetta against the science behind global warming.
24.Attempted to abolish the Climate Change Authority and Clean Energy Finance Corporation – despite the fact that both authorities are reducing pollution.
25.Failed to acknowledge the link between global warming and increasingly severe extreme weather including bushfires, droughts and storms.
Posted by Robert LePage, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 8:42:23 AM
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26.Broke its NBN election promise of giving all Australians access to 25 megabits per second download speeds by 2016.
27.Failed to prioritise public transport infrastructure over tollway projects like the WestConnex and the East-West Link.
Caring for people
28.Challenged the ACT Marriage Equality laws to the High Court ensuring discrimination against same-sex couples continues.
29.Moved to repeal protections in the Racial Discrimination Act.
30.Taken money from aged care workers by dumping the Workforce Compact which provided a $1.2 billion fund to give aged care workers a much-needed 1% pay rise.
31.Taken money from the childcare sector, by asking them to hand back funding for desperately needed wage increases.
32.Hurt families by attempting to freeze the childcare rebate until 2017 increasing childcare payments for 150,000 families.
33.Broken an election promise for PM to spend first week with Aboriginal community.
34.Scrapped Social Inclusion Board, which had been established to guide policy on the reduction of poverty in Australia.
35.Scrapped Advisory Panel on Positive Ageing, established to help address the challenges we will face in coming years as the number of older Australians grows.
36.Suspended the Wage Connect program, despite it being proven to deliver good outcomes for unemployed people.
37.Repealed the pokie reform legislation achieved in the last parliament to combat problem gambling.
38.Condoned human rights abuses in Sri Lanka by saying “sometimes in difficult circumstances, difficult things happen”.
39.Failed to intervene to protect jobs and the future of Holden and Qantas.
40.Included only one woman in the federal cabinet.
Posted by Robert LePage, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 8:43:13 AM
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That's an impressive list for his first 100 days.
I imagine he and his cohort are quite proud of themselves.
How can so few do so much and achieve so little.
Posted by Shaggy Dog, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 9:18:33 AM
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Dear Belly,

Yeah, it's all the fault of those awful "Fabian
Socialists," those "Progressives," that Joe
Hockey and Tony Abbott have taken a $13.7 billion
hit to the Budget bottom line over the next 4 years
to give tax breaks to large multinational corporations,
and people with super balances over $2 miilion,
and for those who borrow to invest overseas
while at the same time cutting health and medical
research by more than 500 million, including
cutting funding to Westmead Hospital by $100 million,
despite promising before the election that they
wouldn't take the axe to health services.

Instead of having a plan it's so much easier to blame
Labor. Anybody buying this?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 9:38:34 AM
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It IS a welcome change from those Labor Fabian Socialists aka 'Progressives' (what a misnomer!), isn't it?

The Fabian Socialists measure themselves by the number of laws they come up with to increase State control over citizens. They are just falling over their own feet passing laws to 're-engineer' society and interfere in citizens' private lives to accord with what they believe is right (and is usually wrong and ABSOLUTELY not needed).

At last a return to government to fulfil the people's wish that 'If it is not broke don't fix it'. Above all, first do no harm. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Which the Labor Fabian Socialists were prone to do. In fact they did little else. Mainly because Fabian Socialists always know what is best for everyone and made all of their important deals (ahem) decisions, behind closed doors, with people the same as them, ie people they can trust to keep a secret (well, sort of).

With the Labor Fabian Socialists at the helm it was constant interference that could result unexpected negative consequences such as new business opportunities for criminal gangs to get into people smugglers, or fires in homes (insulation) :(

Hopefully government becomes boring again. Who needs hundreds of new laws to control our personal behaviour and life? How did we ever manage to live before, pray tell? Government should get the fundamentals right first and provide the services it was set up to provide. Australia does not need Ruddy messes from another Kevin jet-setting overseas and nor do we want a poseur like Julia Whatshername doing her world tours, disbursing free advice and millions of taxpayers money to all she meets.

The Fabian Socialist Labor government has gone? Good!
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 9:59:17 AM
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Are the boats stopping, why expand Naru and Manus when the boats have stopped. maybe it's just the flow of information that has stopped. The NBN won't be worth having, overseas are far in advance on the projected speeds they are forecasting.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:02:07 AM
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I should have added, that the downsides of the new government are that:

- some who have been gorging themselves off the government's teat - in actual the taxpayer's teat, because government has none of its own money - might have to get some real work to do; and,

- ABC journalists might have to find some real news, rather than lining up on the hour to be spoon-fed Press Releases (and matey tips) by government spin-masters, for a talk-fest among themselves on air later.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:10:17 AM
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Very interesting. The change in the polls in such a short time even
before much has got through parliament is very odd indeed.
Is it because the public became used to daily announcements of this that and the other ?

They feel that nothing has happened or is being done.
Is it just a contrast in style ?

Robert's list is very impressive, I would like to know what resources
he has to be able to compile such a list. I know it would take me ages.
Some of the things on the list are very good moves, some are not but
many I thought would require a new budget to be adopted so they cannot
be said to have happened but are intentions.

Anyway as things get the chop just remember this;

Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:12:37 AM
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Yes thanks for that Robert LePage, as Bazz says, you must have some good access to assemble that list.

I must say you have given me new heart. I was feeling a bit pisses off with the lack of what I perceived as critical action by our new government. Your list is sure to reassure many who read it, who have had the same feelings.

Also as Bazz suggests, it might be time they spend a little more time telling us what they have done. That would keep their polls right up there, if they continue cleaning out the accumulated Labor garbage, as your list shows.

Belly you tell me I am not a liberal. Well what do you know? I've been trying to tell you I am not, & never have been partisan for years. I will support any party, [even Palmer], if they have good policies, & act on them. Hence my rejection of Labor in recent years.

While Labor is lead by dropkicks, & has policies designed just to buy votes, particularly welfare bludgers & ethnic votes, they have lost me. They could win me back tomorrow, if they start doing what is good for the country, rather than just buy votes.

Now if you were leading them, it might be a different matter. Mate I know you have to keep your eyes shut tight, to not see much of what your old party has become. I guess you can't do much else after so many years of loyal support.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:44:50 AM
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Foxy I am un-iterested in what is rolling around in the head of the person throwing Fabian Socialist around.
Will FOREVER ignore that poster.
You understand many do not, I feel like wearing full body Armour while posting in this thread.
To think Labor wants any one other than its current leader, to think we would take either of those named to lead us is quite stupid.
Shoot the messenger if you want but do not paint me other than what I am a loyal ALP member.
The poll is a sample of truth/feelings of Australians on the day or days it was taken.
Loud mouthed claims about Socialism or any ism is only an effort to take our eyes away from the polling.
That polling from days after installation have progressively got worse than for any past government in its first 100 days.
As the slide continues my suggested changes will look more possible than ever.
Harsh as it may seem Liberals telling us we are trying to impose a Liberal leader not this right wing failure on them is quite fun!
True Liberals exist and they not me or my kind drive the wish for other than Tony as leader.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 2:00:25 PM
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Some choice, Belly, to stick your head back into the sand bucket.

You have politicians you support, vote for and pay who espouse Fabian Socialism and say they are 'Progressives', and I can assure right here and now that Progressivism is Statism, State control, wasted buckets of money on the Nanny State and lost freedom, but you apparently have no idea of their ideology and you prefer not to find out.

But you still vote for them, while feeling uneasily in your gut because things don't turn out the way you expect of (traditional) Labor. I call that the 'pregnant cow syndrome'. Only in the case of the cow it is something wonderful that is going on inside that she cannot understand.

You are not alone, because such notables as Hilary Clinton, who calls herself a 'Progressive' is obviously clueless about it too.

Amazing how many Left, or liberals as they are called in the US, call themselves 'Progressives' and might even go to Fabian Socialist knees ups, but they have no idea what it is either.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 2:22:44 PM
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Dear Belly,

We've both been on this forum long enough to
tell the sheep from the goats, including those that
are simply barking chihuahuas -
Good for our amusement, and a private laugh.

As far as the current government is
concerned - the polls are a great
indication of how people are judging them.
It will be interesting to see what rabbit
they'll try to convince us they're able to pull
out of their hat - so far they're not having
much success.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 4:22:30 PM
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Yap Tap Yap Yap
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 4:30:28 PM
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Dear Bazz,

What a surprise.

I'd never have picked you for one.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 5:23:02 PM
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If you don't mind, I was trying to discuss common terms used by some Labor politicians. It is a fact that senior Labor politicians do speak at Fabian gatherings and it is usual for some to refer to themselves as 'Progressives'. See here,

It is important to know what they mean by 'Progressive', because it is an old movement and has a chequered past. Some bits may be OK, but the overall direction and the existence of it as a secondary agenda may be worrying for some members of the public. Pollies should declare and discuss any allegiances, beliefs or prior agreements that could affect their decisions. The public has a need to know.

If it is something you don't want to know, then fine, you have the option of skipping the particular post, or the thread.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 5:46:51 PM
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When you change your crass and unpleasant demeanour
only then will you have a right to complain.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 6:49:09 PM
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Foxy, a bit off the subject but I would just like to pass on this to you. A very good friend of ours Mehreen Faruqi finished 5th in the 2013 Woman of the Year awards. Mehreen gives the lie to all the BS around about women, and particularly Muslim women, and what they can achieve. Mehreen has achieved so much (quietly) working in a number of fields and was a deserving candidate. Well done by all 20 candidates.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 7:21:04 PM
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The economic incompetence of the Abbott Government is unbelievable, as they add an extra billion dollars a week of debt to the bottom line, all done by their own hand. All the economic indicators point to these fools pushing Australia into recession before we know it. The Coalitions mismanagement will see a massive blowout in debt, to an admitted $47b, most likely far greater than that conservative estimate, A poor performing economy and extravagant promises will see tax revenue plunge $37b, the repeal of the carbon tax alone will cost $7.4b, additional unemployment payments through bad economic management will add another $11.3b. On top of this, add the needless $8.8b grant to the Reserve Bank, and the crazy spending of $2.9b on benefits for the mega rich, plus an extra $8.2b on projects for big business. The Indonesian stuff up on asylum seekers will cost an extra $1.2b. Along with billions for other half baked Coalition promises, and what can we expect, nothing short of a total economic disaster, as these economic nit wits try and slug the poor and needy to fund their incompetence. Gee have these guys only been in power 100 days, how long can they last?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 8:33:45 PM
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@Paul 1405

<<...a bit off the subject... the 2013 Woman of the Year awards>>

More like off with the pixies!

Who decides who gets to be woman of the year--I can't seem to remember any referendum?

It's the sort of thing that glossy magazines excel in:
-Bachelor of the year
-Celebrity of the year
-father of the year
-mother of the year

Though the old Soviet Union used to do it well too: Worker of the year.

It has a very artificial and contrived feel --still it'd be the sort of thing that would appeal to Greenies!
Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 19 December 2013 7:09:08 AM
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It goes on and on with no let up. That bloke telling Turnbull to toe the party line, shows this party hasn't got a voice. Abbott is the furor, it's his way or nout. The raping of the NBN says what he thinks of this nation, and yet he wants women to get thousands and thousands for time off to have babies. Abbott is a rich mans supporter, the little man will foot the bills that abbott is creating on a daily bases.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 19 December 2013 7:09:34 AM
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Foxy we hold the high moral ground here and it is full of laughter.
Just think a link to a truth no one can deny has bought out the howls of rage.
And knowing the heated blasts at us are helping some contributors to hide their head in the sand.
May I recommend you ignore the rude dude?
Best in the end no comment worth reading will ever come from him.
And watch next months polls, in fact no poll in the year 2014 will be in Abbott,s favor.
Robert L P did not make up his list.
Those who claim it is other than the truth miss the reasons Tony Abbott may be replaced.
NOT BY ALP but his own cabinet.
Abbott governs by over controlling his front benches.
Sadly he found a job for Sophi Mirabella the only front bencher to fail to win a seat.
It is our time Foxy and others to watch the efforts to avoid truth here with pure enjoyment.
This thread highlights the true thoughts of Australian voters
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 19 December 2013 7:29:54 AM
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Dear Belly,

Thanks for your advice and thoughts.
I'll take them on board. It's good advice,
and with Christmas just around the corner -
May you have the Spirit of Christmas which
is Peace. The Gladness of Christmas which is
Hope. And the Heart of Christmas which is Love.
We can in our lives become "Better and do a
little good."

All The Best.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 December 2013 8:05:38 AM
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SPQR, with comments like that we should hold a 'Wally of the Year' award, but you would make it a no contest, but then again Tony Abbott could make it interesting. Remember there is no 2nd prize. LOL
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 19 December 2013 8:53:26 AM
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Paul, you do carry on a bit don't you ?
Your list of government spending is remarkable.
If I could be bothered I would check it all, but the $8 billion in your
list for the RBA turned me off checking.
You know, it is not spending, the government still owns it !
You know, left hands and right hands ?
Dear oh Dear !

The desperation.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 19 December 2013 8:58:23 AM
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Dear Belly,

The following link may be of interest to you:

Dear Paul,

Thanks for your earlier information about the very
hard working NSW female MP. She deserves the acclaim
she's received.

Here's a link that may be of interest to you:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 December 2013 9:20:55 AM
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Foxy posting links to the meandering waffle of Greens' ex-leader Bob Brown who is playing pirate and serial nuisance on the Sea Shepherd'.

This reply to the Bob Brown B.S. linked to by Foxy is right,

<Dear Bob, it was with horror that I read the Green's policies on their website prior to the last election. What got to me the most was an actual policy to turn all Australians into vegetarians to remove the reliance and focus on meat consumption. Additionally the removal of home transport with the expectation that everyone will prefer to ride their push-bikes into work instead of taking the family car. Your party’s policies defy belief and you wonder why only the drug-crazed 1960s hippie brigade ever voted for the Greens party.

I very much disagree with your assessment of Australia to date. Despite Labor putting us into shocking debt and bringing in the world most expensive and useless carbon tax, the Labor party never once denied the Australian people opportunities. I fully believe if the Greens were in power, Australia would be in a dictatorship within the week.

I use to be a fan of Greenpeace until one day they chose to try and bomb an area where my father worked. Thankfully the bomb failed – which says more about the intelligence of the radical activists than their abilities. Getup are only a few brain-cells short of starting this type of protest. I can only hope that the AFP are keeping a very close eye on this group and their intentions.

Our saving grace so far is that the majority of Australians realised the foolhardiness of the Labor party, and the contempt and senseless ideals of the Greens; so much so they voted for the very reliable and sensible Coalition. There were no amount of false promises or whinging that could convince everyone to ever go with the Labor/Green parties again. Let’s hope now, and for many decades ahead, that we won’t be fooled by either part>.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 19 December 2013 10:09:41 AM
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Bazz, get it right its $8.8b to the Reserve Bank, who ever knows what for, I don't think Abbott or Hockey know why, thought it was a good idea at the time. And if you were to ask that Arnie Schwarzenegger of a Finance Minister he wouldn't have a clue either. The facts come from the SMH 18/12/2013 page 11, not the sort of stuff you'll find in the Piers Akerman column in Murdochs fish wrapper is it.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 19 December 2013 10:14:06 AM
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Taken from my link on Bob Brown - not everyone
agrees with those who prefer their narrow-vision
news from the colon of the Murdoch Press tabloids.
Others make comments like:

"The Murdoch press notwithstanding, perhaps enough
people will be persuaded by the next election to vote
this incompetent bunch of conservative lawyers out.
In 45 years as an Australian voter, I judge them to
be the worst government in my experience."

And others - write sentiments like - "Great article Bob..."
And so on.

Albert Einstein said it so well - "The measure of
intelligence is the ability to change."
Fat chance with some - and that's allright. It's
when they're running our country that it becomes
a worry.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 December 2013 10:47:09 AM
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So, Foxy, lets cut straight to the chase, why don't you and Bob Brown ever put YOUR money where your mouth is? Why is it always the taxpayer who is obliged to bear the burden of your 'do-gooding' (many would dispute that it is 'do-gooding')?

You both favour 'open door' immigration for instance, so what prevents you and the very comfortably well-off (thanks to taxpayers!) Bob Brown from taking some of those buff young men who arrive as economic migrants into your home? Heck, the guvvy will even pay you handsomely to do it, taking millions of taxpayers' dollars to do so. Money that could have been spent on priorities like hospitals.

Another thing, why should taxpayers have to support Mr Brown while he is engaging in what many might consider to be terrorism, or at least illegal interference to shipping on the high seas? There are legal ways to protest. Why put lives and vessels at risk at sea?
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 19 December 2013 11:11:33 AM
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Here we go again.
This is fun!

What do-gooding are you specifically talking about?

Working for a living all of my life, raising a
family while holding down a full-time job, and
completing tertiary qualifications, or looking after
elderly parents, grandchildren, and so on.

Perhaps you're referring to a firm believe in social equity,
compassionm, and an egalitarian society. Well, guess
what, it may come as a surprise to you but that's
been an integral part of politics in this country
since way back when for so many of us.

As for accusing me of having an open-door policy on immigration.
Surely, not that old chestnut.
You keep resurrecting it. Come up with something new
just once. Surprise me.

You really
shouldn't accuse people of things that are simply not
true. Wishful thinking on your part - attributing
things to people that you think they should support -
that's a typical strategy of one-eyed people,
when people don't fit into the pigeon-hole they have
prescribed for them. Surely you can do better than that.

The same goes for suggesting that I invite asylum-seekers
into my home. Totally illlogical. And,
grabbing at straws once again.

But keep trying to stir.
I'm actually beginning to look forward to your next
attempt - just don't cross the line or I'll ignore
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 December 2013 12:46:54 PM
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Is there just a chance we can talk about the views expressed here by some.
And in truth the views they throw around in any thread about politics?
See no man should pretend he knows another,s mind, and to do so, then insult the person of interest for those invented views, is not productive.
I am not a Socialist, it never works, in any country.
Fabian? a ratbag conspiracy that has no grip on me or Labor.
We, yes even Liberals and yes Nationals support a part of Socialism, in Education Health and Social welfare.
But not unlike any thinking voter I want to preserve all that.
And think FIRMLY constant review and waste watch is needed and that we should support only those in need.
So far my stance puts me not all that far from 1960,s Liberalism.
There is a reason for that *Paul 1405 will shout with joy at it *
We took the Liberals position as they moved further right.
We just followed the voters, change in wants and wishes, and saw the new reality's of life in a world intent on being a Global trading one.
We saw here and will see again, my truly held thoughts about why Abbott,s cabinet and the bloke himself has failed to bring voters with him.
GY has said we under estimated him, I think many ignored who he was and intent on dumping Labor [we had that coming] would have voted for even Pyne.
Polling is neutral, not Fabian not lefty rubbish it is a mirror that tells us what the Nation thinks of the one standing in front of it, that one is the Abbott government.
It is wiser to ask why than just say it is not true
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 19 December 2013 1:28:04 PM
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OK, since you claim to be 'misrepresented' on the economic arrivals via the always expensive, sometimes risky, tourism arranged by people smuggling gangs, what about you state what you would do to put people smugglers out of business? Dot points are fine.

How exactly is your policy any different to the Greens and if so, where specifically? None of the rhetorical tricks, your policy please.

Meanwhile all who have read your previous posts on the subject can consider if in fact you have supported an open door immigration policy or not.
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 19 December 2013 1:28:18 PM
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Sorry Paul, I think I misjudged you.
I presumed you knew why the RBA has large funds available.
Every now and then they detect someone trying to manipulate the
exchange rate. This is like what George Sorus did to sterling some years back.
It nearly sent Britain broke.
The RBA needs quickly available cash to counter that sort of stunt.
However, Wayne Swann left the RBA without enough readies for the task.
If no one tries it on, then all is well and they will just get a bit of interest in the over night market.

It really is as simple as that.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 19 December 2013 1:31:16 PM
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People can certainly judge where
I stand by my posting record on the subject of both
asylum seekers and economic refugees who come by plane
and overstay.
I have no intention of re-hashing here for you.

Suffice to say that I have and continue to ask that
our government forsake the spin and political
point-scoring and instead focus attention and effort on
gathering support for a co-operative regional approach.
We can't open our doors to all and sundry - that would
be counter-productive, as out country would not be able
to sustain more than a certain number of people.
I believe that I did mention to Loudmouth at one stage
that our intake should not exceed more than approx. 30,000
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 December 2013 6:01:14 PM
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Foxy, "People can certainly judge where I stand by my posting record on the subject of both asylum seekers and economic refugees who come by plane and overstay"

You avoided the question as predicted.

People certainly can take you as being all for an 'open door' policy for the economic migrants who pay people smugglers to bring them in via the back door by boat, destroying their papers on the way.

Although most boats just stop off the coast of Indonesia and phone their contacts in Australia to call Australian authorities to send a cab, an expensive cab in the form of a Australian patrol boat.

As per usual the questions remain unanswered. Here again for you:

<OK, since you claim to be 'misrepresented' on the economic arrivals via the always expensive, sometimes risky, tourism arranged by people smuggling gangs, what about you state what you would do to put people smugglers out of business? Dot points are fine.

How exactly is your policy any different to the Greens and if so, where specifically? None of the rhetorical tricks, your policy please>
Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 19 December 2013 6:12:32 PM
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I don't respond very well to manipulation.
Try someone more gullible.

Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 December 2013 10:01:38 PM
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Dear Belly,

Thanks for this thread. It's been a great opportunity
to tell it as we see it. Once again, have a Joyous Festive
Season - and as I always tell my friends - may you spirit
continue smiling, and your soul dance to good music.
Peace, Hope, Love.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 December 2013 10:23:59 PM
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Bazz, unless you are a Glenn Stevens or someone, many would argue that it is totally unnecessary to pump $8.8 billion into the reserve at this time. That is a lot of insurance for what you term a "every now and then event". When did that event last occur in Australia? Yesterday, last week, last year, 1921, never. I totally agree, something that nearly sent "Britain broke", is deserving of Australia throwing $8.8 billion at. Far better to protect the bankers and financiers that spending on education of our children, or health services for our sick. Great, I'm so impressed.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 20 December 2013 5:54:51 AM
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Thanks Foxy and in my case highlight the dance to good music.
This thread and this subject can tell us about our selves.
Just as surely as it explains why ALL politicians lie so often.
The more thoughtful of us know, the feed them anything line insults us all.
But too brings results, some take the hook/lie and run with it, without even thinking about the subject.
This government is saying things are much worse than they are, now.
But in the May update will say they are much better, and take the credit for things they today hide.
As Australia awakens to the true nature of this Government, yes we have only begun the slide downhill in the polls.
An increasing yearning for an election will be seen but not achieved Tony Abbott or his successor needs far better polling than this to dare risk it.
Australia is seeing *Henny Penny Politics at work*
Posted by Belly, Friday, 20 December 2013 6:57:06 AM
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Dear Paul,

Here's another link on the government's plans
for the New Year:

Dear Belly,

I read Ben Pobjie's recent satirical article on
what the government will be doing in 2014.
And like Bazz earlier, I almost spilled my coffee
this morning. Here are a few things that according
to Pobjie - will be happening:

1) Mr Abbott will be travelling to Indonesia where
he will communicate via a series of expressive
hand gestures and vigorous nodding that he thinks the
Indonesian President is just adorable.

2)Australian Submarine Corporation Director,
Sophie Mirabella will annouce plans to construct a
fleet of heavily armed nuclear subs to fight
asylum seekers.

3) Scott Morrison will vow to put an end to the floods
of illegal immigrants and will declare that anyone
arriving on a boat will be forced to live in various
reptile houses in Australian zoos.

4) Mr Abbott will declare an iron-clad commitment to be
guided by the best advice of recognised experts and
scientists in all policy decisions from now on.

There's more, but this will do for now.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 December 2013 9:34:30 AM
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100 days on and its still Abbott Abbott Abbott. How entertaining to watch the frothing from the mouth from ABC, fairfax and follow script followers.
Posted by runner, Friday, 20 December 2013 9:51:15 AM
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Even more entertaining to see the current government
continue to blame Labor. Someone should tell them
they're no longer in opposition.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 December 2013 9:56:59 AM
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All politics aside --and I know that is next to impossible for most "progressives" --but Ben Pobjie's jokes/satire (as usual) are on a par with the entertainment level of watching paint dry.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 20 December 2013 9:58:11 AM
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Dear SPQR,

As Shadow Minister pointed out once, ages ago
on this forum, - you need to have an active right-side
of the brain to be able to have an appreciation for
humour. Many conservatives are lacking in this department.
Sad, but true. Perhaps Pobjie should have thrown in
some tawdry and crass language, or made up a special
menu on the females of the front bench of the opposition,
that might have improved things.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 December 2013 12:18:49 PM
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I anticipated you would come back with something like that. But it ain't about the politics, just the quality of the "humour". For one moment, take off your political blinkers:

<< Mr Abbott will be travelling to Indonesia where
he will communicate via a series of expressive
hand gestures and vigorous nodding that he thinks the
Indonesian President is just adorable>>

Any high-school kid could write similar or better --it is really quite puerile. Take away the reference to Abbott, add in a reference to Shorten or Gillard or Rudd --it is still puerile.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 20 December 2013 1:08:06 PM
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SPQR/RUNNER my warmest regards, you both out do Foxy,s posted humor.
One telling us the ABC is responsible for the poor polling.
Runner, well runner is never near the truth he just busts out his would be Christian rants and runs out of puff, so posts junk.
You just gotta love it these Tory,s once fed on the polls and negativity and now?
Ignoring the truth lash out at any one or thing they may consider behind Abbott,s failure to get the country behind him.
Next year is not going to change he is no leader and his party not us is going to see that soon.
This thread HIGHLIGHTED Australian voters in the most recent poll put Labor Ahead in two party first past the post.
And Labor 52 Liberals 48 in a two party after preferences .
Shorten had caught Abbott in the preferred leader poll.
And if an election was held that day Labor would sweep back in office.
Truth indeed hurts.
Ask why rather than hurl rocks at the messengers.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 20 December 2013 1:08:27 PM
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Dear SPQR,

The satire lies in the fact that: -

It was Abbott who went to Indonesia (not any of
the ones you mentioned)
and toadied around and used a series of expressive hand
gestures and vigorous nodding (chuckle).
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 December 2013 3:08:07 PM
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Dear Belly,

I would like to see Mr Abbott come into his own
as the leader of this country. I would like to
see him really shine. But as long as his leadership
style continues to stay as scripted and rehearsed
as possible and he and his government rely solely
on criticising the previous government - voters
can't help but think that the current government
still behaves as if its in opposition. Their
techniques are exactly the same now as they were then.
And trust and confidence is begining to evaporate -
people are beginning to question - is that the best
they can do? Is that all they've got?

The following link shows why Mr Abbott becomes an
object of ridicule:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 December 2013 3:39:38 PM
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I have read quite a number of Ben Pobjie's pieces both in his current home and when he was on New Matilda. And to be frank --and apolitical, he is very very ordinary!

I'm beginning to realize that many on the left will applaud anything as long as it is ideological sound.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 20 December 2013 3:43:43 PM
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Dear SPQR,

It's all subjective isn't it.
A colleague once asked me whether I approved of
"dirty jokes?" My reply was, "Only if they're funny."

As for satire - well, Ben Pobjie is an acquired taste
for many people. He's meant to be humorous, but I
often get the feeling that his particular style is
holding up someone's shortcomings to ridicule with
the intent of shaming individuals, and society into
improvement. His purpose is drawing attention
to both particular and wider issues.

And if he can shame some of us into action, perhaps
that's not a bad thing afterall.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 December 2013 6:12:00 PM
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*The left* come surely we can at least highlight any party can be left of current Liberals?
Look at the confused policy,s this not so Liberal government has.
No sale for the grains seller, but China is buying in to mining, read today,s press.
I had never heard of Foxy,s humor making bloke, but am branded left and unwise because of him?
Look SPQR making fun of Abbott is not hard,some of us will have sat silently while speakers of all kinds murder the English language.
Abbott lauches in to babbling words ahs and ums and truly resembles G W Bush.
A list exists here in this thread serval posts long, a true list sometimes quite horrifying.
But as he started he intends to go, and the horror and pain will go with him.
Its all down hill for Tony.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 21 December 2013 7:47:11 AM
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Baxx, "This is like what George Sorus did to sterling some years back.
It nearly sent Britain broke"

The international currency dealer who produces nothing with his own labour and nor does he direct any who work for him to produce anything that could contribute to the good of the community. He is the largest flea on the pyramid of fleas upon fleas who suck margins off the top (and from the bottom wherever they can!) and in then case of the top wheelers and dealers like Soros, care little when by sleight of hand they whisk away the life savings and superannuation nest eggs of millions of workers, destroying them and their families in the process.

GetUp exposed: George Soros' tentacles reach into Australia

It is unlikely one would ever see the facts admitted by sly political manipulators like Bill Shorten or his opposition front bench Grrls who are also signed up 'Progressive' comrades, obliged to the feminist left ideology of Emily's List, where they can also expect benefits from the corruption of 'networking' to ensure their members are preferred for plum jobs.

Why would a billionaire who profits from dealing in currencies and who very nearly triggered a devastating currency crisis that would have instantly bankrupted millions of ordinary workers be handing out seeding money to left activists? Why would the left activists and Australian 'Progressives' (aka Fabian Socialists) be involved with Soros and for years?

Maybe Foxy and Belly can tell us, but then again maybe not.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 21 December 2013 8:52:04 AM
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Most sorry for misspelling your name in my post above.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:24:30 AM
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For those interested in broadening their
views about George Soros the following link may help:

Soros born in Hungary and comes from a Jewish family.
He's an Internationalist
and one time international currency speculator. He calls an
"open society" the ideal form of social and political
organisation in his 1998 book, "The Crisis of Global
Capitalism: Open Society Endangered." An open society is a
democratic one, the opposite to a one-party ruled by an
unbending ideology, such as was the former Soviet Union under
Stalin. Soros foresaw the possibility that the excesses of
modern financial capitalism will lead to a similar
breakdown of democracy.

Soros gave away $8 billion to causes related to human rights,
public health and education. He played a significant role in
the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in
Hungary (1984-89) and provided one of Europe's largest
higher educational endowments to Central European University
in Budapest. And there's more - but read the link for yourselves.

Tor Hundloe in his book, "From Buddha to Bono: Seeking
sustainability," states,

"In conclusion, I shall turn to a person known as a
financial speculator (however, a well-read and wise one) to
encapsulate the ideas that humans
have worked so hard and long to develop,
and now more than ever will have to rely on, to
build a just and sustainable global human society.
Let us not forget that this project was begun to the ancient
Greeks, was re-established by the Enlightenment thinkers,
and most recently - after half a century of war and depression -
revived by the post World War Two baby boomers."

This is what Soros has to say:

"The Enlightenment constituted a giant step forward
...Allowing reason to decide what is true and false,
what is right and wrong, was a tremendous innovation. It
marked the beginning of modernity...
The philosophers of the Enlightenment are no longer
read - indeed, we may find them unreadable - but their
ideas have become ingrained in our way of thinking.
The rule of reason, the supremacy of science, the
universal brotherhood of man..."

cont'd ...
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:27:02 AM
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cont'd ...

"The political, social and moral values of the
Enlightenment were admirably stated in the
US Declaration of Independence, and that document
continues to be an inspiration for people
throughout the world...Instead of accepting tradition
as the ultimate authority, the Enlightenment subjected
tradition to critical examination. The results were
exhilarating. The creative energies of human intellect
were unleashed."

Reason, the supremacy of science, and the universal
brotherhood of humans are the pillars on which we can build
a better future. Hundloe tell us, "That George Soros
should laud the Enlightenment for its achievements, and
for foundations it has given us in our quest for
sustainability, proves that a business person as much as
an ecological scientist or a moral philosopher can
willingly embrace the three E's of sustainability..."

That is a goal worth pursuing.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:35:32 AM
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Dear Belly,

Again, Thanks for this thread.
Talk to you again after Christmas.
All The Best.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:38:03 AM
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May you have
the Spirit of Christmas
which is Peace.
The Gladness of Christmas
which is Hope.
The Heart of Christmas
which is Love.

And, May 2014 be a Good Year for us all.

My fondest Good Wishes.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:48:09 AM
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I actually get a kick out of the open rejection of these polls.
And too of the feeble attempts to change the subject.
Reasoning posters if they read runners contributions will see clearly, he does not understand.
Not just this subject but very little indeed.
He claims Jesus as his master but acts opposite to that mans teaching, hiding a bigotry in his posts that would shame him in the unlikely event he ever met his maker.
Again why not ask why the polls are HISTORIC in telling us NO PAST GOVERNMENT had such a shaky start?
I think we too must ask was Australia aware it was installing only the right wing of the Liberals.
They knew surely the Libs sheep Dog the Nationals had long ago left being the country dweller/farmers friend and took on the role of hill billy right nutters?
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 21 December 2013 1:29:40 PM
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Well we had our say, adding our views and biases along the way.
We will talk of this next year nothing surer if my predictions come true, that Abbott and his government are testing the opinions of even some in his own party.

We are not seeing the number of threads posted we once did.
Think about why and what we the posters can find interesting enough to post here.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 22 December 2013 10:12:10 AM
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Hi Foxy, sorry for not getting back to you earlier, thanks for that link to the Newmatilda story on Chicken Little and his mates, with their fake "BUDGET EMERGENCY CODE RED, the sky is falling!" rubbish.
I find it totally amazing how the Conserve Gang on here, who demanded the removal of the Labor government on the grounds of "fiscal irresponsibility" with a $18 billion deficit in May, the hue and cry then was "The world is about to end, run for your lives, or at least dump Labor and save yourselves!" Now with Teddle-Dum. Treasurer Hockey holding the purse strings, assisted by his mate Teddle-Even-Dummer, Finance Minister Cormann, all being overseen by The Mad Monk himself, suddenly an admitted $47 billion, and rising, deficit is okay "all's Rosie in the garden." Getting the budget back into surplus, was that a CORE or NON-CORE promise. There is a diff, the non-core one you break them at will, the core one you break them, whenever you feel like it.

Foxy, wishing you and yours all the best for the holiday season, and a happy new year. Just back from "The Westfields Shocking Center" where crazy people are everywhere. I blame it on the Eggnog, powerful stuff, makes people do crazy things.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 22 December 2013 12:11:15 PM
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Paul the truth of your words will be unwelcome to some here.
True however they are.
enjoy the session and all the best.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 22 December 2013 1:04:50 PM
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Dear Paul,

Thanks for your good wishes.

A deficit of 30.1 billion is now $47 billion and
60 percent of this blow out is due to the
Abbott government spending decisions. Labor had a budget
that was set to return to surplus 2016 - 2017.
Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey don't have a plan beyond
blaming Labor. But I don't want to think about depressing
things anymore - Christmas is just around the corner,
and there's still so much to do and so little time -
but somehow it all manages to come together in the end.

Wishing you and yours all the Joys of this Festive Season
and much Happiness, Good Health, and Prosperity in the
New Year.

All The Best.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 22 December 2013 1:27:24 PM
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What a year!
ALP supporters had to confront the full extent of the NSW FILTH within parliament and out side.
Obed and co lead to new levels of grubby filth using the ALP its members and all who desperately wanted to vote for them but just could not do it, thanks Sussex Street.
Rudd,s return lifted us both our hearts and dreams.
Then dropped us from a great height.
Then we saw 300 members vote to equal the vote of one caucus member! stunning way to install Democracy!
But Abbott,s victory while unavoidable felt like a hot knife.
Then seemingly weeks in to the new Government every fear we ever held came true.
BUT we are saved, make no mistake, Abbott has not lived up to expectations.
All down hill?
Not for Labor we now ride the Abbott negativity train and it is already fun but too stunning that this front bench so badly mistake the wishes of the majority of Australian Voters.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 23 December 2013 11:58:22 AM
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