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One Hundred Days all down hill

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*The left* come surely we can at least highlight any party can be left of current Liberals?
Look at the confused policy,s this not so Liberal government has.
No sale for the grains seller, but China is buying in to mining, read today,s press.
I had never heard of Foxy,s humor making bloke, but am branded left and unwise because of him?
Look SPQR making fun of Abbott is not hard,some of us will have sat silently while speakers of all kinds murder the English language.
Abbott lauches in to babbling words ahs and ums and truly resembles G W Bush.
A list exists here in this thread serval posts long, a true list sometimes quite horrifying.
But as he started he intends to go, and the horror and pain will go with him.
Its all down hill for Tony.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 21 December 2013 7:47:11 AM
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Baxx, "This is like what George Sorus did to sterling some years back.
It nearly sent Britain broke"

The international currency dealer who produces nothing with his own labour and nor does he direct any who work for him to produce anything that could contribute to the good of the community. He is the largest flea on the pyramid of fleas upon fleas who suck margins off the top (and from the bottom wherever they can!) and in then case of the top wheelers and dealers like Soros, care little when by sleight of hand they whisk away the life savings and superannuation nest eggs of millions of workers, destroying them and their families in the process.

GetUp exposed: George Soros' tentacles reach into Australia

It is unlikely one would ever see the facts admitted by sly political manipulators like Bill Shorten or his opposition front bench Grrls who are also signed up 'Progressive' comrades, obliged to the feminist left ideology of Emily's List, where they can also expect benefits from the corruption of 'networking' to ensure their members are preferred for plum jobs.

Why would a billionaire who profits from dealing in currencies and who very nearly triggered a devastating currency crisis that would have instantly bankrupted millions of ordinary workers be handing out seeding money to left activists? Why would the left activists and Australian 'Progressives' (aka Fabian Socialists) be involved with Soros and for years?

Maybe Foxy and Belly can tell us, but then again maybe not.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 21 December 2013 8:52:04 AM
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Most sorry for misspelling your name in my post above.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:24:30 AM
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For those interested in broadening their
views about George Soros the following link may help:

Soros born in Hungary and comes from a Jewish family.
He's an Internationalist
and one time international currency speculator. He calls an
"open society" the ideal form of social and political
organisation in his 1998 book, "The Crisis of Global
Capitalism: Open Society Endangered." An open society is a
democratic one, the opposite to a one-party ruled by an
unbending ideology, such as was the former Soviet Union under
Stalin. Soros foresaw the possibility that the excesses of
modern financial capitalism will lead to a similar
breakdown of democracy.

Soros gave away $8 billion to causes related to human rights,
public health and education. He played a significant role in
the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in
Hungary (1984-89) and provided one of Europe's largest
higher educational endowments to Central European University
in Budapest. And there's more - but read the link for yourselves.

Tor Hundloe in his book, "From Buddha to Bono: Seeking
sustainability," states,

"In conclusion, I shall turn to a person known as a
financial speculator (however, a well-read and wise one) to
encapsulate the ideas that humans
have worked so hard and long to develop,
and now more than ever will have to rely on, to
build a just and sustainable global human society.
Let us not forget that this project was begun to the ancient
Greeks, was re-established by the Enlightenment thinkers,
and most recently - after half a century of war and depression -
revived by the post World War Two baby boomers."

This is what Soros has to say:

"The Enlightenment constituted a giant step forward
...Allowing reason to decide what is true and false,
what is right and wrong, was a tremendous innovation. It
marked the beginning of modernity...
The philosophers of the Enlightenment are no longer
read - indeed, we may find them unreadable - but their
ideas have become ingrained in our way of thinking.
The rule of reason, the supremacy of science, the
universal brotherhood of man..."

cont'd ...
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:27:02 AM
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cont'd ...

"The political, social and moral values of the
Enlightenment were admirably stated in the
US Declaration of Independence, and that document
continues to be an inspiration for people
throughout the world...Instead of accepting tradition
as the ultimate authority, the Enlightenment subjected
tradition to critical examination. The results were
exhilarating. The creative energies of human intellect
were unleashed."

Reason, the supremacy of science, and the universal
brotherhood of humans are the pillars on which we can build
a better future. Hundloe tell us, "That George Soros
should laud the Enlightenment for its achievements, and
for foundations it has given us in our quest for
sustainability, proves that a business person as much as
an ecological scientist or a moral philosopher can
willingly embrace the three E's of sustainability..."

That is a goal worth pursuing.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:35:32 AM
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Dear Belly,

Again, Thanks for this thread.
Talk to you again after Christmas.
All The Best.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 21 December 2013 10:38:03 AM
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