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Ethnic Voilence

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True, but what people like Paul 1405 believe is that two wrongs make a right, watch the video, if Hitler were alive today he'd be supporting open borders for the nations he wished to destroy, heck it's pretty much what he supported back in the 1930's anyway, getting rid of people he didn't like and filling up the places in which they lived with people he did like .
If one group is intentionally displacing another or causing fear, apprehension and negatively impacting their quality of life and ability to access community resources and facilites under international law they are committing acts in preparation for genocide.
Under international law and most national "civil rights" legislation the scale or severity of the impact of one group upon another before genocide can be said to be occurring is not defined, the U.N convention is worded so that genocide can be nipped in the bud before it gains enough momentum to succeed.
Here's one example of preparation for genocide from Asuza in California;
Paul 1405 and other so called "Anti Racists" can interpret the word Genocide in their way, I can interpret it in mine, my definition is closer to what's happening on the ground in many parts of the world and theirs is just more abstract because they're invested in a narrative view of history and current affairs.
What's happened to the indigenous British or to the Negroes in Asusza and what's happening in Burma or Sudan are all the same thing, it's just a difference in scale and intensity, look at it this way, an unattended candle is as dangerous to your property and your life as a bushfire, it's just a matter of scale.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 2 May 2013 12:31:06 PM
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There needs to be pointed out that drunken violence is not premeditated as is ethenic violence that is born of ethenic hatred. They are not related!
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 2 May 2013 12:53:41 PM
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Well said! I doubt too many thought or think drunkenness is comparable to the murders in Sydney streets.
And plays no roll in the imported culture of hate and separatism.
I am weary of threads such as this.
WHY well truth is not able to shift some, most of who have no contact and little understanding of the depth of this problem.
Take this Challenge if you are brave enough, read on line anti Australian hate pages.
In place in the hands of third generation Australians!
See the Granvill high rants on line.
And know, we too will suffer a Boston , see the hate is real the horrible truth remains we imported trouble.
And STOP! please stop! quoting t5he brilliant successes of past streams of migration, you commit fraud.
Those Migrants and Children of the Children of migrants share mine and our fears and concerns!
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 2 May 2013 2:57:44 PM
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Dear Belly,

I find it very sad that you don't recognise the
violence that does exist in our society and you
seem to target only a certain group of people
for it whereas the reality is much more complex.

Alcohol does form a very big part of the violence
we see on the news each night, as does crime.
As do other social factors.

I am concerned but
you continue with your simplistic finger-pointing.
Young men who get glassed in hotels and lose
their eyesight don't seem to bother you as much as
talking about "ethnics" with hatred in their eyes.

What about the hatred in the hearts of
the young men who attack
others for no apparent reason? We need to look
at the causes and try to find solutions, because
the problems will not go away simply by finger-pointing
and being divisive. It should not be a "them" and "us"

We're all of us in this together.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 2 May 2013 4:22:36 PM
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cont'd ...

I think that something truly bad has happened to
our public discourse. Take politics as an example.
I have never in all my years seen the hatred as
I have in recent times. Julia Gillard has been
spoken of in the most appaling terms and Labor
supporters don't want to see Tony Abbott merely
questioned they want to see him eviscerated.

The confected anger that has been the stock-in-trade of
some radio broadcasters and columnists has done its work
and has unleashed a nasty, anti-social and destructive
power that has real consequences for the cohesion of
our society.

What this country desperately needs right now is a
more open and compassionate approach towards each other.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 2 May 2013 4:34:48 PM
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I pointed out the cause earlier, a big share of the breakdown in civility is due to this very vocal self hatred among a segment of the White community, your mother would have said to you "You can't expect others to respect you if you don't respect yourself".
Other races don't do this, whether it comes from Christian guilt or just a form of neurosis specific to Europeans I couldn't really say but other ethnic groups will defend their customs and history without question and with absolute conviction.Go tell a young Turkish kid that he's "Turk Trash" and should should feel guilty for the Armenian genocide and see what kind of a reaction you get.
The broader problem is forced egalitarianism, when you use state force to impose an ideological solution to practical problems you will always get the opposite result to the one you hoped for.
Thomas Sowell has long been a voice of reason on these issues:
Everyone in this country has the same options but people have different tastes and set themselves different goals, some people really do want to grow up to be drug dealers and gunmen or spend their lives on the dole just as sincerely as others want the white picket fence, and as Sowell says in his works,when you're going to theorise about ethnic groups you really have to look at the things they CHOOSE not to do, the professions, customs and social activities they shun rather than benchmark them against some nebulous concept of what group should be achieving.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 2 May 2013 5:28:38 PM
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