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Ethnic Voilence

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From the SMH this morning

This is disturbing and an issue that ALL political parties have ignored in the past.

This incident the smh reports on is not the first occasion of ethnic violence. Croats and Serbs have had violent clashes, with firearms involved. Remember violence between Iragies here at the first election in Iraq. The Soccer people had to change club names to try and curb violence. Gangs of Lebs have been involved in bashings of others. Melbourne apparently has seen violence by and between African refugees. There has been violence between Sri Lankan groups, resulting in acid attack.

These issues will escalate unless measures are taken to stop them.

I advocate two means. 1. Completely dismantle the multicultural policies as it encourages ethnics to carry on with the same hatreds and alien cultures from their opriginal country. 2. Stop Immigration of those groups that have demonstrated to us that they hold their original culture above our social standards.

It is all very well to say immigrans should leave their old hatreds behind, but we should recognise that some do not, or can't. We can well do without inter ethnic or religous/ political violence.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 30 April 2013 10:49:12 AM
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Dear Banjo,

What on earth are you sprouting now?

You stated “These issues will escalate unless measures are taken to stop them.”.

Read the bloody article, the people involved are facing the full force of the law. They are being stopped.

What you read as religious or ethnic hatred can just as easily be seen as pure criminal extortion dressed up very loosely in other clothes. The story of Protestant Irish migration to Australia in the 1920's had similar echoes.

“The Pearsons, like so many other Protestant families, eventually left for Australia, after Sydney (a brother of Abraham and Richard) found a note on the plough warning the family to get out. And one wonders how many other Protestant families were forced from their lands not because of some political rationale but because envious neighbours coveted their fertile acres.”

This is not a case for dismantling anything.
Posted by csteele, Tuesday, 30 April 2013 12:30:58 PM
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where does it say that ? There's nowhere where it says they got 15 years in the clink etc. No-one has had their liberty infringed apart from the poor shop owner.
Deport the crapheads instantly !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 30 April 2013 12:49:59 PM
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Yeah, I'm wondering about violence in our so-called civilised society in general.

I had to dissuade my son from watching the "regional" news because it was choc-o-block with the most vicious assaults committed daily in our regional centres, non-ethnic related.

The strange thing is that I gave him permission to watch the regional stuff as opposed to national and international news because I naively thought that it would be about regional issues...instead every night the first 15 minutes of news was devoted to who had assaulted or murdered who throughout the south-west of our state.

I decided that the last thing an eleven year-old needs is to have his head filled with that every evening.

So what about it, Banjo? Yes, ethnic rivalries and old hatreds can lead to violence...but there's plenty of violence in our communities which have nothing whatsoever to do with ethnicity.

Pretending we're jolly good fellows except for the imports ignores our own home-grown problems
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 30 April 2013 1:27:50 PM
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If they are found guilty deport them.

Send a strong message this will not be tolerated.
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 30 April 2013 2:05:55 PM
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Banjo I side with you 100% here.
Ignore csteele, he/she has form for overlooking things like this.
EVERY ONE should read Banjos link, alway a center for migrants to settle Bankstown and surrounds is no longer safe to live in.
Former Italian Migrants have left long ago.
The shootings and murders Sydney has started here.
This story in that link is one Muslim side victimizing the other.
In one lifetime, mine, the surrounding areas mentioned have become dangerous for Australians and some migrants to walk the streets at night.
What may take place in the lifetime of a child born today depends on our two party system hearing its concerned voters.Or our child will see car bombings and hate on our once proud streets.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 30 April 2013 2:29:10 PM
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