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The Forum > General Discussion > All poison peddlers need to be held accountable.

All poison peddlers need to be held accountable.

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Dear OSW,

The last returned soldier I spoke with had done two of tours in Helmand Province and is still undergoing treatment for injuries suffer from an IED. He has Australians who came to this country as Afghan refugees fighting in his unit. He will eyeball you straight away if you have anything derogatory to say about them. We got rather disgracefully smashed on this New Years Day with some interesting results.

But I do think you are on to something. I would wager a penny to a pound that the vast majority who have contributed on this thread are male, white, bitter, and on the sad side of middle age.

I really don't have much of a problem with you flapping your gums among yourselves but the rhetoric is starting to have a very real impact. I certainly don't claim you are among the worst offenders because you are not and even Belly flails away without too much harm, but there is some real hatred and denigration that has been spewing forth from here for a while and it needs to be checked for the good of this place and our nation.

Are the current levels of immigration and refugee intakes are sustainable? No. I think the capacity for this country to accept those in need at current levels has been damaged, not only by the media and the politicians but by the way we are managing things like our schools where the mantra of 'choice' has seen Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and other Christian private schools proliferate thus dramatically diminishing the ability of our youth mixing in public schools and setting aside prejudices that now seem to flourish.

I want a reasonable debate on the issue not one that sees recent arrivals targeted within our communities. I don't want to see young people so consumed with hatred being fed from older, bitter, white, male media personalities like Bolt and Jones. The lessons of history show us tipping points can quickly be reached with tragic results. I do not want that for my country and neither should you.
Posted by csteele, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 5:47:06 PM
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csteele writes
'are managing things like our schools where the mantra of 'choice' has seen Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and other Christian private schools proliferate thus dramatically diminishing the ability of our youth mixing in public schools and setting aside prejudices that now seem to flourish. '

Instead of looking at the hopefully flawed and failed secular humanist dogmas, csteele can't help but to push his barrow. This is typical lefist tactic which prevent them from seeing what causes problems (usually their own failed dogma) and blame others for not fixing it. Secular schools based on humanism are bereft of any morals and that is why even unbelievers are voting with their money and feet. I suspect their is far more violence and divsion in secular schools than elswhere but that would be ignored by those wanting to use of worn out mantra of the need for more money and resources. Maybe just a little discipline and a few of the good old morals that csteele seems to despise might win back a few. Lefties detest common sense showing up their dogmas.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 6:20:03 PM
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"...good old morals..."

Haven't seen much sign of "good old morals" in evidence so far on this thread.....

Have seen a lot of bigoted myopic ranting - but that's par for the course around here.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 6:27:51 PM
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Yes steelie, we will catch up with these peddlers of poison.

All the promoters of the global warming scam, all those committed to destroying the ethos of Australia with this multicultural poison.

Those who want to "help" the aboriginals, & those who have made an industry of do-gooding. The whole damn lot will find themselves ignored & disregarded, the worst their egos could ever suffer.

But don't worry mate, someone knows who you are.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 7:00:32 PM
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csteele - Quote "I would wager a penny to a pound that the vast majority who have contributed on this thread are male, white, bitter, and on the sad side of middle age."

So if it is the case (I am not saying you are right) WHAT IS YOUR POINT.

Let me guess they are not allowed to have a say, unless they agree with you.

Sorry but I am still waiting for the answers to my questions and what the lies and half truths are.

By the way if something is a half truth then it means it is HALF TRUE so you still loose.
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 7:34:49 PM
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That cartoon is unfortunate. Scott Morrison is one of the most level-headed commentators on asylum seekers that this country has.

Dear csteele, twas me who asked whether you are against the language used with all its expletives, or the message or both, not George. But thanks for the response anyway.

It sounds to me as though the dropkick who posted the stuff that you quote just wants to stir, wants a bit of notoriety and doesn’t really appreciate or give a damn about who he might be offending, just as long as he offends a few people and gets a reaction!

Crikey, any nobody can post stuff like that. I really don’t think you should be concerned about it. What you need to take note of is public opinion on the issue, not some extreme load of crap peddled by someone who has got no credibility.

I agree with Bazz and Froggie – it is Islam, not Muslims or at least not the vast majority of Muslims, that is the problem.
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 5 March 2013 8:29:03 PM
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