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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Labor in denial or just stupid.

Is Labor in denial or just stupid.

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Well guys, just hope that Australia is never invaded and that you and your families don't become refugees. Ohhhhh, how your "attitudes" would then change.
Posted by DiamondPete, Monday, 24 September 2012 3:26:59 PM
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Hi there PHILLIP S...

In one of your earlier threads, you asked amongst other things, why did the Australian Navy pick up these boat people when their vessel was only 45Kms from Indonesian landfall ?

An interesting question ? It is my belief, the Australian Government are absolutely terrified of Indonesia. Terrified of their enormous military.

If I'm way of the mark (and I'd need to be thoroughly pursuaded so) why ever do we continue to genuflect to them, both militarily and economically ?

We continue to put-up with their scorn, derision, contempt even their abuse, need I go on ?

Yet we continue to give them millions and millions in aid. Provide them with military training (and that's a real joke !), donate military hardware, aircraft etc etc.

And all we ask in return, is a bit of co-operation with stopping the 'leaky boats'. Nothing very much in the scheme of things ? And all they do in return...laugh behind our backs. NO, THAT'S NOT ENTIRELY CORRECT, they actually laugh at us quite overtly, because they know we're scared of 'em !

Yep, we Aussies, the big tough bronzed ANZAC Aussies are scared of the Indonesians - absolutely !

And I gotta tell you all it makes me feel so very very ashamed and embarrassed. And in turn dear reader, makes me feel very bloody angry too !

Yeah, I know what you're all thinking and I agree. It's not the Aussie, the individual that's scared, it's our damn useless government and the politicians in that useless government, yes indeed, it's they who are frightened.

God help us, we're perceived as being so very weak.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 24 September 2012 3:29:15 PM
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o sung wu - You are so right on one post I put the strength of the Indonesian military and police from around 2006 data even then it was way bigger than ours is now.
I have continually said Indonesia & Malaysia can stop them but they do not want to as it undermines Australia every time a boat arrives.
The politicians we have must be the biggest joke of every country.
Rudd & Gillard wasting billions in gifts and bribes to get the UN security council seat, what a waste of money.
I can say Australia has never had a more incompetent Government that looks after other people to the detriment of there own citizens.

DiamondPete - Even the UN has admitted a lot of these so called refugees are ECONOMIC REFUGEES. You are wrong my attitude would not change I would go and fight for the country something these WELFARE FOR LIFERS will NEVER do.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 24 September 2012 3:43:43 PM
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No Phillip, your anti refugee "attitude" would change, and you would do all in your power to remove your wife, kids and family from the immediate threat of rape, torture and death. And you wouldn't be spending your days listening in comfort, to anti refugee shock jocks ..... and believing everything you hear.
Posted by DiamondPete, Monday, 24 September 2012 4:23:45 PM
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DiamondPete - What can I say except you now become an irrelevant person to discuss anything with. The reason is you set yourself up as an authority on me, a person you do not even know.
To quote you "No Phillip, your anti refugee "attitude" would change, and you would do all in your power to remove your wife, kids and family from the immediate threat of rape, torture and death"

Please don't give up your day job to become a psychoanalyst you have already failed.

Any further communication from you will be disregarded.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 24 September 2012 4:57:25 PM
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I realise the truth hurts some people, but it's always worth telling. When some people hear the truth, or what they don't like hearing, they run away. So be it.

This is a free society (something denied to most refugees in their homelands), and we all have the right to speak our minds here. Long live freedom.
Posted by DiamondPete, Monday, 24 September 2012 5:25:18 PM
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