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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Labor in denial or just stupid.

Is Labor in denial or just stupid.

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Hi there (again) PHILLIP S.

I too thank you for providing some figures that can be attributed to the burgeoning costs associated with accommodating these illegals.

Why can't people see that we're being taken for fools with these 'boat people'. Worse still, we're apparently borrowing more money, in order to keep them.

Even a financial dummy like me realizes, the more we borrow, the deeper in debt we become. It's your's and my grandchildren who'll be burdened with this immense debt, and where in hell are we going to find the money to pay it ?

We possess virtually no manufacturing industry whatsoever.

Even our primary industries are under threat.

Sure, we blessed with huge mineral wealth, which we proceed to dig up and ship it to China, without even considering, rendering it with some degree of 'added value' ?

And when the mineral boom slows, and eventually stops. From where exactly do we obtain the money, in order to service our creditors ?

I know, we'll sell Australia ! State by state. Starting first with the ACT.

You know my friends, it's so very sad, that we no longer have a really ethical, Statesman like figure. Someone who can 'stop the rot', and lead us away from this dark abyss, that we're all heading for. Away from certain financial oblivion. It matters little, of what political persuasion that person may be ?

What Australia really needs, (immediately), is ethical leadership, not some nebulous ideological prescription. 'Real Honest Leadership'! To get us out of this helluva mess we're all in !

Is there anyone out there who'd fit the bill I wonder ?

Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 25 September 2012 10:37:44 PM
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Diamond Pete,

By your own measures, your comments are your opinion and nothing more. There have been newspaper articles discussing that the smugglers instruct the passengers to destroy their documentation. While some people arriving without documentation is expected, everyone doing so is beyond reasonable proof.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 3:47:07 AM
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Nice try, Arjay. It's known as getting your retaliation in first.

>>Keep trying Pericles,since all you have left now is derision and ad hominem<<

There is only one of us here dealing in facts, Arjay. And strictly between you and me, I know which it is.

>>Pericles,there was no need for the stimulus and bailouts here.Labor had a $20 billion surplus and turned this into $173 billion deficit.<<

So that would add up to a stimulus of around $200 billion. As I tried so hard to point out, if this money had not been injected into the economy through the government taking on additional debt, where would it have come from? You can rubbish the means by which this was injected, and the lasting value that it created, but it did actually keep the wheels on the economy. If it had been raised through additional taxation in order to keep us in "surplus", would you have been happier?

The stimulus prevented a recession here. Without a boost provided by the additional government debt/additional taxation, we would have higher unemployment and a stagnating economy. Fortunately for us, we had the strong buffer of our mineral exports.

>>...we have to take your word that they inherited the super decficit if $273 billion<<

You most definitely don't have to take my word for it. It is a matter of record, completely independent of party politics and spin. What do you think the Future Fund was for?

>>It is beyond me at times why you defend this corrupt evil banking system but then again you profit from their scamming derivative system which feeds off their counterfeiting of our productivity and them expressing it as debt.<<

I thought we were discussing government policy here?

And since when do I "profit from their scamming derivative system" any more than you do?

>>QE3 is here and even the financial markets are screaming bloody murder this time since the really big parasites will destroy the middle class too.<<

That's a pretty big claim, Arjay. Can you back it up with evidence, or examples?

Thought not.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 10:52:34 AM
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Updated score SMUGGLERS 1 - Government 0 So many have come in the last few weeks that the refugees are being transferred to the Australian mainland.
Quote "120 people have been moved to two detention centres in Western Australia and one in Victoria"

Further to the costing apparently there are 28 Salvation Army staff on Nauru - would anyone like to bet who is paying there salary (taxpayers) I don't mind that but it would be a package deal whereby we were also subsidizing the salary for the CHARITY bosses (who's salary would be massive) This would be a multi million dollar contract.
Just over a year ago the charities were telling the Government to release more refugees into the community and they would look after them.
BUT One of the charity bosses went on media and said that to do it the would need Quote " a lot more money".
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 2:33:16 PM
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Further proof of the ECONOMIC REFUGEES
Here is a quote from a salvation army worker on Nauru
"I've heard them say they've sold their houses, they've sold their farms, they've sold all their possessions [to come to Australia],'' he said."
That is what an ECONOMIC refugee is going to do.
If escaping torture, percussion and a terrorized individual you would be out of there abandoning possessions etc like the Jews did in WW2, the Africans are doing in Sudan, the Syrians are doing when escaping Syria - they are not saying the army is around the corner coming to torture us we have to sell everything then go.
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 2:45:38 PM
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Isn't it interesting to see our top economic dogs are voicing real concerns about our ability to service the needs of our future retirees (baby boomers) with several suggestions, including, raising the retirement age to 70, keeping our own super out of reach till we turn 70 (currently 55 I believe), even then they are looking to stop us taking lump sums, which will mean to many they have to sell their homes, as super lump sums often pay down loan left overs, and last but not least, raising taxes.


Because this incompetent, irresponsible government has pissed away our savings, our future borrowings and they are working on spending our grand kids future funds, all in the name of saving illegals and any other useless, I'll planned, I'll costed brain wave they call a policy.

As I have said many times, passing legislation is simply gaining approval, implementation is what counts and, it is what they lack.

If I was given one chance to have my one say to this government, I would simply say.... GROW SOME BALLS!

And do what you have been empowered to do, that is, SPEND OUR TAXES WISELY and stop pussy footing around on thus issue.
I say either fix it, or step aside.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 26 September 2012 8:25:20 PM
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