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The Forum > General Discussion > USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

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I had no idea that things were so simple. Fancy there being "good" people and "bad" people....surely, it that's the case, there should be some mechanism in place whereby the bad people can't get their hands on the guns.

Anyway, here's an article on the reactions of Palin and Beck to the Giffords shooting....
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 10:28:14 AM
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Thanks Poirot, a jolly article indeed.

Individual, let's be honest, we do not see eye to eye on most things, but to suggest that your efforts represent 'thinking' is a stretch of an elastic imagination, is it not?

"See, in this world, both Palin and Beck are cast as lovers of peace who hate violence. And they do this through such a falsely contrived, obviously orchestrated propaganda-esque technique that the listener is left wondering if Beck and Palin have any connection with reality", could this include those who support the gun toting attitude to life, such as you seem to promote individual?

Poirot, of course there are 'good' and 'bad' people. All 'good' people are xtians, who employ people (just out of kindness to give them a job) and who send their kiddies to private, preferably 'faith' schools, vote sensibly for other good people, never the evil Greens or the communist ALP, and who drive 4WDs, mostly black ones, at speeds well in excess of speed limits. These are the backbone of our glorious nation.

By comparison, 'bad' people cling to a sense of community as being a part of a solid basis for organising groups of people, and see little benefit in sticking with everything without ever raising a question. They can never be good people, and that is why good people support no gun control whatsoever.

When Jesus returns, only good people will be saved, even though Jesus seemed to prefer the company of bad people.

Odd, isn't it?
Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 11:04:22 AM
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I had no idea that things were so simple. Fancy there being "good" people and "bad" people,
Are you saying that people are so mentality deficient that they are incapable to differentiate ?
You had me fooled, I thought you were smarter or are you of the type who can't handle anything that hasn't been made artificially complex by some mutt academic ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 11:09:24 AM
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How is the gun shop

Able to know who are the

"Good" and "Bad" people?
Posted by Shintaro, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 11:19:06 AM
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Shintaro, easy.

Only good people buy guns.

Couldn't be easier could it?

It stands to reason really, give individuals helpful guide to life to guide us all interpret life correctly, or in a 'good' way.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 11:28:48 AM
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Can we just cut this idiocy & concentrate on positive stuff. Seeing that you mutts don't comprehend between good & bad i.e. decency & deplorable I once again feel myself compelled to reply.
A good person will go & register themselves when applying for a firearm. Pretty much like registering the other lethal weapons like cars. Obviously, you can provide proof that you have attended firearm safety instruction & are a member of SSAA. This organisation has far stricter regulations/rules that your average driving school. There's a plus already. If you only shoot at competition then you can store your firearm at those premises. If you are in the bush then you you're most likely not that stupid in the first place as to requiring so much baby sitting.
A bad person should be on record as such from very simple misdeeds onwards. This nonsense of no criminal conviction after stealing a car needs attending to by those thumb twiddlers in the Law Reform Commission.
Any conviction automatically is placed into a register for Police & Gun shops. No gun sold to any such mutt.
And, yes TBC the helpful guide you mentioned could be in the form of national service.
Such an arrangement will produce a far greater number of good citizens than any academic idealism which so clearly denounces any sense of responsibility.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 12:37:38 PM
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