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The Forum > General Discussion > USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

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Yet another tragic mass shooting has occurred in Tuscon, Arizona.

"And then there are the guns, readily available in a state with relaxed gun control laws.
"The number of guns and the angry people that have access to them is astonishing," Mr Gutierrez said.
"That combination of anger and guns in Arizona is almost an invitation to violence."
- Reuters-"

America is a lost cause as far as gun laws are concerned, but we can be vigilant here in Australia and not follow the USA down the violent path of relaxed gun laws.

I heard on the news this morning that the gunman involved in the latest shooting in the US had a history of criminal violence, was mentally ill, and had a mad website extolling the virtues of guns.

Yet this guy was able to wander in to an Arizona gun shop and purchase a gun over the counter!

The gun lobby would have us believe that using guns is a 'sport'.
We need to ban this kind of 'sport' by banning all gun clubs and general availability of guns in this country.
The only sane reason for owning guns is in the farming, military or law enforcement areas.

Gun enthusiasts, who love to play with loud violent toys they see on cop shows and cowboy and Indian movies, will carry on about knives and car crashes as taking more lives than guns in this country.
Yes they do, however knives and cars are a necessity for many lawful activities too.
Guns are not.

I don't want Australia to follow America in the way they have their regular, suburban citizens 'armed', do you?
Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 10 January 2011 10:05:00 AM
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"The gun lobby would have us believe that using guns is a 'sport'.
We need to ban this kind of 'sport' by banning all gun clubs and general availability of guns in this country.
The only sane reason for owning guns is in the farming, military or law enforcement areas.

So farmers, the military, and law enforcement should only have "to play with loud violent toys they see on cop shows and cowboy and Indian movies"

Have you even read what you have written?

So who makes this world, that all the little boys play in......and who teaches them to think so?

SUE you've written a pile of rubbish. So your saying, cause of a hand full of morons or mentaly put all in this bracket?

Posted by Deep-Blue, Monday, 10 January 2011 12:51:03 PM
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It is a bit low to try to sensationalise and make political capital out of this tragedy,

Political Hacks Waste No Time In Shamelessly Exploiting Giffords Shooting To Demonize Political Oppositon,

Sections of the media are even trying to lay blame on Sarah Palin, drawing a very long bow on a political advertisement.

As an example of the extent to which the media (and commentators) will go to manufacture a story through speculation, two books have been cited from books in the alleged offender's possession. Guess which ones,

Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, MEIN KAMPF, The Republic, and Meno.

As usual, the media ghouls will create rumour after rumour, using the usual suspects to whip things along. Waiting for the Oz current affairs to 'appear' on site (with the recognisable rear projection behind).
Posted by Cornflower, Monday, 10 January 2011 1:06:20 PM
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Interestingly, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement have been receiving some peripheral flack in the wake of the shooting in Tucson.
Palin came up with a "target list" of U.S. lawmakers she wanted to see unseated in the recent mid-term elections. The rhetoric employed, and the use of "crosshairs" on a map of targeted districts to get her message across, has given many pause for contemplation.

Gabrielle Gifford, the Congresswoman who was shot, was representing one of the districts targeted on the map.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 10 January 2011 1:10:51 PM
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So which is to blame

Another lone nut, or the

Second Amendment?
Posted by Shintaro, Monday, 10 January 2011 1:38:24 PM
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The American constitution was written for cowboys and that is going to take a lot of changing.
The sort of guns they have is a disaster waiting to happen.
It takes a lot to get a gun license in vic, You have to be a farmer or belong to a gun club, before you can apply to the police to get a license
Posted by 579, Monday, 10 January 2011 1:46:16 PM
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