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The Forum > General Discussion > USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

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I wonder if these anti gun people realise how easy it is to make one?
If I really had to, I could have a four shot pistol working in about 4 hours, it's that easy. Any handyman with a cordless drill can do it with their eyes shut. You don't even need gunpowder!

You can call for the removal of guns all you like, it won't stop the crim's and will only give some despot leader an easier task of taking your life and liberty from you. History doesn't lie!

What price do you people put on your liberty? I don't think you people have really thought about human life and liberty fully have you? You're probably the type that says it will never happen to me? Well history would disagree with you.

There was an excellent movie not long ago called Defiance. It stared Daniel Craig and was based on a true story about a Jewish group fleeing the Germans. Do you think those people thought it would happen to them? Do you think that could never happen again? Do you think Australia is beyond that happening? I bet they thought that of their country as well! The worlds history is littered with stories of people being terrorised by their governments or minority, wackjob groups. Are you that naive to think we're past all that? Do you think your government is capable of protecting you and your family?
Posted by RawMustard, Saturday, 15 January 2011 5:22:37 PM
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Interesting Cornflower, that your evidence was compiled by a
woman associated with the International Coalition of Women in
hunting and shooting. It seems that previous mass shootings in
Australia, were simply ignored, also ignored was that we have
had none since.

All this from the very article that you quote. It also concedes
my point, that our gun culture could have grown without changes
to the gun laws.

Given that in the last 14 years, with more US TV, internet and all
the rest, our culture is becoming more like theirs in many ways,
why would gun culture be any different, if guns here were as
easily available as there?

Last time I checked, there were something like 65 million
handguns in the US. People commonly carry them, to protect
themselves from being shot by other people. Hardly a pleasant

Our gun related homicide rate runs at one fifteenth of theirs,
on a per pop basis. The numbers clearly speak for themselves.

Guns at the time of the buyback, were paid at market value. A
crappy and old gun should have attracted a similar price.
If that did not happen, blame those valueing the guns.

Fact is, alot of automatics and semi automatics were handed in.
To get anything more then a single shot, you need some pretty
good reasons. People now have to store weapons in gun safes,
another good policy.

People like Bryant are on the streets, because there was a big
change in how we treated people with mental conditions. We don't
just lock them all up in institutions for decades any more,
like we used to. Many of these cases are just not black and
white enough, to do that. If the diagnosis is wrong, its a pretty
cruel thing to do. Besides, most of them are harmless.
So the new policy is considered more humane, but of course they
don't always take their pills etc.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 15 January 2011 5:49:34 PM
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Lexi said....

"Because as far as I understand it, no one is actually asking for a total ban on guns - what's being suggested is simply that we have laws that enforce responsibility on gun owners to ensure that they are properly trained by setting standards to ensure shooter and public safety.....and That says it all, don't you think.

Now Raw Mustard, I hope your not going to get into building bombs....cause I know you just love to fish:) Since the terrorist hand-book has been available to just about everybody, such talk can get you into a lot of trouble. One of the books you can buy on this, is the book.....uncle festers homemade explosives....which can be obtained in the US....funny that:) Yes, it seems the world is crawling with Hippocrates these days.

Anyway, we'll see what happens next, when the next human blames a machine for its problems in the world today. Maybe, someone will go around with a cordless drill and proceed to kill people with it. I guess if some other mechanical device is used incorrectly, we can all apply for lic for them as well. ( nail-gun ) ETC

Training, Education, DNA profiling, can and is the only way to go.

Posted by Deep-Blue, Saturday, 15 January 2011 5:54:21 PM
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Illegal imports

Are no cogent argument

Against fewer guns

How many murders

Are committed utilising

Home crafted firearms?
Posted by Shintaro, Saturday, 15 January 2011 6:25:08 PM
Find out more about this user Recommend this comment for deletion Return to top of page Return to Forum Main Page Copy comment URL to clipboard Just love your work;) Poetry in motion.

Swords and guns, and swords and guns......... Suze...yes Iam glad we are evolving:)

And does this not tell the stories of the human Trailways.

Posted by Deep-Blue, Saturday, 15 January 2011 6:55:58 PM
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Do we really want to be like America? Lets look at the facts.
In international terms, the US is an extremely violent sociey, with a homicide rate far exceeding that of any other industrialized nation. A single American city like Chicago, Houston, or Los Angeles records more murders in a typical year than does the whole of England, where even the police do not normally carry guns. Most other countries severely restrict private handgun ownership, but there are millions of handguns in the US - and weapons of this type are used in the thousands of murders that occur each year. According to Ian Robertson, "Sociology", in 1990, the American handgun homicide rate was 77 times the average rate for England, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, and Canada. Why then, does the US permit such a widespread access to handguns? One reason seems to be - the persistent belief that, since criminals have guns, law-abiding people need them for self-protection. Actually, according to Robertson - gun-owning households are much more likely to suffer fatalities from their own weapons than from those of outsiders. According to Robertson - recent surveys show that - only 2 percent of all slayings in gun-owning households were for self-protection; the remainder were suicides, homicides, or accidental deaths, almost all involving family members, friends, or acquaintances. A second reason for the proliferation of handguns, according to Robertson, seems to be the belief, deeply held by many Americans, that gun ownership is an individual right. For granting this liberty to the individual, American society pays the price in the deviance of those who abuse it.
I repeat, is this the kind of society we want in Australia?
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 15 January 2011 7:08:38 PM
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