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The Forum > General Discussion > USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

USA gun massacre - we don't need guns.

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More on the shooting victim Sarah Palin.

Yes, this article says that poor Sarah is the real victim of this shooting by a 'lone madman'.

Well, lone amongst 300 million others maybe?

Worth a read, individual and others will love it:

"Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Savage, O'Reilly and the rest of the right-wing media machine have turned professional victimhood into a license to print money, and people like Sarah Palin are all too happy to jump on that bandwagon. You're losing your country, your rights, your guns, your family, your religion, the sanctity of your marriage, the supremacy of your heterosexuality, my God, you're losing Christmas, for the love of God! You're losing everything (...psssst...they're talking to White Christians when they say this stuff, by the way, which just cracks me all the way up...), and if you don't "take up arms" to stop it, well, it will just make the Baby Jesus weep bitter, bitter tears.

"Speaking of "taking up arms," here is Palin's explanation for such rhetoric: "When we say 'take up our arms,' we are talking about our vote."

"Of course. How could we have missed such an obvious reference? Silly us."

Read it all here:
Posted by The Blue Cross, Thursday, 13 January 2011 9:41:15 AM
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It seems that Sarah Palin has adopted the of new tag line of "Blood Libel" as a defence against any criticism which questions her penchant for violent rhetoric. Seems like she's determined to dig a bigger hole for herself.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 13 January 2011 12:16:27 PM
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Love it Poirot

Funny how it says not many Republicans defend her on this, but here at OLO they fall over themselves to present guns and Sarah as, well, beautiful!

I like this bit:

"Mrs Palin apparently plucked the phrase from the right-wing blogs where it has proliferated after earlier appearing in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece on the controversy. She seems, however, to have used it without consideration of its anti-Semitic origins or the fact that Ms Giffords, the target of the shooting, is Jewish.

"Jewish leaders were quick to condemn her words. David Harris, the president of the National Jewish Democratic Council, said: "Sarah Palin's invocation of a 'blood libel' charge against her perceived enemies is hardly a step in the right direction." The Anti-Defamation League said: "We wish that Palin had used another phrase, instead of one so fraught with pain in Jewish history."

I suspect that Sarah knows this, and is one of the adherents to 'the Jews killed Jesus' mantra.

She is, however, as in the post I stuck up before, painting herself as 'the real victim'.


Still, there are many, here and in the US, who really believe that, and that includes OLO posters by the sound of them.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Thursday, 13 January 2011 12:51:46 PM
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I fear the tea party Americans can do stupid things but if they put that fool in?
Well it will not happen she is now dead in the water.
we are better for it, FOX is much the worse for its idiot presentation of neo Nazi theory's, just maybe on the way down.
Suzi tell me are you treating more knife and blunt object injury's?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 13 January 2011 3:53:03 PM
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Come on RawMustard. You would have had to google to find that one.

Only the link, Yabby. It was featured on the telly here when it happened. What does having to google for it have to do with the topic?

We simply don't have the problem of guns everywhere, as they do
in the US, where they sell them at Walmart.

We also sold them in Kmart here years ago. Brought a Stirling 22 magnum and scope and used to get my ammo from them, so what?

I have a dear old friend in the US, a grandmotherly type, who
feels that she needs to have weapons in the house, as eveyone
else has weapons. Frankly, given her eyesight, she is far more
likely to trip over one of them and shoot herself by mistake, then
to outshoot any gangster :)

That's probably the norm for most people, Yabby, nothing wrong with that. But I can tell you that my whole family know exactly how to handle a firearm. If someone were to try a home invasion (on a significant rise I might add) in our house, they can rest assured they would be introduced to my best friend, buddy, pall, Mr Winchester!

It's better to be tried by twelve than to be carried by six is my motto!

She seems to think that the US is past the point of no return, when
it comes to guns, as there are simply so many of them. We in
Australia, are fortunate not to have that problem.

We never had the problems of America because our population is a lot smaller, we're also not surrounded by violent lefty countries like America.

It's funny how people who have never experienced a violent attack on themselves would dictate to others how they might defend themselves.

I can just see them reach for their IPhone and press the stop raping my daughter button as some thug checks for her prostate gland with his third leg. I wonder if you can download an app for that?
Posted by RawMustard, Thursday, 13 January 2011 5:01:21 PM
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Oh do please tell us all Rawmusturd, of the violent attack on yourself, please do.

Naturally, you whipped out your Winchester and Navy Colt and saw them off with a couple of well placed shots to the forehead... bullseye!

Followed, I hope, with a thorough knuckling with the Commando knife, the combined 6" blade and knuckle duster one.

By the way, I can see that you are a gunnut, so some things might be hard to grasp, but 'the shelias' don't actually have a prostate gland, yer know.

Amazing I know, but true.

And, I really don't know how to say this, but, well, this might also come as a shock, there are 'other differences' about them too.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Thursday, 13 January 2011 5:13:21 PM
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