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The Forum > General Discussion > Is a false accusation of rape as bad as being raped?

Is a false accusation of rape as bad as being raped?

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Let me tell you a little about Society Double Standards, here in Australia recently a TV commercial has been taken off the air, this particular commercial was (in my opinion) so cute, so beautiful, the music, the scenery the participants, everything was merged in the most beautiful way possible. BUT, the participants (actors) where 2 small children aged approximately 3, a little girl and a little boy, both wearing nappy and a singlet, they where shown driving a car, surfing, laughing, hugging one another, it was absolutely beautiful, it made my day each time it was broadcasted, YET it was taken out, Robert you know the reason why it was taken out? Guess you dont, well let me tell you why, it was taken out because ENCOURAGED PHAEDOPHILIA. For God sake Robert, what's the difference between an adult wearing almost nothing, an adult stroking a shampoo can as if it was a P... an adult driving a car and moaning as she is having an orgasm and many more commercials alike. Isnt it true that those adult commercial might just ENCOURAGE a rapist to just go out and rape someone? In my humble opinion "YES" it does, what's wrong with society today? Everyone is gone mad, the double standard of today is unbereable to say the least. How can anyone look at those 2 children and think of something so horrific as the people responsible for taking it off the air did? Robert I am not sure of having been able to express my opinion, I personally think like you, but I am not a criminal and although accused of I am not a rapist either. I beg you to understand that this world is not made of decent human beings only, but there's millions of criminals and rapist out there, and women have a responsibility to protect themselves from those kind of people, believing that will never happen to them is not an excuse to go out almost naked, just like any other adult has the responsibility to protect his property from burglars, no difference at all.
Posted by Maxximo, Thursday, 15 March 2007 8:42:33 AM
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Max, I am going to try to take this gently because I don't want to add to your pain, but I am afraid that what I am about to say will upset you.

In your earlier posts you spoke about the woman who falsely accused you of rape is the same one that you had a 20 year sexual relationship with, she came to your house for sex as she did every week and then cried rape the last time. Don't you think that this may also be a reason for your family breakup - that you had a 20 year sexual affair with a woman not your wife?

I am sorry, but your own situation demonstrates the double standards that you deplore and also reflects on the choices that you made. If people are raped, robbed etc etc because of their dress or that they leave their front door open, then don't you think that you should take responsibility somewhat for your situation now? You are in it because of lack of judgement in having an affair in the first place.
I have spoken about this on another thread, the fact that men seem to be attracted to manipulative, vindictive women and then cry foul when they show their true colours. Men have to become smarter!

By the way, I thought that they took that ad off the air because of the recent deaths of several toddlers who were playing in cars. I can think of two cases off the top of my head.
Posted by Lizzie4, Thursday, 15 March 2007 9:10:01 AM
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Max, on the add issue it was my impression from what I'd read that it was taken off the air because of the road safety issue as well.

On the issue of revealing clothes etc, I agree in part but also think context matters. We all need to take responsibility for the risks we expose ourselves too, that means an educated guess about the level of risk and the consequences. That is reality.

Having said that the manufacturers of the brand of car I drive spend money on promotion, doing what they can to make their brand more appealing. Should I protest because that may make my car a greater target for thieves? Should I have the car repainted to make it less attractive and reduce the risks of theft?

I've put effort into making my home more appealing even though that may increase the risk of attracting thieves.

Life is a balance between freedom and risk, I'm not convinced that in most circumstances revealing clothes alter the risk for women.

Lizzie, I get your point about matching up with those kind of women but my impression is that a lot of us did not know that side of them when we got involved. Good manipulators can be quite good at hiding it. The trouble is that by the time you find that stuff out it's too late. Most of the guy's I've heard from on that topic are more frustrated by the government bias and inteference which tips the balance, not so much by an unwillingness to accept that they made a mistake.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 15 March 2007 9:06:55 PM
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I get your last point Robert, however my experience has been that women tend to show their true colours very early in a relationship. However, it is a problem that men tend not to think with their heads.

Men are supposed to be rational creatures and that is a primary reason for the power differential between men and women that is still in society today. Men are considered to be rational, women are emotional.

However what is lacking is that men need to think more rationally about the repercussions of their actions and look at what may happen down the line if they ignore warning signs. I have spoken to so many men about problems with exs and I think well, it is obvious to me that there would be trouble.

My point is, and maybe I am voicing it clumsily, is that it is very hard to change government focus or laws for that matter. What is easier and maybe more effective is for men to start taking their own advice. That is to take responsibility themselves for their actions and choices.
Posted by Lizzie4, Friday, 16 March 2007 8:50:10 AM
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RObert/Celivia. Your assertions are incorrect. You have not disputed the points I raised and how you two drew the conclusions about my position from my posts is beyond me.

I still think that your position and comparison are not reasonable. RObert the premises on which you form your syllogism (not that there are many) are just not valid assumptions. That is an opinion – not an allegation. Your argument rests on the, I think, flawed assumption, that the two are comparable in the first place. I gave some of my reasons above. Again: being raped is directly physical, threatening as well as mental. The reasons men rape are different than those of why women make false accusations of rape. Rape and male violence is far more prevalent than false accusations. The process at a police station is very thorough and it is more likely that a genuine rape victim would not have police proceed because of the need for doubtless evidence and reliable witnesses. A more logical comparison would be: “Is a false accusation of rape as bad as having police not proceed with a complaint because of a lack of evidence or witnesses?”

RObert/Celivia have tried to make out that people who disagree with them were born yesterday, blindly follow feminist thought or are so non-self reflectionist that they patronise women because they think women are precious etc. Irony here - it's a load of patronising rubbish in itself.

Why does it irritate you so much RObert when men, as humanitarians, (feminism is informed by humanitarian ideals) speak on women’s issues or for rape victims? I think it indicates a sexist attitude towards men here. It is my opinion and it is damn well self evident that comparing a rape to an accusation of rape is illogical, inflammatory and, I think downright, pathological. It shows a complete lack of understanding of women’s issues.

Moreover, it pits one group of victims against another. That is morbid and callous. It would have been more sensible and compassionate to just ask: “Does false accusation of rape need more consideration…?”
Posted by ronnie peters, Friday, 16 March 2007 2:01:39 PM
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Lizzie, My son was falsely accused by his 11 year old cousin, who claimed she was raped so she could attend a party. Her mother and I stopped speaking two years earlier when I threatened to report her for child abuse. I have no doubt she put her child up to the accusation. This same woman had her husband's sister arrested for drunken driving after an argument. She claimed the 5 year old neighbor boy raped her 4 year old daughter after she got into an argument with his mother. She claimed to have been raped when her parents caught her sneaking into the house as a teenager. She learned at an early age what a marvelous weapon accusations can be.

I guess you could claim it was MY fault for marrying a neurotic woman's brother. I 'attract' men with mentally ubalanced sisters?

Give me a break.

Maxx - women have been raped from the beginning of time - long before TV commercials. Long before short skirts. Women wearing burkas are raped. 80 year old women are raped - NOT because they wear short skirts, I hope!

Rape is about anger, power and control. So are false accusations, no doubt.
Posted by onlyone, Friday, 16 March 2007 2:09:27 PM
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