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What was it?

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Ok my dear flute charming player that tries to fix the wrongs of your world, the way you believe.

I still have to say I can't pin point on one memory. But what is most important to me is making others happy. That is my it. That makes my day tonnes better, getting a smile from others. making them happy. I have always been this way. I cannot change:born dis way.

The other its:
-when i wanted to(for some one else) won the reward in a company of 4000 employees then.because i knew i could.

-having the knowledge i have but having to suffer for it being the way i am because i don't care what others think about me. i mean come on(how many more time am i going to get asked for ID here, just irritates me).

-now it's huge trust issues that's why i behave the way i do here, coz i don't trust no one no more apart from myself and my loving parents.

-this is a good one, having after defending other for human right, risking loosing my good paying job and having a showdown that was known to 3 countries, i won. I still think about that one.. but he's too powerful. besides, he's done a lot of good as well.

-the usual boring stuff of helping others, animal, life, bla bla bla

-haha, having phycho's trying to bring me down.. yes.. that is an acomplishement. too many stalkers and crazy ppl out there

-having the gift to learn and accept, as we are, all life forms, there is always a reason. I know why i had my past, i understand it now.

-being labeled as a nutjob(when others are the ones with mental issues), judge before being known. I didn't want to tell, because I didn't need to. i already stated, my story is a sad, pitiful and plain dumb story.

Why i write here is because i'm trying to make you understand, what i understand. Because knowledge should be shared. Thanks all :)
Posted by jinny, Wednesday, 17 November 2010 5:10:24 PM
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What was it i cannot explain here.. because it takes to long and i am limited with my time spend here.

But i hope you all who read this realizes how much caring and sharing makes a difference. Life is a mystery. If you're interested go read my older post. I am still trying to find someone with the same views as me. I am still searching. In the mean time, I do what i have to do, when i have to do.

I think about my past, and everything seems so clear now. I get joy out of making others smile. I always have, always will. But should i still fight this battle? My FB is such a great tool.

We get caught up and lost in our own thoughts and believes. Who is right or wrong, only we can decide. The world does not evolve around you, we evolve around the world. I saddens me to see how much some humans have stop caring. Especially since I decided to move here.

dang.. that's too depressing.. write about something else.

Friendship: you all have build up a kinda friendship here, it's obvious to me, some are love/hate, some are good. but it is friendship, you just don't realize it.

and i appreciate your friendship.

Strong bonds have been created through the internet from my knowledge. It takes time, effort, trust, care, and love. I know of other like me, who have made sacrifices to strangers that the have never met. There is always a risk. It is always your choice.
Posted by jinny, Wednesday, 17 November 2010 5:24:06 PM
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i am learning, i am reading n understanding. I cannot come up with ONE IT. Everything happened for a reason. Different time of the day i focus on different things. Why I am seeing a psychiatrist is because I wanted to. I want to get a diagnosis of what happened to my brain. I don't need to get cured. but i cannot shut down, like a computer, i don't have the power off button.

so many things means so much to me. I relate everything to my past. When you share, your secrets, you don't realize what you are doing, you don't realize your words means a lot to others.

This thread, I see and feel what others share. They share a good lesson. It is that, that makes us individuals. It is great, for me to read about your lives, because all it does is to teach me about humans. I try, as best as I can, and I hope to make a difference. That is all.

What it was, doesn't matter anymore. What matters is what we can do, and what it IS.

We learn from out past mistakes, we all want things to change(not complaining, i had a great day, got tasks done)> but the difference is what we can do for our children's future....
Posted by jinny, Wednesday, 17 November 2010 7:48:02 PM
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Jinny you gotta stop and take a breath honey.

I’m having trouble keeping up with what message you wanted to get out here.

You can’t decide on one “it”? One does not shine out as the moment you can recall that really meant something?

The first one you mentioned was saving animals. Nic also named saving animals and how it made him feel.

Something particularly human about most of the “it’s” so far. Except for Houel flying maybe.

Emotions revolving around an achievement, making a choice, saving another, staying in control, making a mark in history, seeing something no one else saw, a stroke of luck.

Al stands out for me, because I think he got a fright, all through very human actions but his moments that stayed with him were ones that could be shared with most of the species on our planet. Startled and shocked because something unforeseen but big and loud happened.

My theory – well I don’t have one I just find it fascinating.

I was expecting “the moment I first held my child” , “my father taking my hand one day when I was scared”. Maybe they will still come, the “it’s” that a cat or a bear could also share.

Nurturing another animal isn’t something other animals do, a uniquely human kindness I believe
Posted by The Pied Piper, Wednesday, 17 November 2010 8:47:03 PM
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Piper you should look up a TV series called The Street.

I think you're pushing a bit hard here girlie. People have private lives and it's a bit presumptuous to expect random's to spew their guts. Also as I said before, you just cant list things in hierarchical order.

Oh, I remember a story. I went rafting one time with this group of people who I had been travelling through Africa with on a truck tour. For some reason this chick on the tour took had taken a disliking to me and she led a few of the others to also be pretty bitchy for most of the time. (Looking back I reckon she wanted me to pay her more attention, but that's just my take on it. Maybe I smell).

Anyway, after going down 20 odd rapids trying to stay in the boat we were all exhausted by the end. So then we are told we have to carry all the oars and boats up this massive hill with a soft dirt trail in 35 degree heat to get back to the truck. Nice end to the day.

About a third of the way up she was really struggling carrying her gear in front of me, and even though she hated me and everyone was struggling too, I for some reason decided to carry all her gear and mine up the rest of the hill for her. I know it means I'm a walkover, but she was struggling so much and she was quite young and small and it seemed the right thing to do at the time.

This was the end of the 2 month tour and I was never to see her again, but on the way back in the truck I saw her gossiping with her friends and I overheard this guy say 'He's a nice guy man, I've been telling you that from the start of the tour'.
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 18 November 2010 8:24:47 AM
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Piper, If I may interject here.

I'm a she, I figured that the spelling would have given it away (Nic as opposed to NICK) but apparently I'm wrong lol.

You're not the first to make that mistake...perhaps Nikki would have been the better way to go..

ah well.
Posted by Nicnoto, Thursday, 18 November 2010 9:03:13 AM
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