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The Forum > General Discussion > I know your busy would you change the world?

I know your busy would you change the world?

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I can't believe you're still going on... sigh.. well, whatever brings you joy. I hope this does.
Forgive and forget.. that is pretty hard. Even I can't do that. I can only forgive. Forget, NEVARRRR! lol
I can forgive now so easily.. because I understand the reasons I was hurt. I understand why others hurt me. What's the point of holding a grudge? Goinna get you somewhere?
Move one already.. get on with your life. You're wasting precious time. If you ever get fixed.. in years to come, you will look back at this point in your life, and you will laugh about it.. oh, and also regret that you wasted so much time going on about all what's in your head.
Go out, have fun, you don't have to do a Melbourne Cup day thing. Go to the park, enjoy the sun, enjoy the nature, enjoy the people.. GO OUT! You are ADDICTED! (deep voice) Get out of here JOHAN..... :P
Posted by jinny, Tuesday, 2 November 2010 12:00:11 PM
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is most mergy-full

The spiritual/world
and our inner-world..operate by similar laws

life from life

[the ability to give

We already the spiritual world, far as our thoughts,
feelings,..creativity...and similtude..and responses are concerned.

The which the spiritual/world operates,
whether that is...of l0ve/heaven..or the discord..of hell,
are the same which our present inner_states..of life operate.

love/hate..emotion..caring/the joy of sharing

This is because..the spiritual/world
is the final which our internal states..have full expression.

What we think..and intend
unavoidably becomes what we say..and do.

Our own free choice..determines our ultimate..spiritual state;[h..or..h]
that is,..we ourselves*choose to..exist in heaven or hell, is solely
determined*by..our intentions and actions..[that we].

Thoughts..and feelings originate
from ..the spiritual world

[our do..this..thought
ot that...[its OUR choices]

It appears to us..that our thoughts..and feelings..are*..our very own.
According to Swedenborg's theological writings..the truth is otherwise,

and..OUR do[make real..or not>>indicates the relationship
between the spiritual..and natural worlds...we make real..or not

All..that we think,,and feel-
-whether positive..or negative-*the_spiritual_world*,

which is,..after all,..our true/dwelling place,
but we are accept..and retain these impulses
or to disassociate..ourselves..from them...

WHENEVER ..we so*chose
[or not]

we gods...real-time..the ever/now
whenever..the the end
we all get it now

gone fishin]


(From Presenting Swedenborg:..A Roadmap for Readers,
by Julian Duckworth.

Reprinted with the kind permission of..the Swedenborg Association..of Australia.)
Author: Ian J. Thompson,
revised 09/06/2010 14:25:35
Email: IanT at

edited/ under god
this day...[now
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 2 November 2010 12:09:02 PM
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ok jinny...i went out..talked/walked...and thought...anyhow i guess what you said back..finishing up..some loose ends

it seems..gone west has..a say..on the issue..[that concerns you]..about me

but i will let...'My medical friend explain.

‘One of..our chief to divert the mind..of the
patients..from too much concentration..upon themselves.

Many were very selfish..or at any rate self-centered folk.

Religious mania..or excessive likewise
the cause..of many of..these cases being here.

Wholesome,..soothing amusements,..will dispel the morbid trait in their characters,..and..are therefore..of the greatest value.’

“Leaving him,...we passed into a comparatively small room
in which..was a patient

My medical friend said:..‘This is a strange case,..and shows how strong is..the power of the mind..and even the remembrance[of the physical-body..after material-death.

“‘This woman’s mental her previous-life..took the form of a belief..that she was a cripple..unable to walk...There was nothing..organically wrong,..yet by degrees, this hallucination grew upon her,..she became crippled..and misshapen even as she is now.

Had/the disease..been a physical one..she would have left it behind death,..but it is purely a mental one,..due to a morbid life seemed to take..a perverted joy* gazing at the misshapen..and crippled.

This she did not..from any motive..of sorrow..or help the sufferers,..but out of a morbid curiosity...For the rest,..however, she was neither..a total unbeliever..nor yet evil by nature,

few cases..such as this..come to us here:..they are,..I understand, more Hell.’

“I..(H.J.L.)..inquired,..‘How do you treat her?’
“He...‘Mainly by magnetism..and mental suggestion.

We are prove to her..that her spiritual body..need not reproduce..the defects of..the physical one.

Most spirits readily grasp that fact,..but..her mind has become so overclouded..that she cannot as yet..grasp it.

However,..even the most obstinate cases..soon yield to treatment here.

What does/seem to take a long the education..which is afterwards necessary.’

“We passed through other rooms,..through long wards
and into..lecture-rooms..where doctors were giving lectures..on medical subjects. some/of..their talk

some spirits..come here..whose minds have for long been clouded,
and these need treatment.

“Mental cases may be roughly divided..on follows: —

The latter..fall into at least three divisions:—

“1. Lunacy..caused by physical defects,
(a)..early,in life
(b) life.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 2 November 2010 10:11:20 PM
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lol..[mine must* number..'b'...?]

ok contuinue

“2. Lunacy evil life,[or at least..evil passions.]
“3. Lunacy..caused by..religious mania..[and such/kindred mental disturbances..and..lack of balance,..e.g...excessive sorrow.]

“With regard to idiots..(..No. I)...The some kind of..physical defect..and its that..the a greater..or less extent..comes here ignorant..and in need of teaching.

The less knowledge..they possess,
the lower..they will start.

If they..have no..knowledge..even of God..and a future life,
they will the top-most division of Hell.

You remember,..however,..there is no*real suffering..*there.
There they will be taught in special schools,..not with either the babes..or the evil souls..who are progressing.

“Some idiots,..however,..have been able/to..acquire some knowledge of God..and a future life,..and may come to us.

Contrariwise,..they may have sufficient be
responsible..for turning consciencly..their back..on faith,..but these are rare.

“The whole..of this group,..however,..owe their mental difficulty to some physical,..not spiritual defect,..and therefore,..once clear of the physical,..need teaching,..but not medical/treatment in any form.

“Group II,..the lunatic,..includes..(a)..and (b).

In the case of the former, all depends..on ..of spiritual development..they had attained..before the physical defect occurred..which rendered them in*sane.

In the case of those..thus afflicted in early life, is probable
that they will have to the..‘elementary’..schools in the seventh division of Hell,..though;..of course,..they may know enough to enter..our realm..and go to the secondary/schools.

In all probability,..however,..they will*not..have had time to commit many sins..for which they will have*to..undergo penance.

“Those afflicted later..will have had time..alike to acquire knowledge..and therefore faith,..and some..time to do evil..for which they will have to suffer.

Their spiritual/development, short,
will be that which they had reached
when the insanity.came upon them.

“Of course many so-called lunatics,..even when lunacy
is due solely to a physical/defect..or injuries,
are not completely responsibility for their deeds.

Often only/part of the brain is affected,
and in that case..they may appear normal..except on one or two

These shades of insanity..are settled automatically.

The spirit feels...
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 2 November 2010 10:21:29 PM
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[feels] need..of remorse..for offences..*intention..of committing,

and..for cannot be thus..held/fully..responsible for.

It..of course,..regrets any evil..that may have been its being control..its body,..just as/a motorist..would grieve...or feel guilt/remorse..if his motor ran away and hurt someone,..

but..that would not be..the sense of..moral*guilt..which would*..attach to him..if the accident fact..due to his racing..or other dangerose act..done*deliberatly...[by willfull..intent*].

“Of course..there is no*..possibility of..*

“This type of lunatic..takes up his the point at which..the accident occurred/which deprived him..of his reasoning ca[acities.....

He will suffer..for his misdeeds also..up to that*point,..and after,..*so far as*..he was responsible*.

“Mental treatment..will not be necessary these cases,..merely education.

“Before passing to the next group,..let me remind you
that many so-called..maniacs are..really unfortunate beings..who are obsessed..{haunted} other spirits.

For the crimes committed by*..these..*through the maniac’s physical organism..the unfortunate man is,..of course,..IS not responsible..directly.

He may,..however,..have to suffer here..for them indirectly,

in so far was..his*..evil life..
[AND ATTRACTING..THOUGHTS}..that evil take control*.

“When the responsibility..goes so invoking aid his nefarious purposes, did the ancient wizards,..the moral tremendous.

This is/indeed one of the worst crimes possible,...for which mental but the/commencement..of retribution.

This type..of obsession..naturally leads consider the/cases 2 and 3.

“2...Lunacy caused by..evil life..or at least..passion IN THE WAY/..MEANS TO VILE.

This group very largely goes to/Hell,..but of course not all.

It is these latter..who chiefly need* our well as ordinary education...Spiritual pride..and even commonplace conceit..are potent factors..for rendering people well as..the more obvious vices,..such as drink and perverse-lust...obsessions

“These sufferers..must not be confused with the cases..of obsession just mentioned.

“No...3 are often very difficult cases..with which to deal...Of course the simpler forms..soon..right* simple truths..often tend to heal..

Thus sorrow soon loses..its sting here,..and any physical defects/caused by it..are left behind..with the body.

Very little treatment..would be necessary in/such a case.

On the other hand,..religious mania..
is often..very difficult* eliminate.

It is/none..the easier..{more didficult}....because such persons
are often..strong believers,..and would ordinarily that realm.

They have,..however, come to the our realm..and there remain/till cured.

It would be useless..for them to go to the realm..of belief without acts,..for they..
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 6:46:00 AM
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would be utterly incapable..of seeing..any any other religion..until the religious-mania..and its attendant evils..have been eradicated.

Then,..of course,..they..go to..their/natural..realm of existence.

“Without spending any more..of your time..discussing these matters,
I will now/proceed to of these hospitals.

“I was taken a man who during life..had been a great mental specialist.

“The building was placed..amid the most beautiful surroundings,
which seemed to/breathe an atmosphere of peace and rest.

“I mentioned this..impression to my friend the doctor,..who replied:
“‘Quite so;..quiet,..soothing surroundings..are the first essentials
for dealing with any..kind of mental disorder.’

ok..this will lead..back to a certain/hell...of miss-belief

..of all the banal/twaddle..I think that concert was the worst.

“I left as I could,..and seeing a picture-gallery,
entered it..without expecting/much satisfaction,..and was not disappointed.

All the rubbishy the world..seemed to have been gathered together
and hung on the walls of..this ugly,..pretentious building.

“I then my guide,..who had,as it were,..concealed his natural brightness,
and,..led by him,..made my way through mean streets..towards the center of the town.

Here/I entered..a very ugly brick/church..built in the pseudo-Gothic style.

“A service was being a fat,..slimy sort of parson,..who seemed to mouth..his a succulent,..unctuous manner..which irritated me intensely.

The service was/not..absolutely discordant..or blasphemous;
it was merely..hollow..and unreal.

The prayers..were gabbled possible,
and it was..obvious...that there was no*..real belief..behind it.

It was merely..a form..
carried priest..and people..

*because it was/..considered..the proper do.

“I will give you..a few of the phrases..
which struck his sermon:

“‘Above all, dear brothers and sisters, must keep this great city..clean/..of every form of
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 10:24:16 AM
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