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I know your busy would you change the world?
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Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 4:27:58 AM
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one under god: Everything you have posted is true. Do you proposed that we don't sign documents that bind us with conditions? How do you get away with not signing a birth cert? Is that possible in any developed country? How to we change the power and control we have to live with?
Posted by jinny, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 5:24:27 AM
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Intriguing thought, Rusty Catheter.
>>Such early testing would add a likely 10 years to the life of roughly 30% of all western-lifestyle people and possibly more in command economies that forcibly applied such testing. That'll do me. The merely monetary cost, obviously, would be enormous.<< Not only that, but you would be contributing substantially to the ongoing overcrowding of our planet. With even more old people. Ludwig won't be happy. "Of course, continuous rapid population growth makes it a whole lot harder to wean ourselves off of our dependency on oil and to reduce emissions, no matter which alternative energy source or combination of sources we might use." But as far as the question "how would you change the world?" goes, that's pretty powerful stuff. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 8:24:51 AM
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I thought your topic header was cute. My response is genuine. What I proposed is a perfectly reasonable thing, desirable and perhaps technically feasible. It is certainly what I would change about the world if I could, as it would lead immediately to a feasible blood test for cancer-causing somatic mutations. I assure you my terminology may be a bit dated but accurately describes some necessary components of all DNA analysis. Conspiracy theories about HIV are not helpful. Monitoring the virus, and mutant sub-populations of virus within a patient is already useful, just inconvenient. I would change this. Rusty Posted by Rusty Catheter, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 8:54:10 AM
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OUG I am not sure how to change the world but I know a less corporatised world would be my first in the wish list. Where corporations no longer have the power to dictate to governments and where vested interests tend to favour a small elite.
A world where the environment is valued as essential to human wellbeing including more attention to overpopulation and economic inequity that leads to disenfranchisement and poverty. I tend to like the idea that Gilbert Holmes approached in one of his articles - a more cooperative system that ensures many essential services are owned by the people and where the profit motive does not impede efficient delivery of services that are assumed by the payment of taxes. This can be had while still valuing and rewarding entrepreneurial endeavour but not at the expense of a greater goal. Perhaps overall a shift to an emphasis on the 'WE' rather than the 'I' but not so far as to stifle individual creativity or freedoms at the personal level. A shift back to really valuing our children and ensuring they are able to be raised in healthy and happy homes and that the push for 'adult' freedoms does not outweigh the rights and wellbeing of children. Too many issues to list here but that is some of it in a nutshell. Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 9:10:49 AM
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good/points..pelican got/some..great-ideas just simple/ones..will do..or even..complicated we need..the heavy-hitters in/on..this [ok i know...people/wont-listen..but try] jinny/quote..<<Do you/propose..that..we don't sign/documents..that bind us..with/conditions?>> i cant that/jinny im/trying..but its..a hard-road a contract...needs-be..two/parties..signing if your..the only one sign... thats begging in writing...[applying]... we are being bound..into a legal mine-field... our sig-nature[mark] and..the/next..[lower-realms]..[if its the contract/specificlly] <<How do/you..get..away/with..not signing..a birth cert?>> thats the..neat/trick...we didnt/sign.. our parents..signed..then/we-were..required to we but lets..egsamine..just/what..we being true we signed..the details..of our birth..true but we dont as true,from our/own..'first-hand'...knowing thus/legally..its here-say..that we/trust..or were/ believe..true [if the/govt..cant how can we?] <<Is..that any..developed/country?>> yes..its a clever...scam... they claim the/ act/..on our-behalf [via founding-documents..but courts..dont recognise..them as binding on..themselves...its only..the delusion..they feed-us fact-is..if no injured/party.. courts authority see/how..houses are/being..reposessed...via court/order thats only possable..because we..remain/ignorant..of the law were you in/ could point-out.. they only got..a copy..of your-title only got a copy...of your contract and copy...isnt first..hand/proof but..because no-one/is point-out the absurdity..the judge gives his/order..[recall-how..possesion is 9/10..ths the/law] then/police..act on..'the-order' then the bank..has..' possesion' yet thus-it..quickly cashes it-in..sells/it..[again] here/is..another/ signed..a con-tract a pay...that;..has value... in allowed/ CREATE..the cash they/ its[mark]....that MAKES,..the/money even worse..they..on-sold..the blue-ink..con/ security thus the..fed/made the cash...and then/securitised..the blue-ink con-tract... and got/the cash-back.. then/still-want...more/cash..from us [because/they onsold,.,.[securitised..all the contract..and origonal title..that/is the isnt in court.. [ your/others..super.. or who/ court [except..i noted..the last/time..i had-to sign.. they wanted..two/copies[both origonals]..... and they kept/both its illegal..but what/ya..going to-do? lawyers..make/laws former-lawyers/judge..the court even made/'s and guess what...over/half..your polititions are..or/were..lawyers and by..applying..[begging] vote we give/them..power of attourney..over-us[to/act-on...our behalf] <<How do/we..change the/power and control..we/>> either..dont sign...anything [refuse..all] or their/game just love/neighbour love god..[keep..the love] and soon..we/go-to..the better-place [this is..after-all..only/satans-realm] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 11:12:38 AM
but we get the govt...we deserve
[just as we get the docters/medical system...
we earn/by not questioning authority]..more later
raw...mustard makes some good valid points
corperations...[especially multinational..ones...
that are playing their games...beyond..national control mechanisms
need to define...who's authority..they claim to be subject to
[to wit...where they got their incorperate
determines the rules they ARE bound by]
multi/national registration..nessitates obeying multi obligations
binding it to each claims regestration in
no regestration..specificlly
in any/binding/obligated juristiction..
SHOULD_mean..they cant do business...there
and yes polititions..and business...
should be held fully accountable
[to whom much is given...etc]
if govt isnt serve its people[and THEIR estates]
and chose to serve treason..that needs to be accounted for
the free-market must/ code
for irresponsable/un-accountable/beyond a-full accounting
rusty..<<I would like a..(DNA)..mutation/detection-system..that/can detect..a single..random/nucleotide-alteration>>dream-on..rusty
see/that would need a mean-type...or an ideal
and were getting close to the germanic obsession/there
if you/dont-meet..their/idea-of..perfect measure...
what do you recomend[termination?]
<<in/a..150 base-pair..oligo-nucleotide..when mixed..with ten million oligos..corresponding/to..the "wild-type".>>there is no wild-type i know-of that has 150..base-pairs
but mixing...ten/million..oligo-nucleotides
sounds like the..mythical*...genesis-soup.. the defunct/theory of accident...that escapes science..actually replication..their theory
..revealing the lie of evolution
<<Such/a..detection-problem..exceeds/the resolution..and sensitivity of mass-spectrometry>>>and any-other destractions..of science methodology...but at last we agree
<<The monitoring/of..the acute and residual-effects..of mutagen/carcinogen..>>>is the fact we..all* millions..of them..[one/in 200 cellular a mutation
[and science cant/ from..the other] couldnt evaluate docters/making medical everydat/omnipotant..errors in<<workplace accidents>>>let alone..<<..long-term smokers>>>noting diesal/wood-smoke are the two highest-causes of lung-cancer.
<<HIV>>.was introduced..into people..
via..using..monkey-serum..and live make polio-vacine made bird/swine-human their bacteria
medical malfeasance...all round
<<The..monetary cost,..obviously,..would/be..enormous>>> WAS..
and still-is.
and no expose..their complicity