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The Taming of the Shrew

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Belly and Foxy,

Your blind faith in Labor is touching, but the poll advantage is razor thin, and is only achieved by assuming all the opposition's policies.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 13 July 2010 5:08:59 AM
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I would like you to truly consider this Shadow Minister.
Blind faith?
Do you truly see blindness in our posts?
Look at mine, show me your posts that highlight failures in your party.
Ask your self why you indeed never take the stick to your team.
All views have value, but sometimes not equal value.
Your view that Foxy and I are blind is at the lower end, it however proves something.
It is you who are blind.
To other views than yours.
This election is yet to be won,,,,,or lost both sides as you point out can win.
Yet you seem to think only your wishes and wants should be heard and seen.
Post election SM, post a loss I saw a year ago, post Abbots leadership, you need to find time to educate yourself about politics.
See the real blindness is forgetting those needed to change governments are not ALP voters not Liberals.
But swinging voters.
They will not be won by unrealistic faith in your leader, read his polling.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 13 July 2010 5:30:19 AM
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See the real blindness is forgetting those needed to change governments are not ALP voters not Liberals.
But swinging voters.
I have to partially agree with that however, the swinging voters at times have enlightening moments at election time & cast their vote in the Right direction.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 13 July 2010 5:59:42 AM
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Well the Shrew will get tamed pretty soon

No East Timor Solution

Nauru, with the facilities we paid for standing idle

it looks like the Howard Government solution is going to tame this Shrew like a whip on the bum of a horse.

Of course, with an election coming up and a list of failed policy initiatives from dead insulation contractors to a non-centralised health system, non-installed internet censorship, empty school halls, dimulous payouts and profound failures in almost every portfolio,

The swinging-vote electorate will start to think of the halcyon days of the liberals when their worries were about which restaurant to go out to, not whether to buy sausages or cheap chops so they can afford the escalating, government controlled, heating bills.

isn't socialism wonderful

the pious, hand-wringing, self-righteousness of opposition

replaced by grand-incompetence when in government
Posted by Stern, Tuesday, 13 July 2010 9:16:58 AM
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It's Socialism by Stealth!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 13 July 2010 9:31:06 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

It's not blind faith at all as you suggest.
The voters simply cannot afford to lose
what they currently have.

It's not the policies during an election that
count, but what the elected government does
after the election. The past record shows
that the Liberals don't care about the voters
that elected them but only about big business
that keeps them in power.

Most policies tend to change or be forgotten
after the election. New programmes are developed
after the election so we vote for the Party that
gives first consideration to the needs of the
majority of voters which appears to be the
Labor Party. Let us not forget why the Liberals
lost the last election, and why their leader
lost his own electorate. The same people that sat
on that front bench are still sitting there today.
Nothing has changed.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 July 2010 12:15:05 PM
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