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The Taming of the Shrew

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Yeah well, besides the obviously inflammatory title, I pretty much agree with SM here too. This is getting to be worrisome.

<< I so badly want Julia to be good PM.

But she’s suddenly looking very wobbly! >>

Don't worry Ludwig - I won't rub it in too much :P
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 9 July 2010 9:06:23 AM
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And labor claim that the libs have no talent to chose from.

If this is what labor believe is talent, the libs are lucky.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 9 July 2010 9:57:24 AM
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<< Don't worry Ludwig - I won't rub it in too much >>

Crikey CJ, aren’t you being just a little premature?

Gillard will no doubt slip up to some extent, and probably to a very big extent before too long, and appease your apparent desire to see her fail. But she hasn’t slipped up yet, she’s just developed a mild case of the wobbles!

So… you really don’t want her to be a good PM, eh?
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 9 July 2010 10:40:11 AM
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It would be nice to think that Gillard could be a good Prime Minister - but, let's face it, this was a pretty big spin-out. I do recall, however, (although not specific instances offhand) that the Howard Government made many similar stuff-ups - and they manged for the most part to recover - after all, voters are extremely suggestive and easily led by the nose.

My major problem is the arrogant and condescending manner in which successive governments tend to treat our smaller neighbours. Aderito Hugo, a spokesman for Mr Gusmao's CNRT Party in East Timor, was quoted in the Australian as saying: "This Australian approach doesn't consider us a sovereign nation. Australia seems to regard its smaller neighbours as puppet states."
I agree with him.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 9 July 2010 10:53:47 AM
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Ludwig, I'd really like for Gillard to be a good PM. However, early indications aren't particularly inspiring - most particularly this cynical dog-whistling on asylum seekers, which she seems to be bungling anyway.

I also agree with Poirot. There's something disturbingly neocolonial about the way the Australian government regards its neighbours with respect to asylum seekers. Australia is the wealthiest country in the region, and fobbing people who seek asylum here off on to struggling developing countries with little infrastructure, and significant problems of their own, smacks of exploitation to me.

It's not me that's being "premature" here, Ludwig - I'm waiting and seeing, and it just seems to get worse. As I recall, it was you who jumped the gun somewhat with your exuberant approval of Gillard, based on her rapid deployment of the asylum seeker dog-whistle.

I'd still like her to be a good PM - despite her initial blunders she's still slightly better than Abbott. But she'd need to do a lot better than she has so far.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 9 July 2010 11:20:07 AM
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<< It would be nice to think that Gillard could be a good Prime Minister - but, let's face it, this was a pretty big spin-out. >>

Poirot, I agree, it was pretty sloppy. But when you compare it to Rudd’s phenomenal blunders or to Abbott’s very hardline insistence that the Libs will just turn all boats around, it pales almost into insignificance.

<< My major problem is the arrogant and condescending manner in which successive governments tend to treat our smaller neighbours >>

I’m not so sure about that. Our smaller neighbours want as much assistance from Australia as they can get. Australia wants their political regimes to be stable and good for their people and we strive to use aid and diplomacy towards those ends. Yes, some people will interpret that as being overbearing and not showing due regard for others countries’ sovereignty. In the very difficult arena of international relations in our region, some criticism is inevitable, but I really don’t think Australia is doing too badly. Relations are generally pretty good.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 9 July 2010 1:34:43 PM
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