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The Forum > General Discussion > The Taming of the Shrew

The Taming of the Shrew

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Anything with 'green' in it.. involves socialist re-construction of society and the redistribution of force. (or in this stealth)

......and bob brown,s power gets even stronger! The time for power and greed is over! " redistribution of wealth is exactly whats needed as the gape between the rich and poor continues.

David. shssssssssssh..........just don't tell the honey makers.

Bob is the only winner! Just who do you trust? Its your mob that voted the clowns in, so make your bed and lay in it.

Vote! Green! or you can vote for tony the toad, or Gilly, the very silly.

Posted by think than move, Friday, 9 July 2010 9:32:23 PM
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Has it ever occurred to any one to wonder if this particular shrew is worth the effort.

Every day, as she becomes better known, she is showing herself to be totally inadequate. I think she is proving, she is just not worth the bother.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 9 July 2010 10:28:52 PM
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Have to get the oar in the water here hasbeen what makes Julia an outstanding leader is Abbott.
This country will never put him in charge in fact while not spelt right Rabbott is descriptive.
Now both comments about greens are way of the rails Boazy pedals that push bike of his but needs to consider putting wheels on the is going no place.
TTM informs us greens [home of middle class higher income voters]is the answer, bloke they are not even the question.
Foxy it will be that ambition that both drives her to succeed and in time on to the rocks.
She while sharing the load better is not unlike Kevin.
After the election and her first cabinet is chosen,by her, I will have more to say.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 10 July 2010 5:58:25 AM
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I for one fail to fathom a mentality such as yours. How much more does Australia have to go down the drain before you put blind party politics & artificial imaging ahead of competence & reality. Put forward just one labor policy which has had a good economic & social impact. I'm not talking about Government hand-outs & the likes but good practical policy. Just one please.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 10 July 2010 9:06:15 AM
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It appears that Paul Howe, Belly's "man of the future" is not altogether enamoured with Julia’s position of asylum seekers.

And here in lies a dilemma for Belly, & other true believers. It’s the “man of the future” -- let them all come here -- Paul Howe, against the woman of the moment ---process them off shore --Julia Gillard.

This could be very messy.

Psst! Julia, a word of advice:
”Beware of [Wayne Swan].
Watch [Bill Shorten].
Don’t go near [Martin Ferguson] .
Keep an eye on [Peter Garret].
Don’t trust [Anthony Albanese].
[Don't censor] [Stephen Conroy].
[Paul Howes] doesn’t love you.
You’ve wronged [Kevin Rudd].
These men all have one intention, and it’s directed against [Julia]. If you aren’t immortal, watch those around you. A sense of security opens the door to conspiracy. I pray that the mighty gods defend you!
Your friend,
Posted by Horus, Saturday, 10 July 2010 9:53:09 AM
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In the center of the Capital
Where the chambers are large and deep
Live the most peculiar creatures
That you could ever meet

They're known as pollies, of all descriptions
Of every shape and size
Some have ears that stick way out
And phony puckered smiles

Most of them think they're rather smart
Perhaps it's 'cause they're male
Although the way they think and talk
Is actually quite stale!

We need a change the voters cry
Someone who's game not lame
Perhaps the time has really come
For the PM to be a dame?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 July 2010 12:00:56 PM
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