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Forum Rage

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"Ask Pelican".

Good attempt at wedge politics there.

Don't ask me because you are a bit of a troublemaker but quite harmless. In fact sometimes when you are actually making an on-topic comment you display a lot of good commonsense.

Pity we don't see this side of you more often.

But I still love you and can see you need lots of cuddles.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 4 March 2010 10:55:31 AM
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I'm sure Houellie needs cuddles, we all do.


The one who is most in need.

Is Antiseptic.
Posted by Severin, Thursday, 4 March 2010 1:21:13 PM
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Just to prove I'm not a 'me too' CJ's Grannie wore witches britches, and he's not a good looking as me! So there! :-)

Small group politics?.... Mine's is an ini after my op and sometime gets fluff in it there's also half(?) a smartie..... hmph! a bit stale... We *are* naval gazing aren't we, anti? :-o

See ya on the flip side.
Posted by examinator, Thursday, 4 March 2010 1:57:54 PM
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I would be more concerned about a small group that is forever trying to enforce its world view and opinions on others.

It is called group think and some of the symptoms are stereotyping others, cat-calling, self-censorship, mind-guarding (enforcing blind adherence by not allowing alternative views from being presented) and illusion of unanimity. Taking it a bit further, it is the behaviour that is found in cult members such as Heaven's Gate.

It is no surprise that there are regular appeals from this group for opposing (construed as adversarial) views to be penalised, censored and the person/s concerned to be removed or preferably banned.

There is no surprise that Antiseptic is pursued by an easily identified group or that he is tagged by its members with an array of offensive nicks including the scurrilous title of 'Antiwoman'. It matters naught that he is in fact challenging certain laws and gender feminism or radical feminism, he perceived to be a threat and must be greeted with cat-calls or worse.

It follows that anyone else who might express a view that is opposed by the small group is likened to 'Septic' or 'Antiwoman', as Pynchme and C J Morgan have regularly done to me with various offensive nicks.

Like others who have also make a similar comment over time, I cannot see any convincing evidence that Antiseptic is opposed women as a gender, however I would not always believe that of the tag team that usually opposes him who insist on generalising about men despite appeals to be specific and use the qualifier 'some'.

Gender feminism and radical feminism are abominations, presenting a jaundiced view of men and boys that was always alien to mainstream feminists and women.
Posted by Cornflower, Thursday, 4 March 2010 2:45:18 PM
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Mmmmm Cult.
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 4 March 2010 2:48:52 PM
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It is interesting though. How come if some of you can admit antiseptic has some valid points and can be articulate and has intelligence, and you all being the huge 'contribution' junkies wanting to further the knowledge and understanding of all human kind via OLO, cant you just ignore and look past this supposed 'abuse', and take the baby and leave the bath water.

Since you cant, that reduces it to what cornflower is saying. Pure in-group peer pressure. No different than laughing at antiseptic because he isn't wearing dunlop volleys.

And if the 'abuse' is so bad, why do you return fire with the same sort of gear?

No generosity of heart, no loving human spirit. Just a bunch of mean girls, wanting to rule the school.

OLO; The Journey of antiseptic.

You guys make this guy the pin-up kid of the whole site. For what? I'm much more interesting.


explain how it's supposed to work. Does it involve flexibility?
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 4 March 2010 3:06:27 PM
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