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Forum Rage

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Same Poirot and Foxy,

C.J. has always been polite even if we disgreed on something. What I admire most is his courage in stating his opinion even when it means copping alienating flak from some other fellas. He doesn't follow some sort of bonding ritual.

Examinator and Belly (I have disagreed with both of them too) and a few others are the same - they can joust a bit and exchange opposing views without being foul.

Lots of nice people here actually.
Posted by Pynchme, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 11:32:23 PM
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You would stake your reputation on that eh, Pynchme?

You wouldn't like your blunt weapon to get damaged either.
Posted by Cornflower, Thursday, 4 March 2010 12:37:53 AM
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Antiseptic< " Starting to HTFU, I see. Good for you."
Well, thanks for that praise. I'll take it when I can get it!

It's rather ironic that a thread entitled "Forum Rage" should mainly star the ever enraged Cornflower (aka Pornflower).

It's a wonder 'septic hasn't taken Cornflower to task as the star that outshone him in his own 'rage' thread!
Posted by suzeonline, Thursday, 4 March 2010 1:04:48 AM
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Well cornflower I do not take offense but carried on a bit in other threads about the foot soldiers bit.
In truth very many over the years have complained about too much politics here.
I am often charged because of my basic Labor stance that I am biased and therefore biased beyond worth taking notice of.
I firmly think we are not seeing much rage here, and we need not change much.
Dare I say it? is there room to be rude to be honest?
Worst offenders to good conduct,,, are not using rage, toning it down a bit nore are they using the brains they claim are better than others
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 4 March 2010 5:22:47 AM
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Well, as predicted by Graham and myself before the topic was approved, the thread has degenerated.

As usual, the dog-whistling from Severin was just too much for CJMorgan to resist and it went downhill from there. Well done you two, it must be hard maintaining such a low standard at all times. Not so hard for you, obviously little fella...

Belly:"it took a lot of hard work.
From you
To get me not liking you much."

Amd just think, to get me not liking you much all you had to do was answer the dog-whistle a couple of times. I guess I'm just naturally more likeable.

Actually Belly, I do quite like you, but I don't much like your tendency to whiteknightitis, which often manifests as an unfortunate case of brown-nose, which seems to be contagous. I don't have much time for your beloved unions either, as you might have noticed.

Examinator:"Your views on family law etc are well know "

You've noticed! Have you also noticed that they tend to be diametrically opposed to the view put forward by the victim-milkers?

My postings on Family Law are intended to highlight the "special pleading" and "appeal to emotion" that is relied on by women before the Law. It always fascinates me that the law (not just the Family Law) holds men more responsible for their actions than women in nearly every way. I won't go further into it here, it's not the appropriate thread, but I may start another...

Snake:"they often reflect my own."

Aren't these sites great? They let us pick and choose and only read what we want to read. Perfect for those who don't like to think much, especially if they only read the Dog Whistler and her faithful lap dog, Butch...

Pelican:"We could all be more self-aware. "

Not me. I'm perfectly well aware of my state of perfection...

Cornflower, don't mind the little fella, he's just overcompensating for his fear of men by hiding behind the nearest skirt and yapping as usual.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 4 March 2010 7:36:09 AM
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Now all that "small group dynamics" is out of the way...

Severin:"I loathe a bully,"

But you quite like ganging up, don't you? To me there's a great deal more intellectual honesty and basic courage of conviction in standing by one's individual words and views rather than relying on a chorus of "yeahs' and "me toos" for validation.

Here's a tip: if there are several ganging up on one, it's not usually the one who is doing the bullying.

If you don't like my posts, you have a simple remedy - don't read them. I made you an offer in another thread to stop offering you insults if you stopped offering them to me. Your response was yet another insult. No worries big fella, at least we know where we stand, eh?

CJMorgan:"I'm quite capable of putting idiots and boofheads in their place."

And how do you do that? By making what you think is a smartarse one-liner from the side of your mouth as you head for the door, hoping desperately noone hears it, except perhaps a couple of the "ladies" sitting in the beer garden? What a man!

I'd like to like you, CJ. I suspect that we actually share a lot of common ground. Unfortunately, you never add anything of value to your posts, not even your intended put downs are interesting or original. Try to loosen up, you might even like it.

Cornflower, I'd not worry too much about CJMorgan's efforts to puff his little chest out. It's not as if his claim is actually credible.

Belly:"is there room to be rude "

Yes, if there is a point to it. A post full of name-calling with no content would be a waste of time. However, speaking for myself, I never do that. I do seek to provoke and to rididcule where it is deserved, because I have found that it sorts out those who hold genuine well-founded views from the mere hecklers, of which there are many.

It's a shame that so few of the hecklers seem to possess any wit at all.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 4 March 2010 8:24:06 AM
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