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Forum Rage

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How unsurprising that you choose this thread to try and pick a fight with me (yet again).

You tried to insinuate that I'm a "loud-mouthed, violent drunk" whom "women rightly fear". Anybody who knows my posting history here will know how risible that insult is.

However, as I usually do with Cornflower, I'm not going to play. My previous post was pretty much how I would respond to some waspish old cow who said something like that to me in polite company. Indeed, as I said above, that is my general approach when dealing with idiots and boofheads.

That's about as violent as I get, and know woman I know fears me. Quite the reverse, actually :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 8:38:32 PM
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Dang... I meant "no woman I know"...

Mind you, "know woman I know" is an interesting phrase - sounds like a song :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 8:44:50 PM
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Dear Cornflower,

Why would you assume that CJ made aggressive threats?

All he said was, "As the dialogue descends in quality,
I'm quite capable of putting idiots and boofheads in
their place..."

You interpreted that as aggression?

There are other ways in polite society to get a point
across apart from gutter language - which not only
demeans the user of the language but shows a rather
limited vocabulary and intelligence. Neither of which
are CJ's traits.

Perhaps you've missed out on exposure to civil behaviour.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 10:04:53 PM
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I was also a little puzzled at the conclusions you drew from C.J's post, Cornflower. I haven't been posting here long but have always found his manner to be measured and polite.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 10:39:31 PM
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Why shouldn't anyone who makes the sort of statement that C J did not be questioned? From a normal reading of course it gives considerable scope for the interpretation that aggression was being his proposed solution and yes, CJ is often brusque and arrogant in his replies to people on the forum. He says so himself, although he is also quick to excuse himself through blaming the other party.

It is usual for CJ to set himself up as the standard of sensitivity to which other men on this forum ought aspire and I don't take one step back from my challenge of him to explain himself in this case.

That he should have expressed himself differently was shown by his immediate correction to, "Dealing with offensive boors at dinner parties is best achieved calmly and soberly".

For myself, I would prefer to think that C J was puffing up his boofy manliness when he said he was "quite capable of putting idiots and boofheads in their place".
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 11:18:32 PM
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Poirot, "I haven't been posting here long but have always found his manner to be measured and polite."

He just hasn't got around to you yet. For instance, it is par for the course for C J to call people disgusting names, referring to me above as 'Pornfower'.

Disagree and win a label.
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 11:25:01 PM
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