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The Forum > General Discussion > What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

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Protagoras and Pericles – I thought you were friends? Wiki told me…

But anyways, we could stop breeding all domestic beasts. I love rats, always had pet rats – super clever. Oh I’m wavering… something decent could be done about getting rid of rats.

All of them, pets, food animals, scientific ones. No really honest or good reason to have a single one. (that I can think of at this moment)

Exam, you are fascinating. If I chose one of the other 6 breeds of hypoallergenic dogs do they also include the other traits I prefer? I am trying to work out if you mean my choice was “apt” or “daft”.[grin]

Last Miniature poodles I saw in a little pet shop two weeks ago were 1,600.00 each – I bought mine 14 years apart and they both cost 400.00, any idea why these amazing price jumps?

I know it makes no difference and I am just waffling but I don’t like them looking like poodles and get them groomed to look less poncy.

My 14 year old poodle is now blind as the vet says most dogs his age would be and other than that in brilliant health so now I’m thinking he should never have been fixed as he must have some good genes. Yes a pox on Paris, for many reasons.

Hey my son did not get custody of his dog from his ex girlfriend – phew.

Foxy hon, sorry to hear of your loss. If you had a dog allergy you would treasure the "oodles".[smile]
Posted by The Pied Piper, Wednesday, 16 September 2009 8:01:39 PM
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I'm in favour of RSPCA muts where appropriate. But good luck finding a suitable dog for PP specific needs.
And yes the emotions are the prime mover. Like I said, "we educated" customers.
Most pet shops don't hence we didn't make as much money as we could have.
Bums on mats worms? no. Most good shops worm dogs.

There are a few alternatives.....anal glans full 2minute job. with rubber gloves or once a year at the vet at injection time.

The food causing irritated bum skin. Change of food would make a difference solve the issue.

It could be the same as a boy baby playing with feels good and they can.

There are bigger dogs too that can cope with being on their own Bouviers are one. They have a great capacity to be trained but can be idiosyncratic and need to know where they sit in the pack (family) hierarchy.

I did say that one of the best temperaments I've seen in a dog is the medium sized mut from across the road. It is alone most of the day. To me the owner's fault is that it never gets walked(unless I do it) and it never gets inside with the rest of its family. But it doesn't complain.

Whether the dog is a mut, a pedigreed or near too is irrelevant what is important is that you love it and are prepared to do the work....Take it for a run with you each morning and depending on the style of dog it'll be happy and well.

The reason dogs are better than humans is they wag their tails and not their tongues. :-)
Posted by examinator, Wednesday, 16 September 2009 8:11:40 PM
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Fractelle – Perhaps “Antagonist” would have been more appropriate for my new name?

Whoops here I go again!

Examinator – How do you perceive the stupidity of only a “minority” when RSPCA Australia warns?:

“Topics on the latter invariably finish up badly and counter productive in conversation mode.” Awww…..lighten up Exam - I'm having a “rage!"

Attributing behavioural problems to specific breeds, is a furphy. If you want to lock a dog in the backyard with a can of Pal in the evenings then you will get what you deserve. If you say: “No dogs allowed inside” then don’t have one! I haven’t caught anything yet! These pack animals must have company and chit chats every day - human and/or non-human.

Now one of my favourite arguments is what these breeders (and pet owners) feed to their animals – bloody dried biscuits for the term of its unnatural life, with ingredients unfit for canine consumption and recommended by the likes of Dr Harry. How would you like to live on dried biscuits forever? Cancer in canines is rampant!

Now the racket of vaccines for this and for that – phooey! My 13 year old mutt was a street kid for a considerable time. He initially lived with the fringe dwellers before the animal abuser got his mitts on him. A friend (a veterinarian), after administering the parvovirus vaccine, advised that “Fido” would have been exposed to every ailment known to canines so don’t give him another vaccination, which I had not intended to anyway but I appreciated her advice.

Say "NO!" to boosters!

A neighbour’s shepherd became epileptic after his vaccinations – now on medication for the rest of its life. Another has to inject her pedigree dogs several times a day because they are both diabetics. Good people but they fail to hypothesise on what could have gone wrong.

Veterinary "care", pet and animal breeding industries are flourishing, however, I recommend reading the following links for those who remain unaware of what we may be doing (unwittingly) to these poor critters:
Posted by Protagoras, Wednesday, 16 September 2009 8:44:59 PM
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On this topic we all agree on one thing; well-being and health of animals.

We put forward our views from every imaginable direction.


I don't see that Protagoras has been any more discourteous than your good self. Clearly you both care - you just have different solutions. We are unlikely to become a pet-free society any time soon and I do believe that sharing our lives with animals is intrinsically a necessity for some humans. We all know people who just don't relate to animals at any level and would never dream of sharing their home with one. For the majority of people, we need that interaction. I am some what puzzled that you are so passionate about companion animals but less so about all the other animals we breed, exploit or consume. Your energies would be very welcome in aiding the latter.


I am sure you were the epitome of the responsible pet-shop owner, however many aren't and I continue to be selective from where I buy pet food and other products. Perhaps you could spend some time at an animal shelter - they do get every breed there, if someone is willing to be patient they will find a pet to suit their requirements.


I had a cat who would warn me when strangers came on to my property and was fiercely devoted to me, he was with me for 18 years. I often thought that having him desexed was a waste of good genes, however since his passing I have taken on 2 more rescue cats, there are just too many unloved, uncared for animals that the only responsible thing is to have your pet de-sexed.
Posted by Fractelle, Thursday, 17 September 2009 9:14:29 AM
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I agree with your point that cats receive far more denigration than dogs or foxes when discussing the plight of native animals. Cats are simply being cats - to hate them for being what they are is illogical. We brought cats to this country, we are responsible.


I wish I could get my hands on your PC - how ancient is it? Mine dates from 2001 - I think it is just a matter of the right software and you would be able to watch videos. You may just need extra memory. I wish you all the best, the cycle of life and death is natural, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Posted by Fractelle, Thursday, 17 September 2009 9:15:00 AM
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I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't.
If I remind you of this sites rules and the well founded reasons for them I'm being anal, a policeman et al and stifles conversation. If I don't, the topic turns into an animal rights free for all I want neither.
Non distracting asides are a matter of common conversation and don't bother me nor should they.

The point that you miss is that willful and continued raves, rants tend to stop or distract conversations. Pericles at least, having put in his/her 2cents in was considerate enough to let the topic roll.

As I suggested, if you feel your topic is more interesting then start your own.

As for 'lighten up'...that at best is disingenuous given the tone and (over stated) content of your rave despite my pleas to you for perspective.

Let's be clear here, you often have useful contributions to make in this case it simply wasn't a contribution .

FYI I am currently putting a submission together on this topic and thought the topic might be interesting enough to be worthy of the collected wisdom of other OLOers.

Notwithstanding the above I do hope you will continue to contribute to my posts.
Posted by examinator, Thursday, 17 September 2009 9:27:13 AM
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