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Is God back?
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Posted by Master, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 4:00:08 PM
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Don't bother, Master. I know it's tempting, but there's no point:
If you try to demonstrate to runner the surreal absurdity of his statements, he will take that as confirmation that he's telling such palpable truths that you were stung into reaction. Let runner's ignorance beget everyone else's ignorance of his posts. Posted by Sancho, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 4:23:35 PM
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Dear runner,
Evolution is basic to all life sciences. Christians, even conservative ones such as Pope John Paul 2, accept evolutionary science. Anglican Bishop Tom Frame, Director of St Mark's National Theological Centre and Professor of Theology at Charles Sturt University wrote "Evolution in the Antipodes." The book deals with Darwin's attitude toward religion, the influence of Australian wildlife on Darwinian science, the influence of Darwin on Australia, Creationism and Intelligent Design in Australia, religious attitudes towards Darwinism and Victorian England's responses to Darwinism. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 4:45:45 PM
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i began a topic one allow prove their theory,..asking only that they provide proof of life from nothing[chance]..abiogenesis...this was not the end
and that evolutionist of evolution of genus[NOT SPECIES] darwin wrote evolution of species...noting he DIDNT write evolution of GENUS... because evolution of genus simply hasnt happend..[has never been recorded] not valid..even as a science theory..[let alone faulsifyable science fact] yet simpltons..who never bred two things their life..believe its science..[but none of you can quote any science for abiogensis..nor genus evolving...this dosnt stop evolutionists pratteling blindly on about proof...but there is none yes seagulls have ring species that evolve,..and yes bacteria has evolved..into the canus[wolf] evolved into canus[dog]...but all within the genus...not ever is recoded any mutation into new genus there are 7 so called gap fossils..[that prove nothing..[being only bits,pieces[part fossils]...and drawings..that may THEORETICLLY have evolved fingers...but no where is recorded..a cold blood mutating into a warm blood..[no where is recorded a fish/water breathing cold blood..mutating into a walking airbreathing warm blood..because its scientificlly simply hasnt happend..hasnt been recorded and NEVER been replicated i couldnt care less if the pope BELIEVES in it..[its simply not scientificly validated..nor were taught the theory as children..and never bothered confirmuing the facts..thus got suckked into a deception [DONT GET YOUR INFO FROM THE MEDIA..its need's suckers to believe liars in lab coats, make GULLABLE FOOLS/..con-sumers..THAT BELIEVE IN EVOLIUTION..AND WHITER THAN WHITE... [BUT ITS LIES..IF evolution is FACT..[yet..again]..PRESENT YOUR PROOF Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 5:14:44 PM
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You confuse me! Do you mean the cristian god? the muslim god? the indian gods, or the greek gods? All regilious persons believe that their god or gods are the only one, the real god/gods. Is it any prove that their god exist, that their god is the only one, the real one?
I suggest to put all religious talibans in a desert and leave them there until to find which god is the GOD! It is seemed to me that there are two main gods. One who created the world in 6 days and the other god who have grabed the power of the first god and he condinues the creation! Something like CRONOS and his son ZEUS. Religious persons, religious talibans believe to the first god, atheist believe to the second god, who continues the creation of the universe. We are lucky the second god allows us to learn his secret and soon or later we will learn how to create life and big parts of the world. Us we learn more the current god weaken and weaken.. Soon or later we will learn enouph to understand that the god does not exist, never existed, that we created him to cover our weaknes and fears. EVIVA THE DEAD GOD OF OUR FANTASY! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 6:40:37 PM
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antonous, cannot make life..[it cant even..'make'..a cell membrane..[it needs to empty out a even make a clone] know how scientific that are mad-hatters..[in lab coats]..,fooling people..that in a few years../they will cure cancer..[i been hearing that one/..for twenty years or more]
when will people realise..all these faulse/god..replacements,..mearly played tricks on athiest/ try to make a godless..theory..[so fools..will think god didnt make life..fools[ was a fluke..[an ACCIDENT..] they/science/fools will say it was..'natural'../selection..explain[how scientific is..'natural'...or say/ was survival of the fittest..[boy thats reaL SCIENCE/method..ISNT IT...the fit next they say..small mutations..make big changes..[but 99.9 percent of mutations kill..or are damaging to the mutant cell..[cancer is a mutation..[for egsample] but here is the joke..[we got trillions of cells that make up just your/our nervous system..[science says one in 400 a mutation,..meaning you got millions of mutations..just in your brain study of darwins finches/..proves there is thick beaks or thin beaks DEPENDING SOLELY..on wether last season was dry or wet..[they found that there is a constant flux..between its genomic the finches NEVER become not finches ok..? to what god is...god is that life/force..that makes your billions of sperms live..[once you were a sperm]=energy[that cant be created NOR destroyed..... see god sustains all living want to know../god study life[not dead words in dead books..[god lives in real live-time...through all time..till science..realises../life can ONLY come from life...they will never get god..[despite god sustaining..[them too] live] you ask what/..who god is ...think of the unity of gods breath..[spirit]..spirit/sustaining life...just as one computer can hook into the acces the whole/web..[so each life..hooks into life can live..god is light..[light sustaining life..via logic..[logus]..for life to live.. or think of religions../like wells..sucking from the same water..[but via different wells]...or think of electricity../flowing into you..[via your belly button]..,..sustaining your heart to beat...[sustaining your mind to think...activating your nerve impulses... as soon as science loses its attitude..they might describe god better...till then..know..that we do../ the least..we do to god...if any life knows../then god knows Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 8 July 2009 11:20:09 PM
1) Caring for Planet Earth is NOT "worshiping" Planet Earth
2) Not believing in a deity does NOT mean a person cares for Planet Earth
3) If a person cares for Planet Earth it does NOT equate that they therefore must be "acting like animals"
Runner, there are people who claim to care for this planet who are pedophiles, murderers, rapists and thugs JUST as there are people who claim to be Christians who are pedophiles, murderers, rapists and thugs.
Conversely runner, there are people who claim to care for this planet who are thoroughly decent individuals JUST as there are people who claim to be Christians who are thoroughly decent individuals.
Runner, you seriously need a reality check and need to understand life and people as they "really" are - - - - NOT as you "believe" they are.