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Have the Libs. lost the plot?

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Dear Foxy,

I know these are tough times*
Yep, especially for companies to provide jobs.
That’s what the stimulus package is for isn’t it ?
It shouldn’t be the soul responsibility, of Kevin Rudd or the business owners.

*Regarding staff buying their own uniforms - I guess that would
depend on the policy of the business*
Good heavens Foxy, that’s why we are here -to ‘look’ at those policy’s’
That was the question whether or not we should change the policy. ?
That’s not an answer Foxy... Please just say what ‘you’ personally think.
(I will ask again.)
Dear Foxy, under the circumstances, do you agree we could ‘all help to keep jobs in Australia . Should we be taking some of the pressure off companies?
Maybe buy volunteering purchase our own clothes boots etc
… If not why not. ?

Please explain to me why you feel ‘you should buy ‘my boots clothes gloves just because you were good enough to employ me.
I put it to you union officials could perhaps work as guidance advisors and councillors discussing in private each owner’s position along with each of their members . I know If I* could ring my companies union rep and say, hey we are in trouble to keep the doors open – can we talk. If the rep then sat with me and discussed ways to retain my business and those peoples jobs I would welcome the change. If my union official then said to my workers ok boys lets all work to keep these doors open- Who can afford to bring their own gloves and buy their own boots this year- Hands up

That would be a good union Foxy for workers and all Australians. Instead we have the poor man verse rich man mentality. Good unions must be led by people brave enough to say what they think and preferably with a big heart.=

Belly said
*However, yes it is a good idea the thought we should donate, bet every one of us who can have done so already.*
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 16 February 2009 4:09:00 PM
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You know you unionists just don't get it do you.

Pale has suggested that workers should provide their own sunscreen, clothing, safety boots, hats etc, after all, they can claim it back when they do thier tax.

The real point is though is that these items, although appearing to be small, when mulitplied add ip to a great deal of dollars.Let's say $400 for the point of the excercise.

Now what happens is a company quotes on a job. They take into account ALL expenses, add thier margin and bingo, up comes the end price.

So all of a sudden your tiny little $400 investment X 200 WORKERS becomes an additional $80,000 added to the cost of the job which when finnished, with the margins added in blows the job out.

Well dome you union activists, you have just raised the cost of your own house, road taxes, the list goes on.

Posted by rehctub, Monday, 16 February 2009 4:18:07 PM
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It's easy to see who are the "employers" here, isn't it (although PALE, I suspect, does not employ anyone).

There is a difference between the provision of essential safety equipment, which (as I pointed out earlier), is usually within the provisions of awards or other industrial instruments and legislation, and uniforms which may be the choice of the employer. If an employer expects an employee to wear such items where there is no other adequate reason then the employer should provide them.

Rehctub, I think your reasoning is a little flawed. The costs you describe are the costs of doing business in this country. Those costs include compliance with all relevant legislation including OH&S statutes. If you're that concerned about it, perhaps you should be asking Rudd and the State governments to drop some of the other taxes on doing business. Safety should never be a matter of compromise.

Employers who pay employees the minimum under awards, or worse, negotiated AWAs (which are now illegal and may or may not have passed the so-called "fairness test" - and plenty didn't) should not be expected to work in unsafe (or unhealthy) conditions under any circumstances. They are unlikely to be able to afford to buy their own safety equipment. It is not negotiable.

There are reasons for Occupational Health and Safety laws. If you two can't get your heads around that you shouldn't be even thinking of employing people, whose safety would clearly be at risk if you had your way.

The unions with whom I have worked have always negotiated. You just may not have liked their terms. Vilifying them is not a good look in terms of a basis for negotiation or compromise.

Posted by Nicky, Monday, 16 February 2009 5:23:40 PM
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Rechtub I expected better from you, truly I understand your biases against workers.
Yes not just unions ,tell us again how you love those who work for you but the truth shines a different light on you.
Do you buy butchers aprons? knifes?
Do you understand it is not union law but O H and S law?
That it in fact costs more than you quoted price to outfit a construction worker?
How you rechtub can blame unions for this is beyond me, another ? yes I understand some are so completely lost they can not be blamed but you?
In the 1970,s Australia began to import from England a new way of Occupational Health and Safety.
IN the 1990s we had adopted Thatchers system near word for word.
Now it still is the basic system we have, an employer has to consult with his employees on safety, spend an amount on training, and if he/she has enough workers form a safety group, meeting monthly over looking job safety.
Union have nothing to do, nothing , with PPE only to see the employer obeys the LAWS
again however it gives me great joy, truly, to see you and another jump in the deep end without being able to swim, understanding an issue is a good idea before slandering any one.
Nicky, regards, you know as I do you waste your time with that group, but thanks for the support a side issue taking the thread away from its path but how new is that for some?
Recommended reading work cover NSW that will get you to the site then type in PPE interesting stuff worth a read.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 16 February 2009 7:01:15 PM
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GEE can we get away from that word uniform? its PPE.
Construction workers are out in the sun, rarely any roof over their heads.
They mostly work 6 ten hour days, often 12 and near jobs end 7 days, standard issue is 5 high visibility shirts, mandatory on site
two pairs trousers now mostly long and mandatory.
Hard hat ditto, glasses safety ditto.
winter jacket or jumper.
Gloves work ditto, this has been the case for a very long time, nothing new here.
You will be sacked for not wearing any of the above, forgot ear muffs, sometimes plugs as well as muffs, again no wear no job, so tell me again about evil unions?
you have to laugh just have to, look too at the work cover page for information on construction amenities lunch rooms, before asking workers to eat on their lunch boxes in the sun
thoughts rechtub?
Posted by Belly, Monday, 16 February 2009 7:16:23 PM
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I don't understand what your problem is quite frankly.
Some companies provide equipment, other employers
leave it up to the workers to choose. So what's the

If you're suggesting that small businesses
would save on jobs if the workers provided their own
equipment - I'm sure that some employers would be very
happy if the workers were to volunteer that option.
But as I said in my previous post - it's up to the
employer and employee to negotiate what will suit them
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 16 February 2009 7:45:18 PM
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