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The Forum > General Discussion > Islam Watch refutes Irfan Yusuf on Ramadan Jihad

Islam Watch refutes Irfan Yusuf on Ramadan Jihad

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I have to agree, Fractelle.

>>occasionally I like to demonstrate Polly's inability for self-reflection. And (sorry Pericles) the posts are very boring.<<

I am constitutionally unable to resist taking Boaz to task for his whack-a-mozzie antics, and such is his method of argument, we quite frequently find ourselves in this pointless chain of him saying "look, see?" and me saying "you're kidding, right?"

But it is fun to see him give free rein to his second vice, that of self-aggrandizement. If this part of his ego isn't fed, he tends to start threads himself, to describe how he accosts people in the street with his evangelist hat on, or is attacked by rabid dogs in the park.

But you raise an interesting point.

Does this "demonstrate Polly's inability for self-reflection"? Or does it merely highlight his intense self-interest?

The two are by no means mutually exclusive, of course. It is simply a decision which of them is demonstrated most fully in his posts.

The response you got to your question here is particularly illuminating. Well done.

Typically, he fails even to attempt an answer, but takes you off on a fanciful journey through a ("you be the judge") encounter with a horrid "socialist activist", to an imaginary conversation with a Christian gay, whom he apparently considers a Satanist.

But only once does he get close to answering your question "Do you consider yourself to be... etc."

Most people would say "well, yes, actually I do" or "not really, I'm a bit of a tyrant"

But not our Boaz.

The closest he gets is to describe himself as loving, although he appears a little confused as to how this integrates with insulting people. He has no view on whether he is meek 'n mild (I get a hint, though, that he might like to be considered butch and tough), and clearly does not understand the concept of tolerance and acceptance of others.

So your mission is accomplished: he clearly is totally incapable of self-reflection.

I'll try to be less boring in future. Thanks for the rap over the knuckles.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 15 October 2008 7:52:48 AM
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Pericles - thanks, I do understand your reflex to "whacka-mozzie" I have similar gut reactions to other topics...

I am very pleased with Poly's answer, except not for the reasons he would like to think. Yes, there is a massive ego element and yes, his religious belief is highly qualified and conditional.

Poly if you were capable of introspection you would've given a very different answer. A shame you lack the insight needed for such illumination.

The truly worrying fact is that it is people with Poly's frame of reference who conduct such campaigns as "Islam Watch". If you look for fault, that is exactly what you will find, I just wish these people would start with themselves first. I do believe that Jesus said something similar about throwing stones.
Posted by Fractelle, Wednesday, 15 October 2008 9:28:55 AM
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Personally, I find Porky's equation of gay Christians with Satanists astounding, even from him.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 15 October 2008 9:39:08 AM
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I am glad you got a reply from Pauline. Thats more than we got from you.
David I know you received our invatation to work with Australian Muslims on this progect. You can deny it until the cows come home.

If 'you' David ' continue 'to 'divide' Muslims from ordinaray Australians the results should be very clear.

If you really ``were`` a Christian you would CHEER a programe working together WITH Muslims in Australia to improve Animal Welfare while forming strong business ties and friendships.

Its time for Church Leaders to speak out about Animal Cruelty.

Its WELL past time

Are Muslims the only ones prepaired to do something to slaughter in Australia to stop Gods creatures being subject to tweleve weeks on death ships with temperatures over 50 degrees!?

Oh, and so often David we hear- "Those cruel Muslims driving live animal exports.

No David
How about the TRUTH= The cruel Christians sending them- all the while church leaders keep their mouth shut tight afraid to loose there scraps of Government hand outs.

God must be furious with the Church Leaders of Australia. (As they say for 30 bits of shillings a man becomes a rat!)

Doesnt show much faith does it.? After all the good Lord COULD if he wished turn that 30 shillings into 30 billion along with the fish and wine.

It us ourselves that are trying to do Gods work David by speaking up for his creatures and trying hard to form bonds of understanding and strong friendships.

It is YOU who wants to keep posting Anti Muslim Threads.

Search your heart and be honest just for once.

What is driving you David is total fear.

Goodness can be found in all men and women along with evil.

Think about it.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 15 October 2008 10:29:07 AM
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Dear Pale.. my turn :) I replied with a 'thanx' to your email..and I suggest that your inablity to find it is evidence of a tech error at ur end, or.. maybe ur looking for specific support for your cause. I tend to avoid moving too far in that direction as I have my own very time consuming causes. But I wish you well in yours.

FRACCY.. you asked me a question and I tried to answer it with real world experiences. What in the world do you expect in this 'written' type forum? grrrrr... "Oh yes..I'm an egotistical, megalomaniac who only lives to incite fear, hatred and loathing of non me" :)

The truth is.. you mob allllways confuse the following:

CONFIDENCE= arrogance & EGO.
DISAGREEMENT= incite fear, hate and loathing.
INFORMATION= selected word bytes designed to produce maximum social carnage and dislocation.

We will continue to disagree on those issues... no biggy, after all it provides a platform for a lot of rather smart remarks :) (generally of a negative nature and directed at yours truly)

What price entertainment eh?

FH has now characterized me as a mad bomber :) (fertile imagination there old son) Pericles has me as a 'wannabe Mosely' and CJ welllll.. he has many names for me.
My 'hsyteria detection' meter is crashing on the full scale deflection stop.

The Marxist moron I encountered yesterday was a few sandwiches short of a picnic... as soon as one points to evidence, it was 'rant' time... how predictable.

PERICLES ERROR.. yep..I'm repeating this because he has been shown to be a dill by my response, and he chose to have a 'whack-a-me' rant instead. "Oh.. you cannot reflect ner ner" kind of thing.
Doesn't change the fact that he asserted "no context/sounds like a bluff" and I showed him his error with documentation. Oh wait.. that sounds like 'arrogance' :) *Hangs head in shame*
Posted by Polycarp, Thursday, 16 October 2008 7:07:51 AM
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You're like a dog with a bone, Boaz.

>>PERICLES ERROR.. yep..I'm repeating this because he has been shown to be a dill by my response, and he chose to have a 'whack-a-me' rant instead. "Oh.. you cannot reflect ner ner" kind of thing. Doesn't change the fact that he asserted "no context/sounds like a bluff" and I showed him his error with documentation<<

It's time to bury this one.

I'm pretty sure your observations refer to this little exchange:

Me: "For the zillionth time Boaz, I have absolutely no interest in, nor do I share your enthusiasm for, random excerpts from an ancient text. You can regurgitate as much of their content as you like, it does not represent evidence to me."

You: "BINGO :) *You can regurgitate as much of their content as you like, it does not represent evidence to me.* Dear Pericles...that rather says it all :) It represented evidence to Justice Higgins... he paid very close attention to it... but for you ? nah :)"

I agreed with you that [random excerpts from an ancient text] represented evidence to Justice Higgins, but gently pointed out that he was overruled by the Supreme Court.

By your logic, that makes a dill out of both me and the Supreme Court of Victoria.

I'm quite happy to be in their company, rather than yours and Justice Higgins'.

But I may be wrong, and you are referring to some completely different issue.

Was it perhaps your attempt to smear the RMIT Islamic Society's campaign for a prayer room? The one that is supported by both the RMIT Christian Union and the RMIT Jewish Union Society? Or the one where you equated their activity to Al Qaeda atrocities in Iraq?

No, couldn't be, I didn't get a response to my observations on those.

>>Pericles has me as a 'wannabe Mosely'<<

We can at least agree on that.

Have a hate-free day, if you can.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 16 October 2008 7:51:58 AM
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