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The Forum > General Discussion > Bra Snapper, Chair Sniffer Party

Bra Snapper, Chair Sniffer Party

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“Do you think a grown man who can stoop to something as puerile as this has the calibre to make a good political leader?”

Yes, absolutely Bronwyn.

Puerile it may have been. But again, it wasn’t illegal, it wasn’t a significant code of conduct breach if indeed one at all and it was essentially victimless. So this needs to be put into context with the honed skills, natural talents and overall effort that was needed to become leader of an organisation as significant as a state opposition party.

“How could anyone entrust leadership to someone who shows such poor judgement and exercises such lack of control?”

Was his judgement really that poor? His antics were meant to be humorous. They were meant to appeal to his colleagues. I dare say they did at the time and within the context that they occurred. And they were not meant to be offensive to any individuals.

This doesn’t in any way reflect his ability to make important decisions. Afterall, he is the leader of the WA Libs…. which means he’ll be making appallingly bad decisions about the state’s political direction anyway, due to that party’s awful continuous-expansion-based dogma ! (:>|

The same should apply for politicians as it does for public servants and private employees. That is, they shouldn’t feel vulnerable about losing their job due to something that is (one more time) victimless, lawful, non-COC-beaching, not serious amoral or unethical… and essentially inoffensive.

Let’s reserve the sackable offences for serious things like misuse of public monies for private purposes, child pornography, etc, etc

Of course, I’ve got to say, that if we were really effective at sacking people for showing poor judgement, we would have sacked entire governments for their rush-towards-the-cliff style of governance and installed sensible sustainability-oriented parties years ago.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 May 2008 8:13:59 AM
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Julie Vickers says:

"I detest mockery and ridicule so please leave Troy alone."

Yet s/he is the one who put him up there on the dunking-chair of OLO in the first place! Here is where s/he did it: Read the whole post (and while you're at it, the whole of the thread if you really want context), but note particularly the last sentence.

Ah the warp and woof of OLO 'life'! I am in agreement with CJ Morgan and Ginx on this one. Julie Vickers is almost certainly a troll. That having been said, one must remember that a convenient label is not in every case the correct one no matter how seemingly easy it may be to apply. (Or how elevated the applicant! Hehe.)

I believe OLO users should leave room in their hearts for Julie, for Julie may in fact be a socially isolated idiot-savant working away in an obscure backroom somewhere where all the real politically manipulative decisions and implementations are crafted. Perhaps, on occasions, knowing what s/he does, it just becomes too much to hold back. Only the uncensored outlet of OLO provides the momentary relief s/he seeks; conscience being salved with the knowledge that most of the shocking truths revealed will pass harmlessly over the heads of most. Footloose and fact-free, Julie's dull life in a back-room is momentarily escaped on OLO.

Perhaps a musical accolade is most appropriate; not 'The Boys from the Back-room', but, in deference to his/her OLO persona:

"Julie, Julie, Julie do you love us?
Julie, Julie, Julie do you care?
Julie, Julie, Julie are you trolling?
Julie, Julie, Julie where's your chair?"

Must go now. Gilbert and Sullivan are calling. I can hear music, OLO village people! Hark!.....Iolanthe? No, the Mikado!

"I am the Lord High Executioner, da-da da-da da-da da-da da da-da-da ....."

Pure gold from a former time! Fourteen ounces, Troy weight! Too true.

Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Saturday, 17 May 2008 9:53:31 AM
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"Liberal MP Murray Cowper confirmed yesterday he was involved in an “incident” with troubled Opposition Leader Troy Buswell amid rumours the Vasse MP grabbed him in the crotch during another embarrassing indiscretion on a drunken night at Parliament House."


That's hot off the press folks.

"Deputy Liberal leader Kim Hames said he would urge his colleagues in the party room to move on from muck-raking."

And therein lies the problem. The party don't want Buswell "Esquire" either. So much for cohesion eh?
Posted by dickie, Saturday, 17 May 2008 10:05:09 AM
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Nice one, Forrest :)

Whatever 'Julie Vickers' is, s/he invariably provides entertainment which may even have a more salient dimension, as in this case. I'm fascinated at the defences of the odious Buswell that run along the lines of 'yes, he behaved in a really tacky and puerile manner, but it's not actually illegal so there's no reason why the WA Liberals shouldn't retain him as their leader'.

That is, of course, undoubtedly the message that the WA ALP would like to spread. With a tasteless boofhead like Buswell as Opposition leader, the ALP government is very unlikely to lose an election.

Vote 1 Snapper Sniffers!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 17 May 2008 10:44:20 AM
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Yep bring it on. The public has been yearning for a new type of politician for years, that's just what Australia needs - more snaffy snippers in Parliament.

Seriously though, you have to wonder if posts like this are the work of public affairs staffers wanting to get some free polling gratis OLO on the impact of the notorious Buswell antics.

Too funny.
Posted by pelican, Saturday, 17 May 2008 11:28:24 AM
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Troy has re-written the rules, I believe that at a recent CWA conference he spoke at, the ladies were offering him their seats.
Posted by palimpsest, Saturday, 17 May 2008 1:48:35 PM
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